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• Gatorade_h20
• 1987-04-13
• With Tasuki
Member Since
• 2003-10-08
• Tasuki's girl
Real Name
• Sammy
• Graduated high school, made a jacket I LOVE, & have gained more confidence in myself =}
Anime Fan Since
• I was born
Favorite Anime
• Fushigi Yuugi, Inuyasha, Sailormoon, Escaflowne, & many, many more
• Graduate college, raise a family, live a good life, become a better person =}
• Anime, Writing, Reading, High school football games (great fun w/ friends), Anime
• Writing, keeping Tasuki in check
| StarlightSakura
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Monday, June 21, 2004
da phone
yeash, it took me 20 min To Write The Html Code So This Is Gonna be short. I'm on mai mom's new cell so yeah. N.e.waiz, I'v been busy @ werk & @ home, so i dunno when mai drawings will be up. right now were lookin at july maybe. well gotta go. bai
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Friday, June 18, 2004
no shit. where see shit? Number 5, ALIVE!!! ~~Short Circuit
I like that movie don't you?? It's odd, I've never seen the beginning, only from the middle to the end. But it's still purty good. ^.^
N.E.waiz, I've been really busy this week. Along with work, I've had to take care of my niece while @ home. My mom went to pick her up last saturday and she just took her back yesterday and is comin back today. My niece is chiflada (nesia, spoiled). she only wants to be carried. And she only wants to be carried by whoever is standing. When nobody is standing, she wants to be carried by me and she will cry and cry until I stand up and walk around. So yeah, in between walking from one end of my house to the other (even up the stairs) and walking from one end of my office to the other and ditto for the whole building, I'd say I lost a few pounds. Yeah. But I still love my niece to death!! She's mai future godchild (as soon as her parents get their acts together & baptize the poor child)
OH!!! guess what!!! I did something yesterday that I haven't done in a while. I had my own lil anime marathon!! I was watching show after show on Anime Network in Demand. I watched episodes 7 & 8 of Chobits, episodes 12 & 13 (or is it 13 & 14?? can't remember) and Sakura Wars ep. 3, and Final Fantasy Unlimited ep. 2. Tonight, I'll continue with a Ceres marathon, :D I bought the 1st collector's edition at A-Kon. So tonight, I'm watching Ceres.
And yeah, all my pictures have been developed and all my drawings are done.... it's just a matter of me gettin mai lazy self, up mai stairs, go through all my pictures & drawings, find them, come back down mai stairs & scan & put 'em up here. Yeah, kinda hard for me, who's very lazy.
Well, that was my update for now. gotta go read up on whoever updated in the week or so that I wasn't able to get on the computer. Well, bai!!!
Lata daiz,
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Tuesday, June 15, 2004
I don't have much time to update right now, I'm on a computer at work but I will tell ya'll this, I did a drawing just today while waitin for mai boss to get here and it came out pretty nice so I'm gonna share it with ya'll. As soon as I can get to mai scanner (which is werkin now). Okay? oKaY! now, I gotta get back to work, I don't have much time, skewl starts August 18th ^.^
Lata daiz & lotsa luv,
PS~ I got the pics from A-Kon Eldai!!!!!!! Call me when ya read this!!!
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Tuesday, June 8, 2004
What's the point of putting a title if the background & the font are both black. Look, ya won't even read this, gulla walla hula didda dadda dooodeeee I LOVE ARASHI!! (&Tasuki)
head for th' hills!!!
*glares at him* Baka. *shakes fist at him* vas a ver chingow (i know that's not how ya spell, chingow, but I just can't remember how right now. N.E. waiz, I got back from Dallas yesterday. It was sooo much fun. As soon as I get mai pictures developed, I'll hafta post a lil A-Kon diary thingie here ^.^ *starts talking to herself* lesse, my pictures'll be ready on Thursday but I get paid on Friday but the banks'll be closed cuz of Ronald Reagen's funeral, poor guy, at least he won't have to be suffering from his disease anymore, *moment of silence*
(^^^ 60 dots for 60 seconds of silence)
So on Saturday I'll cash mai check and then I'll be able to take money out, hopefully, then I'll need about $25.00 for 4 rolls of film and hopefully by then, I'll have used up what's left of the roll in my camera so I should have all of my pictures ready by......
A-KON 16!!!! :p Okay, maybe not that long, hopefully Sunday or Monday.
I liked A-Kon this year. I went to mai first J-Pop & J-Rock concert!! Woohoo for me!!! They were kewl. I went with Eldai. We were gonna go see Do As Infinity, Camino, and Psycho le Cemu (yes Eldai, they performed on Friday night too) but... someone fell asleep, ain't gonna name names right now *cough*eldai*cough* but on Saturday we stayed for Cosplay and the concerts. It was fun. There were some funny & cute & nicly acted skits. & Sailor Luna was sooooooo cute!!!! ^.^ If anyone else out there went to A-Kon and saw her, you'd say she was cute too ^.^ well yeah. on Saturday, we saw Nami Tamaki perform, I think Eldai's trying to find the English lyrics for her songs right now. We got the CD. She kept the sampler with T.M. Revolution on it. He's sooooooo hot! He wasn't performing but he & Tamaki-san have their songs on Gundam Seed so that sampler Cd was of 4 music videos, 2 from T.M. Revolution and 2 from Nami Tamaki. Then after all the awards were given out & what not, we were herded outside for another hour and a half, hell, make that two hours. Then around 11:15, Eldai and I got into the room again for the Psycho le Cemu concert. But since we were kinda short, I'm 5'2" and she's about an inch taller than me and everyone in front of us was at least 20 feet taller than us, and since we were kinda in the back, we couldn't get a good enough look at them, but it was good enough to tell that they were hot!!! ^.^
It was also my first time going to the banquet on Sunday. very.... hmmm, how should I say this, very.... eventful *smirck* if any of ya'll were there, ya'll'd know why. Think butter.
So yeah, all in all, it was a purty good A-Kon. I had fun on the way over there, gettin lost in downtown Dallas just tryin to find our way to the damn hotel. All 3 days!! But it was fun, like I said and it was fun on the way back & it was fun seein mai sis, her boyfriend and mai baby (she's mai baby, she just lives with them.... yeah that's it :D )well yeah, I'll post again when I get mai pictures developed. or maybe I should just start fixin up mai yahoo geocities site, or attempt to for the millionth time. ^.^ Whichever comes first ^.^ WEll, gotta go. Gotta go to bed, gotta be at work by 7:30 manana. G'nite!! ^.^
Lata daiz,
P.S.~ if any of ya'll actually read the title, I explain more about Arashi next time (yes, Arashi from Paradise Kiss)
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Thursday, May 27, 2004
one more day, one more day & sana sana
only one more day of skewl left. I've already stopped carrying mai backpack. Now I only have a purse and mai yearbook. I had one of my friend's sign it and he put: "Hey buddy I know that I made your life hell in TA (Theater Arts) [blah, blah blah blah blah]." That's funny cuz yeah, he did make mai theater arts class a living hell. a fun living hell. ^.^ i had good oportunities to kick his @$$ every now and then and I look foward to doing it at least one more time tomorrow.
OH!!! I got mai letter for the job I'm gonna have during the summer. Turns out it's only from June 1-30 Monday-Thursday or Monday-Friday. I hope I have the M-T one cuz if not, then it'll interfere with my plans to go to Dallas. We were gonna go for A-Kon, we've already paid & have planned it for months then mai teacher recommended me to work & I thought to maiself, "Eh, they're not gonna hire me." and what happens???? They hire me.
Oi, you're starting to go off topic
Tasuki-kun!!!! *hugs him tightly* Anywaiz, I got hired & hopefully it'll all be kewl. They left a phone number on the letter in case we had any questions or concerns so, guess who i'm gonna be on the phone with today?? ^.^ I'ma gonna be werkin in the "Secondary Curriculum" office. I was kinda hopin that I'd be able to work here at mai skewl but ah well, I guess it's aight. I'll be dealing with the middle and high school things. I think it's be a good experience.
*finally snaps that Sammy got a job, peels her off of him and looks at her* You got a job?!?!?!?! Damn, who woulda thought. *whispers* always thought ya'd be too damn lazy to get one*
*narrows her eyes at him* what'd ya say??
*turns away from Sammy as if nothing happened* i didn't say nutin'.
good. N.E. waiz, I thought it was gonna be a summer thing but it's only for a month so it won't interfere with our plans to go vist our cousins in Cali (if they don't come to us) and also go to AnimExpo. ^.^ I like that one, it's soooooooo big ^.^ YAY!!! I won't be werkin then.
Sana sana, colita de rana. Si no sana ahora, sana manana.
Did your parents ever say this to you when you'd hurt yourself when you were young or even now?? Mai family does it and I did it to one of my friends who got scratched onthe arm by one of our other friends whom he was fighting with. He was complainin like a baby so I started stroking my hand over his arm and said "sana sana" We all started laughing. ^.^
What th' hell's that "sana sana" stuff??
It translates to "Heal, heal, little frog tail. I fit doesn't heal today, it'll heal tomorrow" It's said mainly amongst Mexicans and Hispanics. I don't know where it came from & all but it's the same as kissing a cut or scratch on a child, it's supposed to make them feel better. If ya watch "Real Women Have Curves" (which is a very good movie about liking yourself the way you are), the part where Ana burns her hand with the steam iron, her mother does "Sana sana to her. Also in the movie, there's this quote that I love. It goes like this:
"My weight says to everyone f*** you!" ~Ana~
Yeah, it's a good movie. I didn't know that it was based on a play tho.
Yer gettin off topic again.
So??? *looks at the clock on the wall* actually I should go. I gots 40 minutes left to be on the internet. I'll talk to all'a'ya'll lataz!!! Bai!!
Lata dayz,
~*~*Sammy*~*~ & Tasuki
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Wednesday, May 26, 2004
My Yearbook
Today I got my yearbook and I'm not in it with my class but I'm in it twice with the Drama club & once on the Computer Tech page. Yeah. the ones in the Drama page have mai last name spelled wrong. It's Casares but they spelled it Casaves. Most of the people in this school are Mexican, how can they not know how to spell Casares? & the girl that wrote it down made a perfect "r" when she spelled out mai name. Every time in the year book, my name's been spelled wrong. In my freshman year it was "Cusares" and I didn't get my sophmore yearbook but I saw my friend's yearbook and there was something wrong with it. But that's what gets me mad. Yeah. Name spellings and pronounciations. I hate it when people say my name wrong. I've gotten Casarez, Casarias Casias, one time I even got Chavez!!! How the hell can you get Chavez from C-A-S-A-R-E-S???
Hey, this is s'posd ta be 'bout yer yearbook isn't it?
TASUKI-KUN!!! You're back!!! ^.^
Yeah, yeah, now, back to yer yearbook.
Oh yeah. Anywaiz, my yearbook is purty kewl other than the mispellings. (These people should do a spell check on the names before they send off the yearbooks for final printing). But yeah. That's mai entry for today. Gotta go!!! Bai!!! ^.^
Lata daiz,
~*~*Sammy*~*~ & the just arrived, Tasuki!!!!
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Tuesday, May 25, 2004
Yesterday after school got better
Yesterday after skewl when mai mom picked me up, she said that a lady from Herff Jones called and said that my ring was in. It had some things wrong with it, I'm too lazy to say what they are but yeah, we took it back to Herff Jones, the graduation people who get our class rings, caps, gowns, tassles, shirts, invitations and all that stuff. We took it back in April (the reciept said the 24) and it barely got back in yesterday. So that made mai day even better. I like my ring and felt odd without it on. Then we went to this donut place called "The Original Donut Shop" where they have the best cake donuts in the world, expecially in the morning when they're nice and fresh and hot, and we got some donuts, including the cake ones and one that was a glazed cake donut. They were good ^.^ yummy yum yum. heheh. I like donuts. they're very good. ^.^ Well I gotta go, gotta go look @ other sites. Bai!!!
Lata daiz,
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Monday, May 24, 2004
I passed all of mai tests!!!!!! They were giving out our TAKS test results and the line was looooooooong. So my friends Jean and Vanessa and I got in line and the closer we got to the tables, the more nervous we got. We were all thinking that we were gonna fail the science part but we all passed. Jean didn't pass the math part though and that sucks for her. She has to go to summer school and retake it in July. But Vanessa and I passed the English, the History, the Math, and the Science. I'm so proud of myself!! I'll get to graduate. ^.^ I don't gotta take that damn test anymore!!! yay!!!! that and I also got hired to work at the district office during the summer. My teacher just told me today. I had to fill out a few other papers that I hadn't done and I still gotta bring in mai ID and Social Security card but other than that, I'm hired! ^.^ Today has been a good day for me..... so far. only 2 more days of exams and only 4 more days of skewl. and only 12 or so more days till A-Kon!!!! ^.^ can't wait!!!
Lata daiz,
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Sunday, May 23, 2004
Raspas with Ice Cream
Yummy. Haven't had one of those in a while. There's this lady who owns this place by our house and she sells good raspas with ice cream. they're the best!!! I won't have them from any other place but there. ^.^ Thar just so dang good!! :P
N.E.waiz, a raspa with ice cream is just the thing to have on a hot Texas day. ^.^ Although it hasn't been that hot, it's always a good thing to have on any Texas day. It's crushed ice with any flavor syrup ya want, cherry, strawberry, watermelon (mai 3 faves), coconut, bubblegum, blueberry, chile, and some others. So it's just a snow cone. But it has a scoop of vanilla ice cream on top. ya eat it with a straw and a spoon. ^.^ I luv it soooooo much.
So why am I talking about food right now??? Cuz at the moment, that's what I'm craving. My dad and I went there a few weeks ago and they were closed. So since then, I've been wanting one. ^.^ Yeah, just thought I'd share this wonderful tasting snack with ya'll. Now, I gotta go make mai dad's lunch for tomorrow err.... later this morning. (it's 1:42 am right now)

^^^^that's me making mai dad's lunch.... if i were li-chan.
and here are some animations i found earlier ^.^

DUO-CHAN!!!! mi primer amor!!!

ain't she purty???
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Wednesday, May 19, 2004
It took me about 20 minutes to answer this thing so ya'll can take 5 minutes to read it.... yeah.
What is your name?: | Samantha, Sammy, Sam, Gatorade, StarlightSakura.... take your pick | Are you named after anyone?: | There's a Village People song called Samantha, but I don't think that's what my parents were thinking of when they named me | What's your screename?: | Gatorade_H20, GatoradeHtwoO | Would you name a child of yours after you?: | no | If you were born a member of the opposite sex what would your name be?: | Israel | If you could switch names with a friend who would it be?: | MaryJane | Are there any mispronounciations/typos that ppl do w/ your name constantly?: | hell yeah! | Would you drop your last name if you became famous?: | hell no! | Basics | Your gender:: | female | Straight/Gay/Bi:: | straight | Single?: | yes | If not, do you want to be?: | no | Birthdate:: | 4-13-87 | Your age:: | 17 | Age you act:: | 10 | Age you wish you were:: | 21 | Your height:: | 5' 2" | Eye color:: | brown | Happy with it?: | sometimes | Hair color:: | dark brown | Happy with it?: | no | Lefty/righty/ambidextrous:: | righty | Your living arrangement:: | a house | Your family:: | mom, dad, 2 sisters, 2 nieces, a dog, and a future brother-in-law | Have any pets?: | 1 dog, have had millions of goldfish | Whats your job?: | unpaid student | Piercings?: | nope | Tattoos?: | want one, but i ain't that big on pain | Obsessions?: | anime, manga | Addictions?: | Sugar, chocolate, Caffiene | Do you speak another language?: | bit of Spanish, extreamly tiny bit of Japanese | Have a favorite quote?: | "don't let bored-um happen to you." ~~Vanessa Sanchez | Do you have a webpage?: | this one | Deep Thoughts About Life and You in it | Do you live in the moment?: | yup yup | Do you consider yourself tolerant of others?: | sometimes | Do you have any secrets?: | doesn't everyone?? | Do you hate yourself?: | no | Do you like your handwriting?: | it's aight | Do you have any bad habits?: | announcing when I have to pee, biting my nails | What is the compliment you get from most people?: | what is this com-pli-ment that you speak of?? | If a movie was made about your life, what would it be called?: | The Boring Life of an Odd Gatorade | What's your biggest fear?: | heights, roaches | Can you sing?: | i like to think so | Do you ever pretend to be someone else just to look cool?: | hell no! | Are you a loner?: | no | What are your #1 priorities in life?: | family, friends, me, religion | If you were another person, would you be friends with you?: | sure why not | Are you a daredevil?: | not really | Is there anything you fear or hate about yourself?: | yeah | Are you passive or agressive?: | both | Do you have a journal?: | yes | What is your greatest strength and weakness?: | strength-my loud voice: weakness-my loud voice | If you could change one thing about yourself, what would it be?: | my weight | Do you think you are emotionally strong?: | sure why not | Is there anything you regret doing/not doing in life?: | yes | Do you think life has been good so far?: | can't complain so it must be good | What is the most important lesson you've learned from life?: | there're lots of important things | What do you like the most about your body?: | i don't really like my body, but I'd have to say......oh i dunno, my mouth. | And least?: | everything else | Do you think you are good looking?: | no | Are you confident?: | yes (except with looks) | What is the fictional character you are most like?: | Miaka | Are you perceived wrongly?: | not that i know of | Do You... | Smoke?: | no | Do drugs?: | no | Read the newspaper?: | yes | Pray?: | yes | Go to church?: | sometimes | Talk to strangers who IM you?: | not really | Sleep with stuffed animals?: | yes | Take walks in the rain?: | yes | Talk to people even though you hate them?: | yes | Drive?: | i wish i did | Like to drive fast?: | if i drove, then i would like to drive fast | Would or Have You Ever? | Liked your voice?: | no | Hurt yourself?: | not on purpose | Been out of the country?: | no | Eaten something that made other people sick?: | no | Been in love?: | no | Done drugs?: | no | Gone skinny dipping?: | no | Had a medical emergency?: | yes | Had surgery?: | yes | Ran away from home?: | no | Played strip poker?: | no | Gotten beaten up?: | no | Beaten someone up?: | no | Been picked on?: | yes | Been on stage?: | yes | Slept outdoors?: | yes | Thought about suicide?: | no | Pulled an all nighter?: | yes | If yes, what is your record?: | 30-somethin hours | Gone one day without food?: | hell no!! | Talked on the phone all night?: | no | Slept together with the opposite sex w/o actually having sex?: | yes | Slept all day?: | yes | Killed someone?: | no | Made out with a stranger?: | no | Had sex with a stranger?: | no | Thought you're going crazy?: | yes | Kissed the same sex?: | no | Done anything sexual with the same sex?: | no | Been betrayed?: | yes | Had a dream that came true?: | yes | Broken the law?: | no | Met a famous person?: | no | Have you ever killed an animal by accident?: | no | On purpose?: | no | Told a secret you swore you wouldn't tell?: | no | Stolen anything?: | yes | Been on radio/tv?: | no | Been in a mosh-pit?: | no | Had a nervous breakdown?: | no | Bungee jumped?: | no | Had a dream that kept coming back?: | yes | Beliefs | Belive in life on other planets?: | yes | Miracles?: | yes | Astrology?: | yes | Magic?: | yes | God?: | yes | Satan?: | yes | Santa?: | no | Ghosts?: | yes | Luck?: | yes | Love at first sight?: | no | Yin and yang (that good cant exist w/o bad)?: | yes | Witches?: | yes | Easter bunny?: | no | Believe its possible to remain faithful forever?: | no | Believe theres a pot of gold at the end of a rainbow?: | yes | Do you wish on stars?: | yes | Deep Theological Questions | Do you believe in the traditional view of Heaven and Hell?: | no | Do you think God has a gender?: | no | Do you believe in organized religion?: | no | Where do you think we go when we die?: | some of us get reincarnated, some of us go to heaven, some to hell | Friends | Do you have any gay/lesbian friends?: | yes | Who is your best friend?: | Carol, vanessa, Teresa, MaryJane | Who's the one person that knows most about you?: | Carol | What's the best advice that anyone has ever given to you?: | "Don't let bored-um happen to you" | Your favourite inside joke?: | Pentagon | Thing you're picked on most about?: | i dunno | Who's your longest known friend?: | carol | Newest?: | Turtle | Shyest?: | none of us | Funniest?: | all of us | Sweetest?: | Teresa | Closest?: | maryjane | Weirdest?: | all of us | Smartest?: | all of us | Ditziest?: | all of us | Friends you miss being close to the most?: | the ones i'm not close to anymore | Last person you talked to online?: | Whits-kun | Who do you talk to most online?: | Whits-kun | Who are you on the phone with most?: | Vanessa, MaryJane | Who do you trust most?: | noone | Who listens to your problems?: | everyone | Who do you fight most with?: | everyone | Who's the nicest?: | all of us | Who's the most outgoing?: | all of us | Who's the best singer?: | everyone likes to think it's themselves | Who's on your shit-list?: | Everyone on the Lakers & all Laker fans | Have you ever thought of having sex with a friend?: | no! | Who's your second family?: | wherever anyone wants another daughter | Do you always feel understood?: | no | Who's the loudest friend?: | all of us | Do you trust others easily?: | no | Who's house were you last at?: | MaryJane's | Name one person who's arms you feel safe in:: | my mom's | Do your friends know you?: | kinda | Friend that lives farthest away:: | Jessica | Love and All That | Do you consider love a mistake?: | no | What do you find romantic?: | Eyes | Turn-on?: | Eyes | Turn-off?: | Jerks | First kiss?: | I'll tell ya when it happens | If someone u had no interest in had interest in dating u how would u feel?: | odd, cuz i don't like them | Do you prefer knowing someone before dating them or going: | knowing them beforehand | Have u ever wished it was more socially acceptable 4 a girl 2 ask a guy out: | what the?? It is the kewlest thing to do | Have you ever been romantically attracted to someone physically unattractiv: | yes | Do you think the opposite sex finds you good looking?: | no | What is best about the opposite sex?: | eyes | What is the worst thing about the opposite sex?: | jerks | What's the last present someone gave you?: | gift card to Suncoast | Are you in love?: | no | Do you consider your significant other hot?: | what significant other?? | Who Was the Last Person... | That haunted you?: | dunno | You wanted to kill?: | Lakers | That you laughed at?: | Lakers | That laughed at you?: | MaryJane | That turned you on?: | shhhhh........... | You went shopping with?: | my mom | That broke your heart?: | noone's broken my heart | To disappoint you?: | dunno | To ask you out?: | Scott | To make you cry?: | Lakers | To brighten up your day?: | Spurs | That you thought about?: | rudy | You saw a movie with?: | my niece | You talked to on the phone?: | Vanessa | You talked to through IM/ICQ?: | Whits-kun | You saw?: | MaryJane, Dulce, & Jonathan | You lost?: | my aunt | Right This Moment... | Are you going out?: | no | Will it be with your significant other?: | no | Or some random person?: | no | What are you wearing right now?: | clothes | Body part you're touching right now:: | none | What are you worried about right now?: | passing | What book are you reading?: | does manga count?? If so, then Ceres & Fushigi Yuugi | What's on your mousepad?: | Yoda | Use 5 words to describe how you're feeling:: | sleepy, bored, crazy, lost, funny | Are you bored?: | *looks up at last question* uh, yeah | Are you tired?: | sleepy is the same thing as tired right?? | Are you talking to anyone online?: | no | Are you talking to anyone on the phone?: | no | Are you lonely or content?: | content | Are you listening to music?: | no |
Really Long Survey (over 200) brought to you by BZOINK!
I don't know quite a bit eh??? :P
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