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With Tasuki
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Tasuki's girl
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Graduated high school, made a jacket I LOVE, & have gained more confidence in myself =}
Anime Fan Since
I was born
Favorite Anime
Fushigi Yuugi, Inuyasha, Sailormoon, Escaflowne, & many, many more
Graduate college, raise a family, live a good life, become a better person =}
Anime, Writing, Reading, High school football games (great fun w/ friends), Anime
Writing, keeping Tasuki in check
| StarlightSakura
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Wednesday, August 4, 2004
yeah, we got home from the mall around 5:45 California time. I came back about $19 shorter and 2 mangas, & 2 buttons richer. ^.^ Yeah, I got Fushigi Yugi vol 11 and Fruits Basket vol 3. Halfway through Fruits Basket already and already finished Fushigi Yugi. Gotta finish FB and then I'm gonna read mai cuz's Kodocha manga. That's a cute series. i like it.
Then at Hot Topic I got 2 buttons. One's a black one that says, "Don't cheat off of me, i'm not trying" and the other one is balck with white polka dots and has a cherry on it. Then I lent my other cuz a dollar so she could get her a pair of cherry glasses. Yeah, well that was my day. I gotta go, my cuz is home and he brings good tidings.... he brought up to ep. 26 of Kodomo no Omocha. ^.^ da anime.... so, talk to ya'll some other time. c ya'll!!
Lata daiz, & lotsa luv,
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Tuesday, August 3, 2004
WOW!!!! i'm not on the cell phone!!! I'm on an actualy computer this time!!! *looks at subject* ahhh!!!! I used a quote from a stupid show!! It's actually from the OC. never seen it but mai cuz has and the subjects from the theme song. Which is where I'm at right now. Yeah, I'm in California again. ^.^ Mai favorite place to be during the summer. I've been here since July 22 or 23. I go back on august 10. Skewl starts on the 16th. It's been a fast summer. My mom and dad and my 2 nieces came with me. They left the friday after we came, leaving me here. Well, I gotta go, were gonna leave to the mall right now so, I'll end my entry here and continue on later. Bai!!!
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Monday, July 19, 2004
That reminded me of an articld i read in the paper that slammed Shrek 2 for cross dressing. they said it was a bad movie because it shows cross dressing to children via the ugly stepsister and pinocchio's choice of underwear. c'mon people, lighten up. its a fricken comedy movie. the irish wear kilts and nobody slams them for cross dressing. there was an episode of the rugrats where phil and chukie wore dresses and there wasn't any newspaper arthcle that said don't let your kids watch rugrats cuz they cross dress. people are too critical nowadays. yeah, it was a good article to laugh at. sure, the ugly stepsistes talks like a dude, she's got a deep voice. and pinoccho's thong? last time, this was a free country where a guy can wear any kind of underwear he wants. i say that if those people want to be disgusted by cross dressers, show em man faye's picture Panda ^.^
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Thursday, July 8, 2004
swim down! ~~finding nemo
Wow, i didn't know that geoffory rush played nigel from finding nemo, he was also captian barbosa in pirates of the caribbean right? N.E.waiz, i was wonderin if any of ya'll could help me. i wanna put some of mai pics up here but i don't have any place to upload them then connect them to this site. does any1 know of a nice, free site that will let me keep mai pics there and share 'em w/ ya'll? could ya'll tell me please? tanx. well, i'll be in dallas on saturday through about wendsday. then, if mai tickets come, we might fly to cali. maybe. i have another question for ya'll, what was your senior year like in high skewl? did ya'll get senioritus or anything? im curious to know what experiences ya'l l had. im gonna be a senior this comin skewl year and from what others say, its supposed to be a fun year. i hope its true, i like fun ^.^ well, i gotta go, da batteries are dying so i gotta plug it in, bai! ~*~*sammy*~*~
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Sunday, July 4, 2004
"mr. fish, did you die?"
happy 4th of july ppl! so yeah, ummmm, i kinda forgot what i wuz gonna put here today.... i'll just tell ya'll bout yesterday. mai mom and i went to south park mall and i got some stuff on sale. i got a set of happy bunny pajamas that say "its cute how you think im listening" for 7 bucks for both the top and bottom. they were 1/2 off the 1/2 off sale price. then we went to torrid (da + size hot topic) and i got a teddy ruxpin (ya gotta remember him) long sleeve shirt for 10 bucks. and a cherry pic frame for 1 dolla. GUESS WAT I JUST SAW!! a picture of 2 cosplayers from da Expo in Anaheim in our newspaper. front page, page 3. its a geisha and a j-rock (might just be a gothic lolita one) cosplayer. its purty kewl to see anime based stuff in da media, at least it is 4 me. its kewl to see anime get more recognition. well, i gotta go, mai moms yellin @ me 2 get off her phone. bai! ~*~*Sammy*~*~
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Saturday, July 3, 2004
Alice 19th
I found me a new manga a couple of weeks ago. Alice 19th, the latest from Yuu Watase. yeah. I like her works. She draws really good lookin guys ^.^ Tasuki, Yuhi, Kyo, Frei, Toya, Nuriko.... ^.^ N.E.waiz, I bought vol. 1 & 2 at Waldenbooks (the new one that opened at Southpark Mall) and today I exchanged Ceres vol. 2 (which I already have) for Alice 19th, vol. 3 which I have already finished reading and was about to force mai mom out the door and back to Suncoast to buy # 4 ^.^ I love the drawings she has at the end of the books, where Mayura and Alice are shown wearing Gothic Lolita type outfits. They're really pretty. And Nyozeka's cute too!!! ^.^
Ain't she cute?? ^.^

So yeah, Alice 19th is mai new manga that I'm readin right now.
 You are Alice!
Which Alice 19th Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
The other night, I stayed up until 3 am watchin mai Ceres DVDs and actually was kinda disappointed. It's a great anime don't get me wrong, but the manga seems to have more depth to it than the anime does. There are a lotta things I read in the manga that I didn't see in the anime. In the manga there was more depth to the characters. The manga focused more on the characters than the anime. The anime was still good though and I do plan to get the second Ceres DVD set.... right after I get the next few volumes of Alice 19th. ^.^
I read on a website that its 7th volume will be its last and that's where it'll end. I think it'll be kinda sad, but I'm looking foward to it. Although I don't know how much truth there is to that story.... ^.^
Well, I guess I'll go back to reading mai vol. 3 of Alice 19th ^.^ Bai!!!
Lata daiz,
*goes and immerses self into manga for the millionth time*
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Thursday, July 1, 2004
4th of july and no AX
well, its almost da 4th of july weekend and im still in san anto. usually, id be in cali w/ mai cousins gettin ready for AX 04, but not this year because 1) we didnt order mai tickets on time, and 2) $$$+AX 04=no $$$So, yeah. im stayin at mai house for da 4th. ne1 wanna kidnap me and go somewhere for this weekend? mai parents dont like to do anything xcept stay at home and watch TV. mai dad aint much of a social gathering person and mai mom just stays w/ mai dad. i gotta get out and do something! i hate stayin home and doin nuthin. thats why i wanna leave as soon as possible. i wanna be able to do things when i want and i dont wanna be restricted by mai parents. i know that its tough being on your own, i see it in mai sister, but i wanna experience it. heres some good news, for graduation, im gonna take a trip to Animazement 05. but heres da bad news, mai moms goin. she has bad knees & gets tired easily. ah well, well, i gotta go, bai! sammy
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Tuesday, June 29, 2004
mai last day
2morrow's Mai last dai at werk. it was fun. there were times when there was absolutly nothin 2 do. most of da time actually. but it was a good experience and i would like 2 do it again. well, gotta go, on da cell and its takin long 2 type all this in ^.^ bai!
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Sunday, June 27, 2004
mai new do.
WEll, on Friday, my mom, niece, and I went to Chavela's (our haircutter-person) and got our hair cut!! ^.^ We all got it shoulder length but I was the only one of us who got bangs!! I hadn't had them since I was little and I wanted to see how I would look in them and so yeah, I got em ^.^ I'm really happy with them, I think I'll keep em for a while. Although because my hair is in a forever part down the middle, my bangs came out lookin like this: 
But this long: 
So yeah, that's kinda how mai hair looks now, except, it's dark brown & I wanna dye it purple, just to see how it looks.
Damn. I really need to put some effort into getting my geocities site up. I gots lotsa pics to share w/ ya'll ^.^ Oh well, eventually it'll be up. I hope. I may have to go and use my niece's website that I designed for her when she was born. Now all our pics are sent to each other through e-mail so that site isn't really needed anymore and besides, nobody ever visits it now and....
Sorry! I got off topic. N.E waiz, I hope to get mai lazy @$$ in gear and get mai site up. ^.^ Keep checkin and maybe one day you'll be surprised to see my website address up here and *gasp!* maybe even mai fanart! Wooooowwwwwwww.... Maybe. ^.^
Lata daiz,
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Wednesday, June 23, 2004
I found a few pictures of Arashi. They're in black and white but this second one is the one I fell in love with. That's what got me started liking him ^.^

This is a nice one, but not the one I luv.
This is the one i luv:

Yeah, I first saw him in this one and right then, I knew he'd be my new anime guy!! ^.^
Lookie lookie!! another one!!:

But sadly, he's taken:

Oh wait, that's Mikako :p Here's his real girlfriend:

So, i guess I'm stickin with Tasuki, cuz he's mai fave, fanged orange-haired bishonen that isn't taken!! ^.^ (except by me)
So, how are ya'll doin?? I'm dead tired, I've been working from 7:30-6:00 at Guerra and that's stupid. Working that many hours during the summer when the only thing that's going on is summer school. But, there is a lotta stuff goin on in our office so yeah. But today and part of yesterday, I made, and finished, a rubber band ball. It was fun. My friend and I threw it around for a while while he was usin our copier (& my boss was @ lunch and her boss was @ a mtg.) So it was fun.
Now to the Southside. That's a part of town that's almost as bad as the westside (if ya'll are in San Anto, ya'll probably know what I mean). and after six years of arguing & what not, they finally opened a bookstore on that side of town. A Waldenbooks at South Park Mall.
It started with a group of students who challenged bookstore chains to open a bookstore on their side of town. There was never one opened for some odd reason or another, i guess they thought, why would they wanna read a stupid book anyway? they don't read on that side of town. Have you seen their education levels? and crap like that. OBVIOUSLY, there was a group of students who like to read and wanted a bookstore opened up on their side of town. So for 6 years they fought to get one. They called their "campaign" (for lack of a better word) "Books in the Barrio" and today, a bookstore finally opened it's doors to the public.
Now why not get a bookstore to open up in the West side?? C'mon, ya'll went into the southside, challenge yourselves and come to my barrio. La Westside. La Edgewood district. That's what we need over here, a bookstore that I can walk to. We have a library that's within walking distance, but I want a place where I can go and buy a book and not have to worry about returning it within a few weeks. Anyone wanna donate their old, and unused books to me so I can open up at least a resale book shop? How'z about this, anyone wanna help me open up at least a resale bookstore??
I've seriously been thinking about doing that and I think it'd be nice to get books out there to people. Especially on this side of town. The north, south and east sides are taken care of. Now, how's about the westside? I'm talkin about in the Edgewood district. Where John F Kennedy High School and Memorial High School are, Where the Las Palmas mini-mall is (actually, there's a nice place to rent there), and where there's no place for people to go and pick up a few books to keep. Hell, I want a bookstore on the corner of castroville (i think it's castroville) and inca.
Well yeah, there's my entry for today. Now excuse me, I gotta go get mai niece some ice cream. Bai!!
Lata daiz,
How to make a StarlightSakura |
3 parts friendliness
3 parts brilliance
5 parts beauty |
Method: Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Serve with a slice of sadness and a pinch of salt. Yum! |