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With Tasuki
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Tasuki's girl
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Graduated high school, made a jacket I LOVE, & have gained more confidence in myself =}
Anime Fan Since
I was born
Favorite Anime
Fushigi Yuugi, Inuyasha, Sailormoon, Escaflowne, & many, many more
Graduate college, raise a family, live a good life, become a better person =}
Anime, Writing, Reading, High school football games (great fun w/ friends), Anime
Writing, keeping Tasuki in check
| StarlightSakura
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Thursday, May 6, 2004
Spurs are on their way!!!! Again they beat the Lakers by 10 points 95-85.
let's hope that the Spurs will move on to the next round, and the next, and the next, and then they'll be the champions once again!!!!
N.E. waiz, our Jr/Sr prom was on Saturday (May 1st)
and I went with my friends Vanessa and Teresa. It was kewl. There were
surprisingly quite a few juniors there. I thought that there'd be only
5 or 6 including us but there were lots more. I'm gonna try and post my picture
with my friends up here. ^.^ I'm the one in tennies. ^.^ Yes,
I wore tennies to prom. I had wanted Converse sneakers but then mai mom
and I found these nice black and white Skechers
with a really kewl flower print on the side for $12 and we had to get those instead.
I was sooooooo comfortable in them ^.^
Well, I can't get any pictures up right now. I'll see if I can in a few
days or so. right now, I gotta go sleepy
sleppy night night. ^.^ so yeah, g'nite ya'll & one last thing:

Ain't he the hottest?!?!? ^.^
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Sunday, May 2, 2004
they rock!!!
they're goin for another championship!!! ^.^
As ya'll can see, I'm a SPURS fan. Luv em alwaiz & foreva!!! Especially Tony Parker ^.^ he's so cute ^.^

Ain't he so hot? ^.^ That's Tim Duncan next to him. Ain't they hot?

Boy can kick some Laker @$$!!!!!!!
I'll put up some more later ^.^
Edit 5-3-04 I messed up Tim's name!!
I put time instead of tim. Sorry Tim!!!
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Friday, April 30, 2004
end of testing
i've been testing all this week and i feel good that it's over and done with now. We reviewed everything on monday and tuesday we took the first of our new state exit level test, the TAKS test.
Our exit level test used to be the TAAS test and consisted of only reading, writing, and math. Passing all three between your junior and senior years of high school meant you would graduate. This year, the class of 2004 was the last graduating class to take the TAAS test. They changed it to TAKS and made us, the class of 2005 (which is the best class by the way) their guinea pigs (spell check!!!). We are the first class to ever take this as the exit level test. it now consists of English Language Arts, Math, Science and History. Since we are the first class, we are the ones that set the standard for future TASK test testers.
It was pretty easy. We had taken several practice ones before and that set the standards for us. We have to answer 25 or so questions right out of 70 or so. But then, 10 of the questions don't mean crap so if we got 25 right but 10 were the ones that don't count, we only got 15 right. So in reality, we have to get about 35 right.
So yeah, on Tuesda we took our math test. That was the one that took me the longest. I finished at around 2:15. I think i passed it. On Wednsday we took the scince. i finished at around 11:30. I'm pretty sure i failed that one. Then yesterday, we took the history. That was the easiest one. I finished at around 11:00. The language arts one we took in february. The only one that i'm certain that i didn't pass was the scince. i think that half the school thinks they didn't pass it.
What sux is that if we don't pass it, we have to take remedial classes during the summer and retest during the summer also. What sux even more is that the number of questions required to answer right goes up with every time the test is taken.
So hopefully i passed all of them but i'm not so certain about the scince.
Sorry if i bored ya'll with my testing rant but i had to get it outta mai system ^.^
Lata diaz, & lotsa luv,
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Friday, April 23, 2004
gonna kill my computer!!!!
My computer is on crack. It's the slowest thing in the world, it freezes every 10 seconds (okay, that's an exageration, but it feels like it) and now it won't let us play freecell or solitaire.
I know that the slowing & freezing is because we have so much crap on our comp but why the hell can't we play solitaire or freecell?
I went to & found out that Solitaire for Windows 98 (yes, we still have windows 98) isn't compatible with AOL IM 2.0 (which is what I had) & Yahoo Messenger, one of the old versions (which i also had) so it said to update them to fix the problem so i did & we still can't get solitaire. I'm gettin pissed cuz that's all my parents do when they come on the computer.
I'm still confused about freecell. I couldn't find anything that would affect the game on English-language Windows 98. So i dunno what's goin on with that. I tried to see if had a place to download the games but i couldn't find anything. so yeah.
If anyone has any knowledge of what to do, tell me please? ^.^ before i smash this damn computer to nothing more than dust. ^.^ Thanks.
Lata daiz & lotsa luv,
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100 people
Hey howdy hey! i gotta get on, type this, & get off so it's short but here it is!! I gots 100 ppl to mai site!! ^.^ i'm so happy! oh so happy! (heheh) i broke into the triple digits!!! yay!! ^_^
Lata daiz & lotsa luv
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Friday, April 16, 2004
old, Old, OLD!!
I'm old, Old, OLD!!!! tuesday april 13 was mai 17th birthday. yeah. we're gonna have a crashin at mi casa type thing this weekend. but the thing is, i feel like chet. (crap) i think i'm gettin sick. mai mom has a bad cough, then mai baby niece is sick (pobrecita :( ) and now i think i'm gettin sick. i think mine's mainly allergies but our oak season is dyin down already and our other allergens ain't that high yet. so i guess it's just a bug bein passed around in our home.
N.E. waiz, back to mai b-day. it wuz kewl, we didn't go anywhere for lack of money (due to a new SUV ^.^ and savin money for prom ticket, dress, class ring, & other neccessities for mi familia) so we just stayed @ home, invited my friend, sista, niece, and grandma over for dinner (tacos & chalupas), cake & ice cream (cookies & cream). Mai grandma got me an estee lauder makeup gift set. I don't wear makeup but i may use it for prom :P mai mom got me ALice in Wonderland, The Princess Bride (which came out in 1987, the year i was born), and Brother Bear on DVD.
so yeah. i wuz just checkin mai e-mail & mai cuz sent one of these damn survey things. so here, I'll put up what i have for ya'll:
1) Using band names, spell out ur name:
Simple Plan
Maroon 5
Nine Inch Nails
The Police
Afghan Whigs
2)Have u ever had a song written about u?
Uhmmmm.... there's a Village People song called Samantha, but it was made before i was born so.... no
3)What song makes u cry?: Concrete Angel. How can people abuse their children?!
4) What song makes u happy?: Hitomi Yaida's I Am (I think that's the one) it's so lively and.... bouncy!
5) What do u like to listen 2 before bed?: Mai Evanescence CD
Height: 5 ft. 2 in.
Hair colour : extreamly dark brown
Skin colour: i'm one light mexican! ^.^
Eye colour: brown
Piercings: uhhh....used to have 2 but they got infected.
Tattoos: i don't have one, would like to get one but, i ain't a big fan of pain
Right now: pikish capris, white spaghetti strap shirt w/ flowers
What colour pants are u wearing?: i just told you Pinkish Capris.
What song are u listening to: Every Heart ^.^
What taste is in ur mouth: Bill Miller's Iced Tea
How are u?: like i said in mai real entry, i'm feelin like chet (crap) how are you?
Do you:
Get motion sickness?: nuh-uh
Have a bad habit: announcing when i have to pee
Get along with ur parents?: sure why not
Like to drive?: i would like to
TV show: Chobits, The Simpsons, South Park, Family Guy, Wheel of Fortune
Conditioner: Suave Strawberry
Book: change to manga, Chobits, & Fruits Basket, & Fushigi Yuugi, & Ceres
Non alcoholic drink: BIG RED ALL THE WAY!!
Things 2 do on a weekend: sit mai @$$ in front of the TV or comp cuz i can't go anywhere cuz i can't drive!! grrrr.... (:P)
Band or group or singer or rapper: I like all types of music, except rap, can't stand it. But i like, Bon Jovi, Evanescence, Toby Keith, Martina McBride, Aretha Franklin, Brooks & Dunn, & many more that won't be named right now
Have you:
Broken the law: not that i know of
Ran away from home: contemplated doin it
Snuck out of the house: contemplated that too
Ever gone skinny dipping: nuh-uh
Made a prank phone call: heheh yeah
Ever tipped over a porta potty: never even get near one
Used ur parents credit card before: credit cards, we have credit cards??
Skipped school before: yes...too many times
Fell asleep in the shower: but of course
Been in a school play: yup yup
Let ur friend cry on ur shoulder: of course, that's one of the reasons we have friends
Love: haven't had the pleasure of experienceing it yet (not ina sexual way)
Boyfriend: broke up w/ Scott in September, i think.
Sexuality: i be straight, if that's what ya mean
Children: luv em, want em, don't have em
Current crush: Rudy
Been in love: didn't i say i hadn't had that pleasure yet? (not in a sexual way)
Had a hard time getting over someone: yeah
Been hurt: yeah
Your greatest regret: not talkin to "Spongebob" (some guy i liked from freshman-beginning of junior year)
Gone out with someone you knew for only 3 days: nope
Do u have a job: grrr..... no
Ur cd player has in it right now: Evanescence, Bon Jovi, & a burned one
If u were a crayon, what colour would u be?: purple or silver
What makes u happy: music, friends, family, anime, manga, writing, coloring & sometimes drawing
Who makes u the happiest: friends & family
What's the next cd u're gonna get: i'll tell ya when i get it.
When/what was the last time:
U cried: yesterday afternoon (i was watching the bonus features on mai Princess Bride DVD and the one that played Fezzik (Andre the Giant) was talking and the things everyone else said about what a nice and gentle and caring person he was just got to me, i'm emotional. An then finding out that he died in 1993 was sooooo sad :( )
u got a real letter?: tuesday
You got email: a while back
Thing u purchased: mai class ring
TV program u watched: Chobits
Movie u saw in the theatre: Taking Lives
Your thoughts on:
Abortion: If you don't want the baby, have it, and put it up for adoption. Every life deserves to live. Don't kill your baby just because you don't want it. Give the child to someone who does.
Spice girls: They're kewl. They have some good music and I like them (yes, i like the Spice Girls)
Love: everyone is loved by someone <<
Do you think that u can only fall in love once?: no. you can have many loves, but in the end, you pick one, and while you may love the rest, you chose the one who's next to you.
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Monday, April 12, 2004
New shtuff
The easter one was for yesterday. Here it's 12:38 and officialy considered April 12th. So, here's today's post::
Well, as ya'll can tell, I've added a few more things to here. I like it, the next thing I need is a background. I really wanna thank the people here for leading me to all the graphics websites. Heheh :D So yeah, thank you to everyone who unknowingly directed me to these really kewl graphics websites. ^.^ They're all over the place here so I just say thank you to all'a ya'll!! ^.^ This place'll keep changin and purty soon, my Inuyasha pic, Chii pic, & mai JFK c/o 2005 boy (yup, a new one) will be up.
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Happy Easter

Happy Easter everyone. I hope that ya'll had a great Easter & what not. Ours was rainy. Anyone who was in San Anto or the surrounding area knows that ^.^ but hey, that ain't gonna spoil our easter. We had our whole family over to our house. & since we couldn't go outside for an Easter Egg Hunt, my sister & I just hid them inside. Actually, I hid them, my sister just threw them and called it hidden. I put a chocolate egg on my sister's boyfriend who was sitting on the couch. I just laid it on his shirt and said that he's gonna serve as a hiding place. When we let the kids back into the rooms, my older niece ran to him, grabbed the candy off of him & ran off. It was funny, one of those, you-had-to-be-there-to-find-it-funny kinda things. But we had soooooo much fun. I hope that ya'll's easter was just as good, or even better.
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Friday, April 9, 2004
Happy Child
Has anyone ever seen a picture of a baby with the easter bunny at the mall who did not cry? It is such a rarity. But, my niece is a rare one. My mom took her to take her first easter bunny picture at the mall today (actually, according to the time, yesterday) and she just put my niece on the bunny's lap, told him to just hold her and not let her look up. My mom had just gotten out of camera range when there was a flash. She turned and saw my niece smiling. She tried to take a picture with her own camera but my niece wasn't smiling anymore. Oohhhhhh she looks so cute!!! ^.^
N.E. waiz, my b-day is on April 13th (Tuesday) and I'll be 17. My mom, niece, & I were coming home from my grandma's today and we were wondering how old we would be when my niece is 13. I'll be 30. 17 and 30 seems so far but yet they are so very close together. It seems as if time has just gone by. I feel like it was only yesterday that I was in 2nd grade, meeting my friend Carol but now we're in high school, wondering if we should waste our money ot go to prom this year, next year, or both. And then next year I'll be a senior. High school has been one of the best times in my life. I made new friends, kept my old ones, caught up with friends I hadn't seen since elementry & even had my first boyfriend in my sophomore year (yes, up til then I had been guyless & now I'm guyless again, oh well ^.^) but I love my high school years & I'll miss all my friends and all the kewl teachers I had & hell, even some of the teachers whose guts I hated. ^.^
"Life goes by pretty fast. If you don't stop and look around now and then, you might miss it." ~Ferris Bueller~
Amen Ferris, Amen.
It's weird how time really does go by. I always knew that it does but I never realized that it went by this quickly. I'm going to miss all of my high school friends.
WEll, it's 3:51 am according to my clock so I guess I'll go to bed now. I'm fallin asleep at the computer so good night ya'll
Lata daiz & lotsa luv,
 Animation from
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Monday, April 5, 2004
well.... nutin much to say today x-cept.... we's gonna get a Pilot! ^.^ I hope. we went to get a price & the honda pplz are gonna do a credit check on mai dad and bring a pilot down from either dallas or waco cuz, mai mom wants a blue one & there're only 2 in Texas & that's where they are. ^.^
N.E. waiz, that ain't important. Here's another thing i wanna tell ya'll, my school binder broke today and on the back of it I drew a picture of Chi from the cover of the first english manga. Again, the proportions ain't right (one arm's skinnier than the other) but it's still a nice picture. I'll probably scan that one & mai Inuyasha drawing & post them here soon. I'm sorry, I know I've been promising my Inuyasha for a while now but well.... ya see, everytime I get ready to scan, mai.... uh.... mai owl comes in through my window with a message saying that I have to help Harry Potter solve another mystery thingie at Hogwarts.... yeah, Yeah! that's it.
You are lying through your teeth.
Tasuki-chan! *jumps into his arms* It isn't a lie, the owl really did come give me a message.
Right. And I'm the emporer of Konan
ya never know, you could be ^.^ Well, anywaiz, i forgot what i wuz gonna say.... I'm checkin mai e-mail @ the same time as I'm writing this so yeah.... it kinda slipped mai mind while I was readin the A-Kon update newsletter. Oh! HEY ELDAI!!! The banquet tickets have sold out! Hope they've processed ours already!
Ooooo no banquet for Sammy and Eldai!! *sticks his tounge out at Sammy*
Pinche pavoso, shut up! *smacks him on the head a little and smiles at him innocently* N.E. waiz, that wun't what i wanted to tell ya'll, soooo.... i guess that when i remember i'll let ya'll know. Till then, see ya'll!! ^.^
Lata daiz & lotsa luv,
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