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With Tasuki
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Tasuki's girl
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Graduated high school, made a jacket I LOVE, & have gained more confidence in myself =}
Anime Fan Since
I was born
Favorite Anime
Fushigi Yuugi, Inuyasha, Sailormoon, Escaflowne, & many, many more
Graduate college, raise a family, live a good life, become a better person =}
Anime, Writing, Reading, High school football games (great fun w/ friends), Anime
Writing, keeping Tasuki in check
| StarlightSakura
Monday, September 13, 2004
Well, on that Friday, I went to the computer teacher I was supposed to have from then on to get her approval for my movin into that class. But, the counseling office hadn't gotten the memo that her 5th period class had 29 students, 2 no shows, so that's 27 students and only 24 computers. So I couldn't get into that class. So I was pissed but since it wasn't the teacher's fault, I just smiled, said, "okay" and walked out.
I went to lunch and after lunch was 5th per. and I had nowhere to go. My Humanities teacher had just signed me outta her class and my new teacher had no room in her class. So I went back to the counselor's office and there were some students sitting in the chairs. I had my yellow schedule change paper with me so, thinking that I was just gonna turn it in, the secretary lady let me go in. My counselor was just finishing her lunch and she also thought that I was just turning it in. But when she saw no signiture next to the computer teacher, she asked what had happened and I told her. So we spent almost the rest of the period looking for a class with an opening. She even said that I could just stay in Humanities! Yeah, so finally, after looking and denying so many classes, she finally found an opening in a class I had been trying to get since my sophomore year, Creative Writing. She said that that class didn't look too full so she made a new scedule change paper for me and had me go up to the teacher to sign it.
When I walked in the classroom, there were about 25 empty seats. I wondered why she didn't see this class earlier. So I got signed into the class and went back to the counselor's and sat around for a while cuz she was with a parent, and finally, 5 minutes before the bell, the parent left and I got into her office as quickly as I could.
So yeah, that was my last,-first-week-of-skewl adventure.
Kennedy High School is so much fun. Bai!!
Lata daiz & lotsa luv,
P.S.~ McCollum (12ish) vs. Kennedy (0) & the friday after that, Austin Travis (30) vs Kennedy(23) in overtime.
R.I.P. Jazmine "Jazzy" Casares
March 7, 1997-September 8, 2004
The greatest dog I ever had.

My dog Jazzy passed away on Wednesday September 8, 2004. We were in California and my sister was coming to our house to feed her everyday and on that day, she found her on the side of our shed, and she was well, dead. We've had her since she was a puppy, barely a year old. She was a purebred puppy meant to be in dog shows but there was a problem with her teeth and she was gonna be put to sleep. But a friend of the owner was a friend of my dad's and he asked if we wanted a dog for free. He said yes and we got her. She was a playful puppy, always ready to play and she loved he bone-shpaed biscuits. She had been sick and we had been saving up some money to take her to the vet and were planning on taking her when we got back from California, but she didn't make it. She will always be loved and truly missed.
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