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Saturday, March 17, 2007

   Irish whiskey makes me frisky!
Like the new colors? Today I'm celebrating my Irish heritage! Woo! *stepdances* St. Patty's Day, the most important day of year, is finally here!!

It's the only day I'm allowed to go barhopping and get lots of free sodas and shirley temples. Next year I wanna be the DD. Hopefully I'll be able to drive by then!!

And yes, I'm planning to go to Ireland for my 21st birthday. Better start planning, it's five years away!

Also, since I've been using TheO to track my college saga (no, not the YouTube final fantasy parody College Saga [although it is the most amazing FF parody I have ever seen!]) I got accepted into college!! ha cha cha!! *more stepdancing*

And it's close enough to home to come back for St. Patrick's Day! Woo!

Have fun, and don't get too hung over.

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Tuesday, January 30, 2007

   Tee hee
So I got this wonderful new book, called The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks. Do you know what to do when you're riding on a school bus and are suddenly swarmed by zombies?? Pull out your AK-47 and kill them of course!

I actually only bought this book for the combat stuff (weapons, armor, on the defense, on the run, etc.), but should the dead ever rise you will most likely find me on an off-shore oil rig or a blimp.

Anywho, I just wanted to share a bit of it with you. This is from chapter 3: On the defense.

"Each home aresenal should include:

Rifle, 500 rounds
Shotgun, twelve guge, 250 shells
Pistol, .45, 250 rounds
Silencer (rifle)
Silencer (pistol)
Heavy crossbow (in lieu of silencers), 150 bolts
Telescopric sight (rifle)
Night-vision scope (pistol)
Laser sight (rifle)
Laser sight (pistol)
Katana sword
Wakizashi or other short-bladed sword
Two knives with smooth, six- to eight-inch blades
Hand hatchet

(NOTE: This list applies to a single individual..."

Well, I don't know about you, but I don't have all that stuff in my house. I think I have a .22 and a crossbow in my basement, and maybe an axe. As for the knives, should I just use my regular cooking knives or should I stock up on machetes? Also, where in the United States could I buy a real Katana? Or do I have to go to Japan to get it, and if so, how do I get it past customs. "Yeah, that's in case of zombie attack".

Anyway, if you've got too much time on your hands and fourteen bucks to waste, have fun learning how to kill the undead.

"But how do you kill something that has no life??"-South Park

^That was a great episode, no?

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Monday, January 1, 2007

   *Blows Party Horn*
New Year's Resolutions:
I will write in my diary everyday.
I will not write mean songs about my class in my math notebook.
I will not write mean songs about my math teacher in my math notebook.
I will quote obscure VG Cats and Red vs. Blue refrences less.
I will burn my hit list.
I will not drink Volt and Bubbly within two hours of each other.
I will stop standing on tables and yelling, "I'm a rebel!"
I will do my Afed homework on time.
I will not make small children cry.
I will learn how to use flash.
I will learn how to drive.
I will drink soda less.
I will not be tempted to smash anyone's iPod, cell phone or face against a wall.
I also will not lose my cell phone or smash it against a wall.
I will stop yelling "Bob Sagot!"
I will say "I love you" more and really mean it.
I will stop singing in public.
I will start kissing strangers more often.
I will stop making new year's resolutions.

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Tuesday, December 26, 2006

So, I just saw the Eragon movie...

*opens window* *sticks head out* *screams* I'M AS MAD AS HELL AND I'M NOT GONNA TAKE IT ANYMORE!!!

*closes window**grabs a torch and pitchfork*

Thank you for taking one of my favorite books, ripping out its heart, pouring a mixture of salt and lemon juice on to its open, bleeding wounds, leaving it for the wolves. I have never been more DISGUSTED with a movie adaptation of a book in my entire life. And I thought the third Harry Potter was bad? Pssh. That's nothing compared to this.

At the risk of ripping off STWPT:
I want my money back, I should've just bought cardboard
Cuz it would be less expensive and just as flat
And you can fold it into a pretty sweet hat
Hey, evil director, can Eragon do anything like that?!

One time I was with Stefen Fangmeier and we were just crusin' through Carvahall, you know how it is, and I said, "Hey looks it's Carvahall" and as soon as he looked at it, Saphira exploded.

Why did you do it man?
Why did you ruin Eragon?!
You're like the meanest EVER!

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Thursday, December 14, 2006

   My life is stupid!!
Somehow this seems to have become my College Quest journal, so here we go again....

I've decided to tell you all what SAT REALLY stands for.

Sick and Twisted
Septic and Toilets
Suck Ass Test
Stupid and Terrible
Scary and Terrifying
Study and Triumph! (Lumus's not mine)
Slavery and Torment
Simply Awful Torture, etc.

So for six hours I work my ass off trying to find the meanings of words such as "hippopotomontoresquipaliophobia" (yes, that is a real word) when the whole time I know I'm going to go to the community college with every other drunk and whore in my class, live in my attic and die alone, surronded by 50 cats. I will be found two weeks later, half-eaten by wild dogs with a bottle of vodka in my hand. And yes, I will still be a pikachu.

Anyway, after looking at nine different schools, my mom refuses to take me to anymore. So of course I got angsty. I cry a lot. But I realized something importnat about myself.

When some people get depressed, they turn to alcohol or drugs or emo poetry.
When I get depressed, I go to Billy Joel, schadenfreude and bad fanfiction.

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Saturday, December 9, 2006

   Just thought you might like to know
Well, my Saturday is nice and boring as usual, but I was awestruck with beauty and talent earlier in such a way that made me want to weep. But not really. Let me just sum up today's experience.

Star: Can I help you enjoy that manga?
Lumus: Happy anime soul, over inked mountain tops and waterfall of emoticons
Prancing yuri in the meadow sings a song of satisfaction to the men
The men!

If you don't know the refrence, go to youtube and look up the snickers song.

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Tuesday, November 28, 2006

   Place yer bets!
Only seven months, two weeks and five long days until graduation.
Think I can make it that long?

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Monday, November 20, 2006

   And don't it feel good?

That's right.

Lumus is coming home.


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Saturday, November 11, 2006

   Flippin' Sweet!

Okay, so I don't really know for sure, but I think I found a school. ^_^ Yay me. My mom and I just got back from the whirlwind college tour of Albany and everything around Albany. Fun, fun, fun.

It all began one day after school. My plans of travelling to another country and farting around in a strange land for a year (thus avoiding college decsion making) had fallen through, so I figured I would be going to the community college or living in a cardboard box. Seeing as how I would rather jump of a bridge than spend any more time in this God-forsaken town than absolutely necessary, I was opting for the cardboard box.

Then, PING-PONG! I recieved a letter.

It wasn't an acceptance letter, in case you were wondering.

It was just another "OMG come to this college it's the awesomesauce!!11!!" letter. But what caught my eye was that it gave out about a gazillion dollars in scholarships and finacial aid. I checked it out online and it sounded absolutely great, like everything I wanted in a school. Plus it had a really great location, about three hours from everywhere in the world. That's when I decided: The College of St. Rose would be my new home.

I registered for the open house this weekend, hauled my crap into the car and off we went.

On the way there, however, my mother decided to stop and SUNY Oneonta. So I decided I'd play along and pretend to be intrested in the school. But, GASP! The longer I was there, the more I began to like the school. I decided I'd apply there, but my hopes still laid in St. Rose.

The next day, we visited St. Rose. But as I toured the campus, I realized that this wasn't the school for me. Too preppy, and it reminded me of my high school. On of the reasons I'm going to college (among learning and partying and such) is to get away from all the drama and cliques. There are so many girls in that school! I shall explain in three very simple words why that is a major turn off for me:


As a girl, I know this to be true. Why can't we just duke it out like guys and get over it?!

*ahem* But I digress. So I'm not going to icky St. Rose after all. So now comes the scary application process.....

Wish me luck!

And congrats to me, I'm closer than ever to looking like I know what I'm doing!

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Monday, October 23, 2006

So even though I don't have the slightest hope of EVER becoming a game designer T____________T *sniffle* *drowns in a pile of salty tears* I decided to have my heart broken one last time and check out the Art Institute of Philadelphia. So I talked to the recruiter guy (who, btw, was not nearly as cute as the recruiter from Maryland who Kylie thinks was hitting on me) and told him about this no m4d drawing skillz, no video games issue.

And Recruiter Man can't just say, "Oh, sorry, this school's not for you", seeing as how he's there to advertise the school. Instead, he suggests remedial art classes. HA! Lookie, I can't spend $20,000 a year on something that MIGHT work. It's like, I dunno, an experimental treatment for cancer.

So...so this is what letting go of a dream feels like.

It bites.

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