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With Tasuki
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Tasuki's girl
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Graduated high school, made a jacket I LOVE, & have gained more confidence in myself =}
Anime Fan Since
I was born
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Fushigi Yuugi, Inuyasha, Sailormoon, Escaflowne, & many, many more
Graduate college, raise a family, live a good life, become a better person =}
Anime, Writing, Reading, High school football games (great fun w/ friends), Anime
Writing, keeping Tasuki in check
| StarlightSakura
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Wednesday, May 19, 2004
Mai wallpaper & greeting
Yay!!! They're both up!! ^.^ I made an Ah! My Goddess greeting and a Ceres wallpaper. I've had the Belldandy picture done for a few years now and never thought to make it into a greeting. I scanned both of them. I got Belldandy from the back of the DVD cover box for the movie & I got the picture of the forest and the sun rays from a Texas Monthly magazine.
The Ceres wallpaper I made from many different pictures. It's of Aya & Touya which is well, kinda obvious. The one where they're kissing, I scanned it from my manga & colored in the faces only on the computer.
I like them both. Tell me what ya'll think about em ^.^ Por favor ^.^ It's the first time I've ever attempted a wallpaper & I'm kinda proud to show them off ^.^
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Tuesday, May 18, 2004
1970's mustang
My uncle finished restoring a 1970's Mustang a while back and it's sooooooooooo beautiful!!! It's a convertible, beautiful white leather interior and a yellow outside. It's not an ugly yellow like on most other cars. Sorry to all of ya'll w/ yellow cars but that's just mai opinion, I'm not a yellow car person but this one is an exception. It's such a beautiful car and I want it!!!
He and one of his friends restored it and they are gonna sell it and split whatever they make. Mai sis & I asked him how much he wanted for it and he said he was hoping to get between $8-$10,000 for it. But it's funny cuz he told mai other uncle he wanted $7,000 for it.
So, here's the thing, I'm now opening a donation fund called "Donate money so Gatorade can buy herself a 1970 Mustang" ^.^ j/k. I wish I had it tho.
My aunt told us something interseting while we were talking about the kind of cars we wanted and she said that she got this picture of a house that she wanted and put it in front of her at her work or her house (can't remember which one) but wherever it was, she told herself, "Okay, that's my goal. I'm gonna get a house." So she did get a house, a nice one too, and she never took that picture down until the house was hers. I should do that. Print out a picture of an old Mustang or Camero or Chevy and keep it with me as one of my goals. I'll tell myself "I'm gonna get me that Mustang/Camero/Chevy." I want one reeeeeeeaaaaaaallllllll bad. That's my new goal: Get enough money to buy me an old (but nice & working) convertible Mustang/Chevy/Camero. ^.^
Anyone wanna make any donations?? So far, I have hmmmm.... *counts money in her pocket* $.11!!!! That's enough for what, a scratch of paint from the car?? :P
Well, I gotta go. gotta go raid some other people's pockets *looks around & walks off* ohhhhhhh mommyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!! daddyyyyyyyyyyyy!!!!!
Lata daiz & lotsa luv,
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Sunday, May 16, 2004
I CAN'T BELIEVE THEY BEAT US!!!!!!! DAMMIT!!! I literally have tears coming down my eyes right now. So, here's a gift to the lakers from me: I hope that they try their damndest but never win another playoff game again. ever. I hope that Kobe gets found guilty and gets suspended from the NBA and gets thrown in jail. And Shaq, I hope Shaq hurts his big toe so bad, he won't be able to play the rest of the playoff games. Robert Horry too. I hope he gets rejected by the Spurs and the Lakers and that he will have to settle for a low-paying position on some team far from us. Yes I realize that Robert Horry is on our team, but where the hell was he for the past 5 years? with the Lakers. Why the hell would Popp even think about getting a former Laker?? The damn bastard's still loyal to them. He told the damn ref that he was gonna foul Shaq. HE TOLD THE REF!!!!! And then he goes and fouls Shaq. He does not deserve to be a Spur. I'm ashamed to call him a Spur and he doesn't deserve to be on this team, in this city. He's not good enough for us. All this might be my anger talking, but if ya'll lived in San Antonio, ya'll'd be saying the same thing. Horry is a traitor. A traitor to the Lakers for coming here. A traitor to the Spurs for still being a Laker even though his jersey, and his contract, say Spurs.
I need something to make my day better. I got vol. 3 of Ceres manga but now I need...... god i don't know what I need. I need something to make me feel better. I need to.... kick my friends' @$$E$ for being Lakers fans. Lesse, there's Abby, Martha, Ernest, Teresa, Vanessa..... and at least one more.
I hardly use this word because it makes me feel bad but right now, it feels right to say it: I HATE the lakers. I seriously hope they get cursed by not winning anymore playoff games despite their efforts to do so. I hope Kobe gets cursed by being found guilty, cursed by getting suspended from the NBA, and cursed by going to jail. On that note, I hope his wife leaves him for a better man. I hope Shaq gets curesed by hurting his big toe for the rest of the playoffs. And I hope Robert Horry gets cursed by not getting to go back to the Lakers or the Spurs any more years.
Please don't take any of what I've said seriously or get offended by any of it, it's my anger talking and I don't needed to vent it off.
On a lighter note, I did an Ah! My Goddess greeting card. I'm hoping it'll be up soon. Yesterday I made my first ever wallpaper. It's a Ceres one and I hope to have that up soon. Oh and guess what!!! I finally scanned my Inuyasha picture and will hopefully have that one up too. I also scanned the Chi picture from the back of my grey binder, which finally broke some time ago. So be looking out for those soon. Well, I gotta go, gotta go vent more of my anger out on Yahoo Messenger with my friend, and other sad Spurs fan.
Just remember, there's always next season!!! ^.^ (hey look, I actually smiled ^.^ ----I did it again!!!)
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Saturday, May 15, 2004
First of all, I wanna say that I think that I have either many mood swings or I'm schizophrenic. Only a few hours ago, I was pissed off at the SPURS for losing yesterday and now I'm my happy, playful self. Might've been because I just let out some anger during a Fushigi Yugi RP with my friend.
Anyway, like the subject says, this post is about Saiyuki. What is it about?? I'm curious. I see it all around here now. i've seen it at Suncoast but haven't really looked at it. Anyone care to tell me what it's about or know a website where I can get more info about it??? If ya do please tell me. I think I'd like to see it. Hell, if you have a video clip of it I'd like to see it. Thanks^.^
Lata daiz & lotsa luv,
P.S~ here's a few quiz results I took earlier:

Find out what anime series you belong in.
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Friday, May 14, 2004
My mom and I were playing Scrabble when we saw the SPURS make their 2-point shot in the last few seconds and we started cheering thinking they were gonna win. We knew that we were gonna win. But at the end, my mom and I had left our game and were sitting literally in front of the TV and when we saw Fisher coming onto the side and the ball going towards him and then seeing it going in, we screamed bloody murder.
Here's a horrible picture of that DAMN SHOT!!!
yeah. and that damn picture graced the front page of our sports section in the Newspaper.
I seriously almost started crying. I screamed two long screams, and I banged my fist soooooooo hard on our table that I thought that our glass cups would break. I also kinda messed up our scrabble game so we had to start over. I just wanted to cuss at everyone soooooo bad but I had to hold it in. I don't cuss in front of my mom.
Now my keyboarding techer was just reading something from a website about TNT having a billboard with Jason Kidd and Shaq on it. No SPURS at all. She also read that Charles Barkley complained and said that why do the put them on the billboard and not last year's NBA champions nor their two-time MVP anywhere at all. The Spurs and Tim Duncan should be on at least one. Why do people not like the SPURS???? It's always talking about the Lakers or Jason Kidd or LeBrone (or however you spell his name). They all suck either way and I don't think that it's fair. They'll put all these guys on just cuz they're more known. But why not make anyone on the SPURS more well known? I think that we have some of the BEST NBA players on our team. Realistically, the SPURS don't get the recignition they deserve. It's sad really. Such a great, well-working team to get recognized ONLY when they win a championship?? That's just wrong.
Here's a picture that's actually a wallpaper. It's from last year cuz David Robinson is in it But it's still a nice picture.

I hope it didn't come out too big. ^.^ Well, I guess I should go. I've been on the internet everyday until the bell but today I have about 20 minutes left to see other sites. Bai!!!
Lata (& hopefully better) daiz,
P.S.~next game is tomorrow (May 15) at 9:30 in LA
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Wednesday, May 12, 2004
Jinxes suck, Mexican list, & mai strawberry pie story
I believe that if I watch the 1st half of the SPURS game, they'll end up loosing. It's been proven on many occasions. I also believe that if I watch to much of the free throws, they won't make it. So while the SPURS are barely in the first quarter, I'm here on the computer writin to ya'll out there in Internet Land. As for the free throws, I only watch it before the player shoots. More often than not it works. So yeah. I'm a superstitious person. So instead of enjoyin the game right now, I'm gettin updates on the score now & then from mai mom.
Here's an e-mail mai mom sent me. It's called "True Mexicans" It's very funny.... if ya get it.
If you can run and play any sport while wearing chanclas....Mexican status!!
If your late tio left you a van and you turned it into a taco vending business. Yes, you're a Mexican.
If you have ever hurt yourself and your mamacita rubbed the area while chanting, "Sana, Sana, Colita de rana....." You're Mexican, big time!!!
If you have your last name in old English lettering anywhere on your car, truck, or tattooed on your back. Yes, you ARE a Mexican (and a proud one too).
If you refer to your wife as your ruca, your hina, your wifa, your old lady, or your vieja, guess what? You're a Mexican.
If you throw a "Grito" (AHHHHHH HAHAHA HAI!!) every time you hear Vicente Fernandez, then not only are you a Mexican, but you are a drunk Mexican.
If you have ever been pinched in church and been told "pobrecito de ti si lloras" or "Vas a ver orita que salgamos." Yes, you're definitely a Mexican.
If you grew up scared of someone called La Llorona, or fear the dark because of El CuCuy! Yes! Mexican!
If you constantly refer to cereal as "con fleys" or cake as "kayke". You're a Mexican.
If you use manteca instead of vegetable oil and can't figure out why your butt is getting bigger......You might be a Mexican.
If you have some tias that dress up in their prom dresses to go to a birthday party at "el parque". You are a Mexican.
If your tias and abuela dress up in their Sunday best with heels and all to go to the "pulga." (AKA the Flea Market) Then, yes, you are a Mexican.
If most of the houses on your block are painted bright pink, mint green, and purple. Mexican.
If you use the bushes in front of your house, the fence, or the top of an old car to dry laundry. Yes,
you're a Mexican.
If you're congested and your mamasita rubbed "Bicks" (Vicks) into your nostrils and gives you "jugo de sebolla" with sugar, (grandma's recipe) to help relieve your symptoms. You're Mexican.
You know your laughing your head off. It's all in fun, so don't get all "adoloridos." (offended) Just pass it on so another Mexican can laugh too!
There, I passed this on to all the Mexicans out there ^.^ & please don't get all "adoloridos" about it. ^.^ Think of it as one of those, "you know you watch too much anime when...." lists
As for the strawberry pie story. Mai mom & I saw strawberrys at "hell" (H-E-B, our grocery store) the other day for $.99 and they had some BIG ones! We bought two 1lb cartons of them. Then I saw the strawberry glaze & decided to make a strawberry pie. Then we bought the ready made pie crusts that you just have to put in the oven to bake. That was yesterday. Today, mai mom was nice & baked the crust while I was at skewl.Then after skewl i came home and did the rest. i washed, and cut the strawberries, successfully avoiding eating the really BIG ones (horray for me!! ^.^). Then iput the glaze & spread it around the strawberries with mai finger (the glaze is very good by itself ^.^). Then stupid me, I put whipped cream on it and put it in the fridge for the required hour. About 15 minutes later, I opened the fridge to get tea out for dinner & noticed that the whipped cream had melted and was now running off the sides of the pie (not really sides since the pie is a circle, but ya'll know what i mean). I was mad but we left it in there and after dinner, i took it out and since i thought it looked like mai niece had spit up all over it, I decided to try and fix it. I found a tub of Cool Whip and dropped spponful after spoonful on it and spread it over the melted whip cream. Every now and then, it'd catch on some of the glaze, leaving red streaks over the top. It looked good. I made it look good ^.^ & It tasted good too. ^.^ Surprisingly there's still some left. ^.^
Well, i gotta go. It is now 11:10 and the third quarter should be starting soon. So I'll leave ya'll to dream about the loverliness that is Strawberry pie and the glorious feeling of the SPURS being ahead of the LAKERS by 10 pts. at halftime (according to mai mom) ^.^
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Tuesday, May 11, 2004
Shaq makes a good girl :p
I'm in mai keyboarding class right now and some guy just printed a picture of Shaq. And this is one picture that I'm gonna keep. They put the picture in the Paint program and put a pink skirt, pink wristbands, and pink heels on Shaq. And gave him blonde hair. It's soooooooo funny ^.^ & it'll be even better when we win!!!!! ^.^ HEHEH!!! SPURS IN 6!! hell, maybe even 5! ^.^ I'm a big SPURS fan. Luv 'em.
BACK TO BACK!!!!!!!!
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Monday, May 10, 2004
Mother's Day & The Spurs
I guess I could be considered a mom also. I'm a godmother-to-be!!! ^.^
Whenever mai sister finally gets to it, I'm gonna baptize mai niece.
I can't wait to do it!! ^.^ Mai first godchild!!!! And then, as soon as I get a job, I'm gonna spoil her soooooooo much.!! ^.^
 Animation from
Heheh, looks like he's dancing.
N.E.waiz, the spurs lost!!! 105-81!!!! How the hell could they lose soooooo bad?!?! Ah vell, i say the series will go like this.... SPURS in 6 games
They play the Lakers again tomorrow. Too bad Kobe ain't gonna be there. The bastards gotta be in court for not keepin it in his pants. Heheh. loser. So Shaq's all by his lil lonesome self. awwwwww :( HA!!!!! But seriously, he does depend on kobe alot
gotta go, bell's gonna ring
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Friday, May 7, 2004
Let's see if this works
Here is the link to my prom picture. I'm the one in the starry dress with tennies. ^.^
Teresa, Vanessa, and I
It worked!!! ^.^ I'm not totally satisfied with this picture. I look bigger than I actually am. But then again, cameras do add 10 lbs. or so they say. but that's me at John F. Kennedy prom 2004 ^.^
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Confusion and Pictures
It doesn't feel like a Friday.
Yesterday it but today it doesn't.
I feel as if it's a Wednsday and
I'm still waiting for Friday to
come. Unless I'm just reliving the
anticipation I felt waiting for
school to end and for it to be
8:00 so I can watch my SPURS win :P
N.E. waiz, I don't think it's Friday, mentally.
OH!OH!OH!OH! look at the chii picture I just found!!!

Isn't it so pretty? Chii is so beautiful ^.^ Heheh. I looooovvvveee her appearence.
She has to be one of my favorite characters in Chobits. her and Sumomo and Shimbo. Heheh. Well, let's see if I can find another picture.... hold up

Princess Nine!!! ^.^ I like Izumi. She's sucha bitch. I don't usually like those characters but I like her.
Can you say kawaii? How'z 'bout KAWAIIIIIIIII!!!!!!!!!!
Well that's all. Bell's about to ring and I gotta shut down the computer. Bai!!
Lata daiz & lotsa luv,
P.S.~ gotta give credit out for the pictures:
All other anime pics:
Past SPURS pics:
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