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myOtaku.com: starlight30728

Wednesday, May 19, 2004

   I wanna know...
If a turtle looses it's shell is it naked or homless??

I read that on some site and I had to post it, I have no idea what the answer is...do you??

Well, now that I have asked that and all, I have a few more things to say...
I am gettin' so sick of the over Christinized bigots in this world...and I know I will probally catch shit for saying this, but I want to know who's business is it what my sexual preferences are??
I had this "christian" chik come up to me at school and tell me that I am going to hell for what I like and all that shit, but yet she doesn't believe there is anything wrong with the shit that she does with her boyfriend, and I know she ain't married...
I don't think anyone has the right to say anything to anyone else about anything, b/c of the simple fact that no one is perfect and when they start preaching, what they're really doing is being hypacritical....damnit...

And I don't care who doesn't like what I just typed, If you don't like it, you shouldn't have read it.... ::snarl::

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