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With Tasuki
Member Since
Tasuki's girl
Real Name
Graduated high school, made a jacket I LOVE, & have gained more confidence in myself =}
Anime Fan Since
I was born
Favorite Anime
Fushigi Yuugi, Inuyasha, Sailormoon, Escaflowne, & many, many more
Graduate college, raise a family, live a good life, become a better person =}
Anime, Writing, Reading, High school football games (great fun w/ friends), Anime
Writing, keeping Tasuki in check
| StarlightSakura
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Saturday, April 3, 2004
well, as ya'll know, according to my other entry, i was Miss Prism in our UIL performance of The Importance of Being Earnest. WEll, we had comepetition on March 31st and we felt that we did good enough to advance, but the judge thought otherwise. We didn't advance but we still had fun. I loved being with all the cast & crew (except a few ppl, who shall remain unnamed). & if any of ya'll were at Southside's auditorium @ 7 on March 31st in San Antonio, ya'll would've seen me. My costume had a bustle on it so that made my already big bottom extra big ^.^ Sadly, no cameras were allowed inside during performances so i only have a front view of me in costume in our dressing room and at that time, our performance was over & the first thing that came off was the bustle. But it was sooooo much fun. I wanna do it again next year.
Well, what else.... hmmm. my birthday's in 11 days & I'll be 17 so yeah.... just lettin ya'll know.
OOOOOO!!!! I'm a goin to A-Kon!!! I'm a goin to A-Kon!!! Eldai too. Were leaving to Dallas for A-Kon 15!!! YEAH!!!! MAI 4TH TIME @ AN ANIME CONVENTION ^.^ okay, I'll stop yellin. I just luuuuuuvvvvvvv anime conventions sooo much! ^.^ I'm a hopin to cosplay at this one. It'd be mai first time if i do. ^.^
Well, I gotta get goin. Parents are yellin at me to get off ^.^ well, bai!!
Lata daiz & lotsa luv,
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Friday, March 26, 2004
Inch of dust
Yep, there's an inch of dust on this site. Haven't been updatin much. ^.^ Well, guess what people! I'm gonna be in a UIL play in about 5 days!! ^.^ We're doin the play "The Importance of Being Earnest" and I'm playin Miss Prism. It's fun. & on the 31st of March, we'll be the winning play!! ^.^ Lots of hours after school, giving up weekends, & part of spring break, we better win!! ^.^ Either way, i think it'll be a lotta fun. Haven't been in a play since 4th grade. & back then, i was just doing movement, no lines.
Well, I suppose ya'll are wondering where my inuyasha piucture is weeeellllllllll.... it ain't up yet. :P I'm just being lazy & well, I don't really get on the computer at home much (actually, I'm in my Chemistry class right now) so yeah, don't expect a lotta things to happen to this site anytime soon. ^.^
Well, gotta go talk to ya'll lataz!!
Lata daiz & lotsa luv
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Wednesday, February 4, 2004
Some Guy
Congratulations to "Some Guy" he's the first one to take mai quiz via (at least, I think he's the 1st one). Actually, it was Eldai, but she doesn't count cuz I sent it to her before I put it ip here.
Next, ya'll get to take an 80's movie quiz!!!! I love 80's movies, especially "The Breakfast Club" "Pretty In Pink" "Sixteen Candles" "Adventures in Babysitting" "Can't Buy Me Love" and "Ferris Bueller's Day Off" possibly the best 80's movie of the 80's. If ya'll haven't seen these movies ya'll should. They're really good. I haven't seen allof "Pretty in Pink" or "Sixteen Candles" yet (yet), but I will eventually.
Right now, I'll just tell ya'll how sick I am. I'm tired, gotta headache, sore throat, feel like I have a fever & wanna go to bed. Don't ask me why I ain't in bed yet cuz I ain't got no clue. & my damn spacebar ain't werkin! Stupid lil bastard's on crack! I'm gettin angry! I hafe to keep going back and pressing the damn space bar!! It doesn't look like spacebar probs cuz I'm goin back & fixing the damn parts where the damn spacebar decides to go on crack Okay, it may sound like laziness to not wanna go back & fix your typin errors, but when you're tired & not feelin well, don't everything just get to you? Well, I guess I'll go to bed now. G'nite ya'll ^.^ P.S.~Sorry forall the "damns"
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Sunday, January 11, 2004
My Inuyasha Picture.... not up yet. I still have to finish it. It's drawn & what not, kinda crappy, but it's drwan, I just wanna see if I can get the shadow shtuffs right. If not, I'll take my extra super kewl eraser and erase all the mistakes. Expect it up midweek/end of this week (If all goes well in this hell called "Midterms").
N.E.waiz, when I do put it up, try not to put it down too bad. It ain't the greatest thing ever drawn, but hey, it's something & there are worse.... right? I think it looks pretty good for not using that proportions drawing thingie (you know, where you start out with the circle for the head & so on & so forth). I gotta buy some drawing books. It's really fun to draw but I wanna make my drawings better. Another New Years Resolution!!! *makes mental note* buy drawing books & learn to draw better.
Tasuki: Might wanna write that down so ya don't ferget it.
*another mental note*kick Tasuki's @$$
*in a sweet, innocent voice* Tasuki! How nice to see that you're still alive! Where've you been? I missed ya! *jumps into Tasuki's arms*
So, when ya gonna do a picture of me? *runs hand through hair and poses playfully*
When I learn to get your hair right! I can't get it to look right. I gotta practice more. *takes pictures of Tasuki's hair from all angles* maybe this'll help.
What th' heck's that? *looks in shock & awe at the camera*
It's a camera see? *pushes shutter, causing flash to temporarily blind Tasuki* It takes a picture.
What the hell? I can't see! What's that lil' square? Why does it keep movin? Stupid things getting annoying! *tries to grab the moving, brightly colored square*
Well, while he's busy, lemme tell ya'll about my drawing: It's on the back of a score paper from my BCIS (computer) class so if ya'll see numbers on it, no ya ain't seein things (at least, not on my drawing), it's my scores on the other side. It's of Inuyasha only. He looks confused (I luuuuv the way he looks in it). Like I said, it'll be the first picture I've ever put up here so please be kinda nice about it. I take all kinds of compliments/complaints. But if you say something like: "Your drawing sucks" or "Your art doesn't belong here" (although I don't think people are that mean) I'll just say "Screw ya'll! Ya'll don't belong here!" and maybe send ya an odd e-mail or two. But mainly I'm kewl with stuff. I consider everything constructive critisicsm (spell check!). & if ya'll know where I can get good How-To-Draw books for cheap, ya'll can tell me (eldai, my b-day's April 13 *hinthint*). Ooookay, I think I'm getting too ddemanding or something like that. So I'll stop here. *looks at Tasuki who is about to Rekka Shin-en that brightly colored, moving square* Tasuki! DON'T!!!
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Tuesday, January 6, 2004
Winter Break Is Over
Today is our first day back at school from our Winter Break. It's kewl tho. I get to see all my friends again and I get to stress myself out in certain classes (is Algebra really required to be an English teacher?)
This week, we are reviewing & preparing & studying for our midterm exams. Next week we will start our midterms.
I reeeeeeeally have to finish ch. 12 of "The Shogun's Daughter. It's a fic I'm writing for my friend and I've been promising her ch. 12 since Thanksgiving. I have it written, I just have to type, edit & post it.
Well, how was ya'll's holiday season & New Years? What & how do ya'll celebrate your holidays? I know that many people celebrate Christmas but I like to know how different cultures, or even different families spend Christmas or your specific holiday and New Years. Ya'll don't have to tell me, I'm just curious and it'd be interesting to know.
N.E.waiz, Heheh, I gots lotsa new quotes & shtuff but I have them on a disk at home & I'm at skewl now so yeah, I'll put them up either later or tomorrow. ^.^ I guess that's all for now. Talk to ya'll lataz! Bai bai!
Lata daiz & lotsa luv,
P.S.~ One more thing ! I am currently working on a fanart. It's from Inuyasha. As soon as it is finished, I'll scan it & post it here. It'll be mai first fanart post.... please be nice about it. My drawing kinda sorta really does suck.
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Sunday, January 4, 2004
Before I start, I would like to wish everyone a Merry Late Christmas/Happy Late Holidays & a Happy 2004!!!!!! ^.^
Here is my personality stuffs according to online quizzes:
What Kanji word best suits you? brought to you by Quizilla
I gots alotta that
 What color are you? (Anime Pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
I think that's half right. I'd say half purple and half blue.
 The Regal Silver Dragon is your protector and guide. Benevolent and kind, Aid is always available to you when it is truely needed. You and those you love are always protected.
What sort of Dragon watches over you? brought to you by Quizilla
I luv mai Silver Dragon protector. ^.^
 You're the comic releif! Someone who is always there to cause some trouble, or to lighten the situation with your "blonde" outlook, or either that or you're just a power driven maniac, either way, you're stuck as the comic relief.
What Type Of Anime Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Heheh, i guess.
 Waves, sand, seashells... you are an ocean dweller. You are thoughtful and very sweet to your friends, but unforgiving and imposing to those you think little of.
Which Other World Are You Secretly From? brought to you by Quizilla
*puts index finger in front of mouth* Shhhhhhh, it's a secret. ^.^
More later!!!!
There, it's later:
 Rikku is who you're most like! You are outgoing and funny...and are most likely afarid of thunder...:)
What Final Fantasy 10 Character are you? brought to you by Quizilla
I'm actually not scared of lightning unless it hits close to home.
 Your element is Fire. Wild and free. Your emotions lead you everywhere. You are a very passionate person, though sometimes forceful and destructive you have a goal in life, even if that goal is just to make it another day. Fire consumes and purifys, it also protects. There is always caution with fire because once it is started on something there is no telling how much it can destroy. Fire people have the same tendency when mad you could be a candle burning but if someone tips you over...
What's your element brought to you by Quizilla
I've always been told I'm a firey person.
 <<>>???What Kind Of Angel R You???<<>>( Anime Pics ) brought to you by Quizilla
Whaddya know? I'm beautiful and an angel!!!! ^.^
 Night Fairy
Please rate my Quiz
Which Fairy are you?(for anyone many out comes) brought to you by Quizilla
Some of my friends are still tyring to figurre me out.
(females)what is one of your past lives? (results contain pictures) brought to you by Quizilla
Imma Angel ^.^
What anime genre is your life?(pics) brought to you by Quizilla
I don't like to be serious, but I will if the situation calls for it.
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Sunday, December 21, 2003
Picture help!!! Por favor?
Anyone wanna help? The picture looks kinda big & I dun want it so big. It won't get any smaller, not from what I can see, anyone know how to make it an okay size? Or if one of ya'll really luvs me, ya wanna make it an okay size for me? Por favor, either one would be a great help. Gracias.
Lata daiz, & lotsa luv,
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Saturday, December 20, 2003
*Tumbleweed goes rollin by*
Wow, I haven't updated for a while *wipes dust off of keyboard* Sorry if I haven't written anything here in a while, I wuz doin stuff. N.E waiz!!!! how'z bout a lil shamless self-promotion? I'm purty sure I've done it b4 but here I go again!!!! ^.^ go to Heheh, that's mai profile page where you can see what stories I've written *hint hint* Some are aight, I dun recommend reading "Come Away With Me" right now tho, as it is in the middle of some MAJOR retyping/posting/editing but read the rest.
Now that that's done, what are ya'll gonna do for the holidays? This year, mai family's comin over on Christmas Eve. We'lll eat, talk, exchange gifts, eat, talk, maybe have Santa come in for the kids, & all that kewl stuff.
Oh! Guess what my friends got me for Christmas!!! Mai twin friends Vanessa&Teresa got me a Legolas poster. No wait, a Legolas CLOSE UP poster!!!! Damn Orlando Bloom's hot!
Well, gotta go, I needed to find a picture & I found it. Talk to ya'll lataz!!! Bai Bai! ^.^
Lata daiz & lotsa luv,
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Friday, November 21, 2003
Birth of Sophianna, Loss of Duo, Back to Dallas
Hey howdy hey!!! I know it's been a while since I last updated here. Lesse, this weekend, mai mom & I are leaving to Dallas to be with mai sis, her b/f, & mai new niece for Thanksgiving. She is sooooooooo cute!!!! I'll be gone all next week and I am hoping to be able to go to Itzacon that will be going on Sat/Sun. It seems interesting. I got an ad from the pplz from A-Kon and there was a little flyer for Itzacon. It seems kewl and cheap so I'll probably ask mai mom if she wants to go (yes, I'll drag her to a con). If not, ah well, more time w/ the baby. ^.^ Well, gotta go, skewl bells gonna ring any minute now. Be back Sunday (if we're lucky)
Lata daiz & lotsa luv:
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Friday, November 14, 2003
Off to Dallas
Guess where I'm goin today? Dallas!!!!! Why? To see my new niece of course! ^.^ Oh god I'm so happy! I saw her in a video my sister brought my dad & I on Wendsday and she has the chubbiest cheeks (spell check!) ever!! Mai sis also said she has brown/black/blonde hair mixed in and that she has deep blue eyes! She also says that when she cries, she gets red from head to toe!!! Oh god I wanna see her so bad. Gotta go ya'll bai bai!!! ^.^
Lata daiz & lotsa luv
P.S. I got mai pics from homecoming w/ mai mum, if mai scanner behaves, I'll put em up when I get back. ^.^
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