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myOtaku.com: starhitz

Thursday, December 14, 2006

   My life is stupid!!
Somehow this seems to have become my College Quest journal, so here we go again....

I've decided to tell you all what SAT REALLY stands for.

Sick and Twisted
Septic and Toilets
Suck Ass Test
Stupid and Terrible
Scary and Terrifying
Study and Triumph! (Lumus's not mine)
Slavery and Torment
Simply Awful Torture, etc.

So for six hours I work my ass off trying to find the meanings of words such as "hippopotomontoresquipaliophobia" (yes, that is a real word) when the whole time I know I'm going to go to the community college with every other drunk and whore in my class, live in my attic and die alone, surronded by 50 cats. I will be found two weeks later, half-eaten by wild dogs with a bottle of vodka in my hand. And yes, I will still be a pikachu.

Anyway, after looking at nine different schools, my mom refuses to take me to anymore. So of course I got angsty. I cry a lot. But I realized something importnat about myself.

When some people get depressed, they turn to alcohol or drugs or emo poetry.
When I get depressed, I go to Billy Joel, schadenfreude and bad fanfiction.

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