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In a far off place in Demon world.
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Fullfiller of wishes
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Kiraku (or on my other site Lynette)
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Yu Yu Hakusho.
To become a famous artist
Drawing/writing/painting/annoying the living daylights out of siblings
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Tuesday, April 26, 2005
Some music!

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Hey everybody!!! I'm going to start making awards for those of you who work REALLY HARD on your sites here on the otaku! They are only for the otaku members who deserve them the most. If you see one out there from my other site (bladesofice) And wish to aply for an award then by all means do PM me and I'll check out your goods!!^^ Well take care I'm on the patrol!!
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Friday, April 22, 2005
The War of the Roses.

By: ME!!
Disclaimer: I don’t own any of the YYH characters!!! Don’t make me say it again!
Kiraku: Fair warning I have VERY bad grammer. So be nice or I will be sending Youko to cause you harm!

Have you ever had a weird day where everything seemed to get to you? Well my whole life seems to be like that. You see I’m a demon, a fox demon or youko to be more accurate. I sort of just found this out a few months ago when I turned sixteen. This is where I’ll start my tale when I had my sixteenth birthday; this was the day that altered my entire destiny.

“Katie-chan, please wake up!” begged my twin brother as he shook me. I glared my sleepy green eyes at his equally green eyes and stated very calmly “go away.”
“ But Katie-chan, we’re going to be late for school…” mumbled my brother. Then he got a mischievous look in his eyes “ Katie-chan if you get up I’ll give you some pixie sticks.”
I stuck out my hand at him expectantly waiting for the pixie sticks only to get dragged out of my bed VERY roughly by my brother… Oh he would PAY!!!! “ You dare defy the sanctity that is the pixie sticks!? How dare you!” I yelled but then stopped when I saw a short figure in my room. “Uh…. Hi, Hiei….” The short figure glared heatedly at me with his crimson eyes “Get up for school NOW onna!”
I glared back at him “ what are you supposed to be my mother? Because your attitude sucks!”
Off to the side in a corner of my room I heard my brother, Shuichi, groan. I smirked he really did hate it when Hiei and me went at it. But I loved to torture him, nay, it was a hobby. A VERY funny hobby.
Hiei gave me a death glare “ I would kill myself if I was your mother onna…. Because you’re a psycho path.” I let out a laugh at this “ oh yeah I am one thank you for noticing! But at least I’m not the psycho with the sword that refuses to tell his sister that you’re her brother!” In an instant I was pinned to the wall with the blade of Hiei’s sword against my neck. “ You’re straying on very dangerous territory baka onna.” Hiei warned digging the swords blade into my skin to emphasize the fact.
“ Hiei please stop,” requested Shuichi as he stood by us and glared down at Hiei. Did I mention my brother is VERY protective of me? No? Well he is. “ Yeah Hiei I have to go get ready for school!” I stated with a big grin of victory. Hiei growled and dropped me then sheathed his sword. I stood up and glared at him “ hey that was rude Hiei! Honestly, who taught you your manners?”
“ Shut up onna.” Growled Hiei as he leaned against the aqua colored wall.
“Sheesh Hiei your such a grouch.” I stated as I got my uniform and went to go take a shower.
I came out an hour later and kissed my mothers cheek as I left the house with Hiei and Shuichi walking with me. In truth I really did get along with Hiei, it was just fun to annoy my brother. Actually I only really did it to keep me entertained.
“ Hey Shuichi! Wait up!” yelled a male voice from somewhere behind us. We all turned around to see none other then Yusuke Urameshi and Kazuma Kuwabara running to catch up to us. When they did catch up to us Yusuke handed me a small box.
I took it with a raised eyebrow. Yusuke gave me a lopsided grin “ an early B-day present Kit-Kat. Just incase I forget later tonight, you know?” I smirked and nodded Yusuke had to have the worst memory ever in the history of mankind, but he was a nice guy. Not many people would agree with me but he is. So we all continued to walk to school together with Yusuke and Kuwabara bickering all the way.

Kiraku: Well there you go folks first part is done. Next Chapter will be up soon don’t worry! Now tell me what you guys think should happen ok??
Youko: How did you get Yusuke and Kuwabara to go to school?? And Hiei too?
Kiraku: *shrugs* don’t know……. Its just one of those things ya know?
Youko: I see….
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Thursday, April 21, 2005

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Hey you guys! I'm kinda using this site to store all my club stuff..... but have no fear!! I will constantly add to the site so your not all bored with it.... though I dont update it as much as my other site but.... uh....I find someway to make it up to you guys!!!
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
That's my insite for the day....
Everyone has a wild side it is when you start to let go of the past that you really begin to embrace it. Learn to live with your mistakes, they will help you live your life and really begin to grow stronger.
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
I'M SICK!!! No fair!!!!!!! I had to miss school today! I'm NOT happy about it!!!
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Sunday, April 10, 2005
 Which yu yu hakusho boy is right for you? brought to you by Quizilla
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