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myOtaku.com: starhitz

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

   Tee hee
So I got this wonderful new book, called The Zombie Survival Guide by Max Brooks. Do you know what to do when you're riding on a school bus and are suddenly swarmed by zombies?? Pull out your AK-47 and kill them of course!

I actually only bought this book for the combat stuff (weapons, armor, on the defense, on the run, etc.), but should the dead ever rise you will most likely find me on an off-shore oil rig or a blimp.

Anywho, I just wanted to share a bit of it with you. This is from chapter 3: On the defense.

"Each home aresenal should include:

Rifle, 500 rounds
Shotgun, twelve guge, 250 shells
Pistol, .45, 250 rounds
Silencer (rifle)
Silencer (pistol)
Heavy crossbow (in lieu of silencers), 150 bolts
Telescopric sight (rifle)
Night-vision scope (pistol)
Laser sight (rifle)
Laser sight (pistol)
Katana sword
Wakizashi or other short-bladed sword
Two knives with smooth, six- to eight-inch blades
Hand hatchet

(NOTE: This list applies to a single individual..."

Well, I don't know about you, but I don't have all that stuff in my house. I think I have a .22 and a crossbow in my basement, and maybe an axe. As for the knives, should I just use my regular cooking knives or should I stock up on machetes? Also, where in the United States could I buy a real Katana? Or do I have to go to Japan to get it, and if so, how do I get it past customs. "Yeah, that's in case of zombie attack".

Anyway, if you've got too much time on your hands and fourteen bucks to waste, have fun learning how to kill the undead.

"But how do you kill something that has no life??"-South Park

^That was a great episode, no?

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