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if only i had one.
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i do nothing.
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Anime Fan Since
i would have to say pokemon.
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death note, naruto, fullmetal alchemist, bleach, rurouni kenshin, one peice, and buso renkkin.
i'll inform you about it the day i have one.
listening to my iPod, going on the compy, and hanging out with my bandos
Talents BAND!
| star wars fan
Tuesday, February 26, 2008
gosh. this place is so boring right now because no one's commenting or posting. it seems like some sort of fear till VV comes out or something. wtf?! its a deadbeat place. i feel like its one of those ghost towns in the old western movies where the tumble weed bounces across the screen or something. you guys do know you can post, right? my friend Keeper of Souls told me how. so for those of you who dont know, ill tell you know. okay. you know how they surgically removed theotaku from myotaku? well, all you have to do is log into theotaku and you're set. you can comment all the people you want. pappy? now for real news with megan. i had two big tests today, and i think i may have done good. the thing is, is that one of them is in science. the problem with that is that i did no hw in that class and we turned in hw packets.[its a packet with 10 assignments one the front that are signed off to the credit theyre fully worth and the actual assignments underneath that sheet.] i didnt do anything so i didnt turn in a packet. it scares me. i need to start doing the work now for that class or im gonna fail. did you know that it takes 5 A's to rule out one F in grading?! im so gonna get killed. im so scared that i wont do well or anything. but its also that its tough right now. my mom just got out of the hospital with having a tumor removed from her. she's put on bed rest right now so we kinda all have to do our best to take care of her. i mean, the only reason the doctor says she should get up is if she goes to the bathroom or is taking a shower in which case she has to sit down in the tub and have her bf wash her. so...yeah. i guess i have a small excuse...but not really. but it is hard. im afraid im gonna fail this class though. another thing. my bdays coming up here on march 19th. my pops is getting me an ipod. the thing is is that hes getting me a 4GB and i already have more than that on my itunes. he says in the case of this matter, i have to save up the $50 difference for an 8GB. the problem with that is that i was going to save up some money to go somewhere with my bf and his bro and his bros gf. theyre kool so no, it wont be awkward. i wanted to, but i wont have any money too. grrr. i dont know what to do! i mean, i dont have that much over 4GB so i could just not put some things on there. i mean...i dont know. ugh. so, yeah. ill leave it at that. well, ill be on and posting and commenting and PMing so feel free to chat.

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