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With Tasuki
Member Since
Tasuki's girl
Real Name
Graduated high school, made a jacket I LOVE, & have gained more confidence in myself =}
Anime Fan Since
I was born
Favorite Anime
Fushigi Yuugi, Inuyasha, Sailormoon, Escaflowne, & many, many more
Graduate college, raise a family, live a good life, become a better person =}
Anime, Writing, Reading, High school football games (great fun w/ friends), Anime
Writing, keeping Tasuki in check
| StarlightSakura
Wednesday, June 23, 2004
I found a few pictures of Arashi. They're in black and white but this second one is the one I fell in love with. That's what got me started liking him ^.^

This is a nice one, but not the one I luv.
This is the one i luv:

Yeah, I first saw him in this one and right then, I knew he'd be my new anime guy!! ^.^
Lookie lookie!! another one!!:

But sadly, he's taken:

Oh wait, that's Mikako :p Here's his real girlfriend:

So, i guess I'm stickin with Tasuki, cuz he's mai fave, fanged orange-haired bishonen that isn't taken!! ^.^ (except by me)
So, how are ya'll doin?? I'm dead tired, I've been working from 7:30-6:00 at Guerra and that's stupid. Working that many hours during the summer when the only thing that's going on is summer school. But, there is a lotta stuff goin on in our office so yeah. But today and part of yesterday, I made, and finished, a rubber band ball. It was fun. My friend and I threw it around for a while while he was usin our copier (& my boss was @ lunch and her boss was @ a mtg.) So it was fun.
Now to the Southside. That's a part of town that's almost as bad as the westside (if ya'll are in San Anto, ya'll probably know what I mean). and after six years of arguing & what not, they finally opened a bookstore on that side of town. A Waldenbooks at South Park Mall.
It started with a group of students who challenged bookstore chains to open a bookstore on their side of town. There was never one opened for some odd reason or another, i guess they thought, why would they wanna read a stupid book anyway? they don't read on that side of town. Have you seen their education levels? and crap like that. OBVIOUSLY, there was a group of students who like to read and wanted a bookstore opened up on their side of town. So for 6 years they fought to get one. They called their "campaign" (for lack of a better word) "Books in the Barrio" and today, a bookstore finally opened it's doors to the public.
Now why not get a bookstore to open up in the West side?? C'mon, ya'll went into the southside, challenge yourselves and come to my barrio. La Westside. La Edgewood district. That's what we need over here, a bookstore that I can walk to. We have a library that's within walking distance, but I want a place where I can go and buy a book and not have to worry about returning it within a few weeks. Anyone wanna donate their old, and unused books to me so I can open up at least a resale book shop? How'z about this, anyone wanna help me open up at least a resale bookstore??
I've seriously been thinking about doing that and I think it'd be nice to get books out there to people. Especially on this side of town. The north, south and east sides are taken care of. Now, how's about the westside? I'm talkin about in the Edgewood district. Where John F Kennedy High School and Memorial High School are, Where the Las Palmas mini-mall is (actually, there's a nice place to rent there), and where there's no place for people to go and pick up a few books to keep. Hell, I want a bookstore on the corner of castroville (i think it's castroville) and inca.
Well yeah, there's my entry for today. Now excuse me, I gotta go get mai niece some ice cream. Bai!!
Lata daiz,
How to make a StarlightSakura |
3 parts friendliness
3 parts brilliance
5 parts beauty |
Method: Blend at a low speed for 30 seconds. Serve with a slice of sadness and a pinch of salt. Yum! |