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With Tasuki
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Tasuki's girl
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Graduated high school, made a jacket I LOVE, & have gained more confidence in myself =}
Anime Fan Since
I was born
Favorite Anime
Fushigi Yuugi, Inuyasha, Sailormoon, Escaflowne, & many, many more
Graduate college, raise a family, live a good life, become a better person =}
Anime, Writing, Reading, High school football games (great fun w/ friends), Anime
Writing, keeping Tasuki in check
| StarlightSakura
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Tuesday, October 5, 2004
Yeah, the interesting conversations my mom and I have on a daily basis. Seriously though, I'm debating whether to be Alice from Alice in Wonderland, Alice from the twisted video game, Alice from Alice 19th, or just a gothic girl named Alice. I'm leaning more towards Alice in Wonderland Alice or Alice 19th Alice. There's this one outfit of hers that I wanna do. It's her Lotis master one.

thanks to Arisu Nexus for the pic!! ^.^
Then, there's this Alice:

Yeah, that's what I'm wondering about right now.
N.E.waiz, anyone ever been to It's a funny website with a bunch of stupid things. If ya'll go, check out the Mustang Spin in the video section and the fat asian kid in the pics section. That guy that did it all is really creative, imaginitive (spell check!!) and really, really bored.
Well, I gotta go, I'm supposed to be doing homework. Talk to ya'll later!! BAI!!
Lata daiz & lotsa luv,
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Wednesday, September 29, 2004
Well, today's a no brain day. I can't think of anything to say except that I'm in my second period class right now & that we ain't doin nutin. Today the NHS is having a bloood drive but I ain't gonna donate any. I have this thing about sharp objects being stuck into my arm and being moved around. *shudders* can't take it. Needles scare me to death.
Yeah, n.e.waiz, anyone ever read Dante's "The Inferno"??? We have to read it for my English class. I read a bit of it last year in Humanities and it seemed really good. The wording that they use for that time though is a killer. It takes a long time to comprehend what's going on if you aren't really familiar with the old language. Yeah.
OH! I heard on the news that.... Landry's (I think) Restaurant chain is gonna open a Rainforest Cafe downtown on the Riverwalk. They showed it on the 9 o' clock news last night. I think they said it would be around the Santa Anna Alley. (what & where the heck that is, don't ask me). That'd be kewl. I like the Rainforest Cafe. It's fun over there.
Oh yeah!! and another thing! I'm the Historian for the Science Club. Yay for me!!! I wanted ot be senior class historian but I didn't get it (damn jocks). So I figured that if I didn't get elected as historian for my senior class, I could be historian for my club. My friend won for president and my other friend won for vice-president, and some freshman won for secretary, and this girl won for treasurer, and my friend won for Srgnt. @ Arms. It'll be kewl this year. Last year we had crappy officers and my friend was the secretary but she organized everything as if she were the president. Our pres. last year never showed up and our field trip coordinator didn't coordinate field trips and our vice pres. was a bitch and our treasurer.... I don't even know who that was.
Well whaddya know?! I had something to talk about after all. It just took some time to shake it into my head. But now I gotta go, the bell's about to ring in 3, 2, 1...... *silence* well, it's gonna ring in a bit so I gotta go. talk to ya'll later!! Bai!
Lata daiz & lotsa luv,
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Thursday, September 23, 2004
C'mon, at least some of ya'll gotta remember Stick, the Nickelodeon popsicle stick with a squeaky voice that would tell himself to simmer down when he got excited.
N.E.waiz, I'll keep this post short cuz yeah *looks at previous posts* they're kinda long. We took our senior pictures today. We don't have to buy them until we see the proofs. I had to wear make-up. I hate it. I never felt comfortable in it but my mom is going through an, "Oh my last baby is going through her last year in high school" stage so she said I had to look extra nice so I just let her do what she wanted. I argued about the mascara tho....
N.E.waiz, we took 2 cap & gown poses. One serious one and one where we're smiling. It's weird though cuz when they told us to be serious, it was hard not to laugh. But when they told us to smile, it was hard to smile. Every one of my friends I asked said they had the same problem. I hope they come out good. If not, we'll just have to go take some better professional ones.
Oh yeah!! Before I go! I'm applying to the University of Texas at Austin, St. Edward's University, & University of Texas at San Antonio. Wish me luck that I get into one of them (preferrebly one of the first 2 otherwise I stay in San Anto and that's bad for me). I really wanna leave San Antonio. I'll also be applying for a number of scholarships including the ones UT Austin has. St. Edward's automatically considers you for a scholarship when you apply for acceptance. So just wish me tons of luck that I get into the colleges of my choice and that I get as many scholarships as average studently possible. ^.^
Lata daiz & lotsa luv,
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Sunday, September 19, 2004
Beauty, Body and Social/Opposite Sex Survey | Created by xsoulvelocityx and taken 275 times on bzoink! | Beauty | What is your name? | Samantha | How old are you? | 17 | What color are your eyes? | dark brown | What color hair do you have? | brown | Do you consider yourself good looking? | not really | Do you wear make-up? | sometimes (weddings, debuts, formal stuff like that) | If so, what do you usually wear? | eye shadow, mascara, foundation, & lipstick | Do you color/perm/relax your hair? | nope | If so, how long does it take you to manage it? | when I blow dry it, it takes about 20 min. | How long is your hair? | at my shoulder | How often do you wash it? | every day | What products do you use on it? | Shampoo & Strawberry smellin conditioner | Body Image | How tall are you? | 5'2 1/2" | Do you like your height? | not really | What part of your body are you most insecure about? | none that i expose | Do you dress to show off your body? | no | Do you work out a lot to achieve a healthy body? | no | Do you eat healthily? | no | Do you like your body? | no | Do you worry often about what others think about your body? | no | Social | Do you have a lot of friends? | yea | How many close friends do you have? | about 4 or 5 | Do you think you have an attractive personality? | yea | Can people trust and rely on you? | sure | Can you trust and rely on your friends? | depends on who they are | What do you like do do with your friends? | be idiots | What do they do that annoys you the most? | when they act hypocritical | How often do you fight with them? | not any serious fights, just for the hell of it fights | Who is your best friend? | don't have just 1 | The Opposite Sex | When was your first kiss? | not yet ^.^ | How was it? | i dunno, see above ^^^^^ | Do you remember the day it happened? | how can i? | Have you ever told someone you loved them? | yes | Has anyone seriously said they loved you? | yes | Have you held someone's hand? | yes | Slowdanced? | no | What is your idea of the perfect kiss? | In the rain with the one you love | Have you ever been in love? | yes | Do you have a bf/gf? | no | If not, do you have a crush? | yes | Are you a flirt? | no | How many bfs/gfs have you had? | 1 | Has anyone ever been in love with you? | yes | Do you believe in love at first sight? | no | What is the furthest you have gone with the opposite sex? | see question 1 for this group and that should clarify everything | If so, were you emotionally attatched to this person? | yes | Do you believe in love, period? | yes | Random | What do you want to be when you grow up? | An ESL teacher | Do you plan on marrying? | yes | What makes life a success? | Family, Friends, & Love | Who is the person you trust the most? | myself | Do you get along with your family? | sometimes | Are you happy with who you are? | hells yea! | Still need a Halloween Costume?
Create a Survey | Search Surveys | Go to bzoink! |
I found this survey thingie from Squall 17's myotaku site. G'nite!! ^.^
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It may seem like my english teacher is a really kewl teacher right? Well, that's true.... sometimes. I hate it when he gives us homework cuz when he does it's a shload of werk. I know that I'll most likely have more when I go to college but still. He gave us the following assignments:
1) Read the Pardoner's Tale, the Knight's Tale, The Miller's Tale, The Reeve's Tale, A tale of our choice and a character's tale that we picked. (already finished the first 2)
2) write a summary on each of the tale (again, I already did the first 2)
3) write an essay about our favorite food using taste, smell and other such words.
4) pg 51 #s 1-10 in our workbook.
All due monday. I hate it when he does that. Dude, this dude owes my parents a pack of computer paper already cuz our Canterbury Tales book doesn't have The Miller's, Reeve's or Merchant's (my character's) Tale. Do ya'll know how many pages they come out to??
But he's a purty kewl teacher. He does let us eat and he jokes around with us and we have fun in there. But when he gives work, he's a college teacher. "Read pages 1- 1,000,000 and give me an essay on it by tomorrow" Okay, maybe that's an exageration but still.
Anyway!!!! He and another English teacher are gonna get permission from the principal to have a Renissance (spell check!!) Fair in April. That'd be kewl, as long as it doesn't land on my birthday. (pss, it's the 13th of april in case ya didn't know). I think that's a good idea. I've had both of those teachers that wanna get it started before so they know that I like the Renissance and all that jazz.
Okay! Enough about school!! Let's move on to manga!!! I just bought vol. 6 of Alice 19th. I luv it!! ^.^ Actually, I luv anything by Yuu Watase. Heheh.
Next subject, more 80's movies. So, what are ya'll's favorite ones?? Like I said, my all-time fav. 80's movie is Ferris Bueller. But close enough to first (maybe 1st and a half.) are 16 Candles, The Breakfast Club, Say Anything and Gremlins. I also like the Goonies but I don't really include it cuz I've never seen all of it. Yeah, sometimes I wonder what happened to most of them. Molly Ringwald, Anthony Micheal Hall, Ally Sheedy (spell check!), Judd Nelson (Bender, my mom says that he really messed up his life, but I dunno for sure), Baby (the girl in Dirty Dancing, can't remember her name). We know how John Cusack, Patrick Swayze, Sean Astin, & Cameron (from Ferris Bueller, he was in Cheaper by the Dozen) are doin. VH1 should make a Where Are They Now: 80's movie stars. Unless they already made one and I never saw it. I should go check it out.
As for lines from Breakfast Club sailor firestar, one of my favorites is when Bender answers Mr.Vernon's question, "...what if your dope, was on fire?" with: "Impossible sir, it's in Johnson's underwear."
I like the scene at the end before allison (ally sheedy) leaves when she just tears off Andrew's (Emilio Estevez's) lettermen patch.
Here's some interesting trivia from the Breakfast Club from
*Molly Ringwald and Anthony Michael Hall were dating in real life at the time (thanks to Caitlin Foto)
*Although the Breakfast Club was supposed to have been set in Chicago, Brian Johnson's social security number, as told by Ally Sheedy, is a Connecticut number. It begins with the digits 049, which is from Connecticut. (thanks to Matto).
*Judd Nelson made up many of the terms used in the movie including “Neo-Maxi-Zoomdweebie” and the infamous Joke (to which there is no ending-or is there?)
The joke that Bender tells but never finishes (while crawling through the ceiling) actually has no punchline. According to Judd Nelson, he adlibbed the line. Originally, he was supposed to tell a joke that would end when he came back into the library and said, “Forgot my pencil”, but no one could come up with a joke for that punchline, (Thanks to Ashley)
*John Hughes played Brian’s (Anthony Michael Hall) dad at the end. You can see him waiting in the car. Also, Brian’s mother and sister at the beginning were played by his real mother and sister. (Thanks to Becky)
Now for some Ferris Bueller trivia!!
*In Ferris’s family, everyone was romantically involved! Matthew Broderick was in real life seeing Jennifer Grey at the time of filming, as were his ‘parents’ in real life –they were married shortly after the movie was completed.
*At the end of “twist and shout”, Matthew Broderick leans back and falls into the hands of the German girls. If you notice they weren’t exactly looking…he fell a little too early and they almost dropped him!
*The German day carnival seen in the movie was a genuine carnival that just happened to be on during the shooting schedule. The filmmakers added their own float to the parade and many onlookers were genuinely very bemused. People genuinely got into the spirit during Ferris’s ‘concert’ and many of the shots of people dancing were genuine reactions from the crowd.
*At the time of filming, Alan Ruck, who played Cameron, was about 30 years old. He was born in 1956 or 57, no one believes it though! (thanks to Kevin Allustiarti)
Let's see some Princess Bride trivia!! ^.^ luv that movie also.
*The countries in the story, Guilder and Florin, are not real countries but the name of two Dutch coins. (thanks to Chris Casino)
*The quote: “My name is Inigo Montoya; you killed my father; prepare to die!” was stated in a recent poll to be one of the most recognized quotes from a movie. In 1997[at one of his concerts, Mandy Patinkin] finished his main performance and…the audience stood and demanded and encore. The stage was dark for several minutes. Then a single spotlight came on, Mandy walked out to the microphone, and repeated that famous line. The audience went crazy and it was another several minutes before he could begin his actual encore song. (thanks to Elizabeth)
*When the Count whaps Westly over the head, the actor playing Westly (Cary Elwes) told the Count (Christopher Guest) to really go all out and hit him. Well, he did and production had to be shut down for a day while Elwes made and unscheduled trip to the hospital! (thanks to Dani Krejci)
*Andre the Giant (who played Fezzik) passed away in….I believe it was 1994. (My own piece of info.
Okay, that's enough for one night. Ya'll can go back to living your own lives already.... ifa ya'll haven't done so yet. (Obviously not, you're still reading this ^.^)
Lata daiz & lotsa luv,
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Friday, September 17, 2004
I like all those 80's movies. "I know every line/Breakfast CLub/Pretty in Pink/even St. Elmo's Fire" (a song called 1985)....okay, maybe not St. Elmo's Fire (cuz I haven't seen it all). But! My alltime favorite 80's movie..... Ferris Bueller's Day Off! Yeah. But all of them are good. I really recommend The Breakfast Club, The Goonies, Gremlins, Sixteen Candles, Pretty in Pink, Short Circuit, The Last Starfighter, Weird Science, Say Anything, Big, 9 to 5, Baby Boom, Back to the Future 1,2,& 3, Beetlejuice, Bill & Ted's Excellent Adventure (Party on Dudes!), Coming to America, Dirty Dancing, Indiana Jones 1,2, & 3, and of course, Ferris Bueller. These are just some of the great 80's movies out there. go to to see a loooooooooooonger list of 80's movies. As for me, I'm off to bed! G'nite ya'll!!!
Lotsa luv & lata daiz,
P.S. No football game this week. Why? that's what I'd like to know.... hmmmmm....
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Monday, September 13, 2004
Well, on that Friday, I went to the computer teacher I was supposed to have from then on to get her approval for my movin into that class. But, the counseling office hadn't gotten the memo that her 5th period class had 29 students, 2 no shows, so that's 27 students and only 24 computers. So I couldn't get into that class. So I was pissed but since it wasn't the teacher's fault, I just smiled, said, "okay" and walked out.
I went to lunch and after lunch was 5th per. and I had nowhere to go. My Humanities teacher had just signed me outta her class and my new teacher had no room in her class. So I went back to the counselor's office and there were some students sitting in the chairs. I had my yellow schedule change paper with me so, thinking that I was just gonna turn it in, the secretary lady let me go in. My counselor was just finishing her lunch and she also thought that I was just turning it in. But when she saw no signiture next to the computer teacher, she asked what had happened and I told her. So we spent almost the rest of the period looking for a class with an opening. She even said that I could just stay in Humanities! Yeah, so finally, after looking and denying so many classes, she finally found an opening in a class I had been trying to get since my sophomore year, Creative Writing. She said that that class didn't look too full so she made a new scedule change paper for me and had me go up to the teacher to sign it.
When I walked in the classroom, there were about 25 empty seats. I wondered why she didn't see this class earlier. So I got signed into the class and went back to the counselor's and sat around for a while cuz she was with a parent, and finally, 5 minutes before the bell, the parent left and I got into her office as quickly as I could.
So yeah, that was my last,-first-week-of-skewl adventure.
Kennedy High School is so much fun. Bai!!
Lata daiz & lotsa luv,
P.S.~ McCollum (12ish) vs. Kennedy (0) & the friday after that, Austin Travis (30) vs Kennedy(23) in overtime.
R.I.P. Jazmine "Jazzy" Casares
March 7, 1997-September 8, 2004
The greatest dog I ever had.

My dog Jazzy passed away on Wednesday September 8, 2004. We were in California and my sister was coming to our house to feed her everyday and on that day, she found her on the side of our shed, and she was well, dead. We've had her since she was a puppy, barely a year old. She was a purebred puppy meant to be in dog shows but there was a problem with her teeth and she was gonna be put to sleep. But a friend of the owner was a friend of my dad's and he asked if we wanted a dog for free. He said yes and we got her. She was a playful puppy, always ready to play and she loved he bone-shpaed biscuits. She had been sick and we had been saving up some money to take her to the vet and were planning on taking her when we got back from California, but she didn't make it. She will always be loved and truly missed.
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Tuesday, August 31, 2004
Well, sometime last week, mai family and I got something really special in the mail. A new computer!! ^.^ I luv it!! It's not on crack!! yay for us! ^.^ It's a nice new computer. We still have our old one which we'll put upstairs in my room. (yeah, gimmie the damn crackhead one :p )
Well, anyway, I feel like complaining right now so, even though it's 3 weeks late, I'll tell ya'll about my slower than molasses skewl.
I am a SENIOR and usually, senior's get priority when it comes to giving out classes. But it just wouldn't be right if the skewl didn't f*** up my schedule just once more for my senior year. I took Humanities last year (don't ask what it is if ya don't know, I don't wanna explain) and passed it. But lo and behold, this year, I went to pick up my schedule and as I'm looking down, I come to 5th period and there it is, Humanities, Rm. 222, Ms. K.B. Boy was I pissed! I went to the counselor's right away, got a schedule change form and turned it in. Monday goes by, Tuesday, Wednsday, & Thursday go by without me being called. So by this time I'm really pissed because here I am in a class I already took and passed with an A when I could be in another class learning something else. So after school on Thursday, I pushed people out of my way just so I could get to the front of the schedule change line at the counselor's (believe me, that line is freakin looooooooong!) So I was about the 5th person in line and our counselor's are assigned by our last name and luckily all the people in front of me didn't have my counselor, well, except one but he ain't important.
Anywaiz, my counselor came out and asked what we needed. and mine seemed more urgent at the moment. So we changed my humanities class to a computer course. The counselor was gettin kinda frustrated cuz I'd already taken everything. Well no shit sherlock! I'm a senior. I kinda need those courses to graduate. So anywaiz, it got changed and yeah. The intersting thing happened on Friday.
Which I'll leave for another time. Gotta go watch Serial Experiment Lain. It's purty good. I luv Tech TV ^.^ WEll, talk to ya'll later! bai!!
Lata daiz & lotsa luv,
P.S. it be H.S. football season again. We beat Crystal City this past friday. 7-6. GO ROCKETS!!!! ^.^ McCoullum this friday.
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Sunday, August 22, 2004
hey howdy hey!! It's been a while. I'm back home in Texas and skewl has already started and already I can' wait for summer. ^.^ j/k. but right now, I don't feel like talkin about skewl.
so, what to write, what to write??? How about a story?!?!
A man calls home to his wife and says, "Honey I have been asked to go fishing at a big lake up in Canada with my boss and several of his friends. We'll be gone for a week. This is a good opportunity for me to get that promotion I've been wanting so would you please pack me enough clothes for a week and set out my rod and tackle box. We're leaving from the office and I will swing by the house to pick my things up. Oh Please pack my new blue silk pajamas."
The wife thinks this sounds a little fishy but being a good wife she does exactly what her husband asked. The following weekend he comes home a little tired but otherwise looking good. The wife welcomes him home and asks if he caught many fish? He says, "Yes! Lot's of Walleye, some Bluegill, and a few Pike. But why didn't you pack my new blue silk pajamas like I asked you to do?" The wife replies "I DID, THEY WERE IN YOUR TACKLE BOX."
from an e-mail mai cuz sent me.
A father put his three year old daughter to bed, told her a story and listened to her prayers which she ended by saying "God bless Mommy, God bless daddy, God bless grandma and good-bye grandpa."
The father asked, "Why did you say good-bye grandpa?"
The little girl said, "I don't know daddy, it just seemed like the thing to do."
The next day grandpa died. The father thought it was a strange coincidence.
A few months later the father put the girl to bed and listened to her prayers, which went like this: "God bless Mommy, God Bless daddy and good-bye grandma."
The next day the grandmother died.
Oh my gosh, thought the father, this kid is in contact with the other side.
Several weeks later when the girl was going to bed the dad heard her say "God bless Mommy and good-bye daddy." He practically went into shock. He couldn't sleep all night and got up at the crack of dawn to go to his office. He was nervous as a cat all day, had lunch sent in and watched the clock. He figured if he could get by until midnight he would be okay. He felt safe in the office, so instead of going home at the end of the day he stayed there, drinking coffee, looking at his watch and jumping at every sound. Finally midnight arrived, he breathed a sigh of relief and went home.
When he got home his wife said "I've never seen you work so late, what's the matter?"
He said "I don't want to talk about it, I've just spent the worst day of my life."
She said "You think you had a bad day, you'll never believe what happened to me.
This morning the milkman dropped dead on our porch."
Again, another e-mail, i think this one was sent to me by my mom.
well yeah, tha was a quick post, just bit of copying and pasting. i didn't wana write about skewl, actally, i didn't wanna turn my post about skewl into a looooooooooooooooooong rant about the ppl there. I'll save that for another time. well, talk to ya'll later!! bai!!
Lata daiz and lotsa luv,
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Tuesday, August 10, 2004
I luuuuuuuuvvvvv his onsen song!! ^.^ yeah. I finally finished the Fruits Basket series!!! yay!!! I'm here in california and mai cuz bought all 4 of the DVDs and I watched them all!!!! ^.^ i'm so happy. but I had bought the 4th manga a few days earlier and read that the anime only covered up to vol. 8 of the manga and that in Japan it was up to vol. 14. I hope that there'll be more of the anime.... eventually. BUT!!!!! I have found some more favorite characters from there!!! ^.^ Hatsuharu and Momiji. Kyo's always been on the list (look at the top of my site) and Ritsu's funny. Ayame's just odd. Hatori's purty kewl. Hiiro is kinda pushy but he's kewl. Kisa's cute ^.^ Yuki I think looks cuter in his rat form. Shigure (Sugar Ray to my other cuz... dork) is as funny as ever. Akito's a creppy psycho. and on and on blah blah blah.
N.E.waiz, my day to go home has changed ^.^ yay! I get to stay until thursday. I was supposed to go home today... in fact, I should've been on the plane right now. But mai cuz's here convinced my mom to change the date to thursday. so, here I is. ^.^ I start skewl on monday. And I missed the tax free week but, what can ya do?? :p Hopefully I'll get to go buy new pants or something. So yeah, when do ya'll go back to skewl??? Kinda sucks to be goin back in August but ah vell, we do get out in May tho.
Well, I guess this is where I'll end this post. Can't think of anything else to write about. So yeah, talk to ya'll again!! Hopefully before I leave I'll post again. hopefully. ^.^
Lata daiz and lotsa luv,
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