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Currently, I'm in my dream ^___^
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Nothing yet
Anime Fan Since
ever since I can remember
Favorite Anime
D.N.Angel, Trigun, Inuyasha, Rurouni Kenshin, Shaman King,Princess Mononoke, Fruits Basket, Naruto, Ceres, Fushigi Yugi, Alice 19th, Naruto, Tsubasa Reservoir Chronicles, and the list just goes on and on and on..
to become better than I am
watching anime, drawing,snowboarding,computers, rollarblading, movies, hang out w/friends. ^_~
Drawing, and some other things...i think
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Saturday, April 1, 2006
Spring Break Ends T__T
Whee, a new fanart.

This one is a birthday present for a close friend. I really hope she likes it! It'd mean a lot to me if you go and see it!
Well, spring break is coming to an end. T__T That makes me really sad. I loved the free time.
Ooh guess what? I saw Ice Age 2, it was really funny. And the characters are lovable.
Do you guys know the manga called 'Ultra Maniac'? If you havn't i highly recommand it. It's by the same author who wrote Marmalade Boy. It's a Shojo manga.
Hmm, i really have nothing to say on this time.

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Monday, March 27, 2006
Whoot! Spring Break!!
Yesss!!! It's spring break!
and Yess, a new fanart!! It's Sasuke from Naruto. I was bored to death when I drew this. But i'm pleased with how this turned out! So please check it out!

Hee! I'm kinda hyper right now, I think it's the sugar. *starts dancing to the music*
O yeah! I got an account on Sheezyart! And my user's name is StarSpirit, figures. lol
A couple days ago, i was on and i looked up StarSpirit. Then a ton of them showed up.
Please keep in mind that I only have accounts on Sheezyart, theotaku, Deviantart, and Minitokyo. So if you see arts under my name on other sites, please contact me, because it's stolen!!
I wouldn't like that now would I? Or would anyone?
Anyway. How are you guys? I feel so FREE!! Too bad spring break is only one week. T__T But i better enjoy it while it's still here.^^
Do you guys get spring breaks? I'm just curious.
If you do, i hope you enjoy it or enjoyed it.
Here a picture of Osaka from Azumanga Daioh! Heh, she makes me laugh. If you haven't read this manga yet, you really should. It'll brighted up your day now matter how gloom you are. ^^

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Wednesday, March 15, 2006
Whao, I havn't posted in a long time. Yeah, i'm still alive. ^^ Yess, i have a new fanart!! If you havn't seen it yet and you have time, please check it out. (Click on the Thumbnail)
And for those who have seen it, I appreciated it and i hope you liked it. ^^ (It's Inuyasha)

I drew that picture looong time ago. I just never got the time to finish it..until now. It's done in graphite pencil by the way.
I'm open for requests, but only if i want to do them. If you have a good + APPROPRIATE request, then i probably would do it. Just don't expect it to be finished the next day, cuz i've been busy lately and i like to take my time to make it good. Yeah. Oh yeah, PM me if you wanna request.
Today was...BLEH. Lets just say it wasn't the best day of my life.
Have any of you read the manga called 'Othello'? I read the 1st volume, and it was pretty good. I wonder why it's called 'Othello'. Isn't that a story Shakespear wrote? o__O hmm, i dunno.
Anyway. How are you guys? I hope you are having a much better day than me. ^^
Random thought at the momment: Mmmm, chocolate chip cookies are soooooooo good. hee ^^
Here's a picture of Inuyasha and Kagome, I love this picture. They look so calm. =^^=

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Thursday, March 2, 2006
Did I say that winter's ending soon? ^^;
heh. Did i say that winter's ending soon? By the looks of it, it's gonna stick around for another month. The snow just fell outta no where and it's pilling up. And now there's more than 10cm of snow. But I don't mind, i love snow, it's so pretty. ^^ The more the merrier. heehee.
Guess wut? I get today and tomorrow off! yay! But i gotta do homework and study. T___T*boohoo*
Hmm, no fanart today. I'm getting kinda lazy and tired these days, and i hv the artist's block. T__T (again). Anyone know how to get rid of it?
Oh yeah, if you've noticed, i've changed the 'picture of the week' heh, after like months.
Anyway. What's new with you guys?
Here's a picture from Bleach! I've never really read the manga, so i'm not quite sure what it's about. *shame on me* Anyone wanna tell me about it? I'd appreciate it^^
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Friday, February 17, 2006
Ah..Winter feels great ^^
Winter is soo refreshing, if you know what I mean, but it is coming to an end soon. T____T
Anywayz, how are you guys? I'm pretty good, i just got through 2 midterm exams. yup.
Here's a new fanart. To see a larger version of it, click on the thumbnail. ^^

It's like a continuation of the the previous 2 picture. Yeah, it's done in prismacolor color pencil and inking pen, as usual, and the heart was CGed. Yup.
Oh my god, guess wut? My class got to dance for phs.ed.(gym)for the last three days!! The dance was called 'jive', do any of you know it? It was soo much fun. I love it when the guys spin the girls, it was like *WHOOSH*! The dance was like *twirl* * twirl some more* them *drop* then *dip*
heehee, it sounds kinda weird, but it's so much fun.
Too bad that unit's done. T__T I rather dance than do sports. lol
Hmmm, lets see...
Do any of you guys know the manga called 'Full Moon wo Sagashite'? It's reallly good. 'Inspirational' is the word to describe it. If you like singing, then you'll love this manga.
Here's a picture of 'Full Moon' Aiieee! it's so SWEET ^^ *hearts*
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Tuesday, February 7, 2006
Hey! Yess, a new fanart! It's kind of for Valentine's Day because it's only .. hm, 7 days away!! Yay! Here it is, just click on the thumbnail thingy.

I hope you like it.
Here's the sad news, my grandma passed away...on the 3rd of February...on my birthday. T___T Some birthday that was.. I miss her so much. I hope she's happy in heaven though.
I've got a midterm to study for. It's tomorrow (wednesday). My friend's gonna come over today to watch Princess Mononoke!! Aiieee! I love that movie, it's one of my faves. Then after the movie, we are gonna study..*ahem*
Hmm, it seems that everyone's getting a cold these days. I feel so lucky that I didn't catch it yet.
Here's a picture of Princess Mononoke! Enjoy.
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Thursday, February 2, 2006
Yay! it's my birthday tomorrow. ^^ I can't wait!!
But I DON'T think it's gonna be a great one. Why? Because my grandmother is at the hospital and she's not feeling very well. She lives pretty far away so my dad has to leave tomorrow ...right on my birthday.. to see my grandmother. T__T It's so sad, I hope she's gonna be alright soon! *prays*
*prays some more*
Ugh, i gotta study for the midterms T__T It's soo much work.
Does anyone know who Lois Duncan is? She wrote that book called 'I know what you did last summer' and later it became a movie. Omg, it's such a good book. She's my new favorite author now. ^^
Currently listening to: Bananza Belly Dancer by Akon
Well, that's all this week.
Here's a picture of Risa and Riku from DNAngel. Enjoy.
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Thursday, January 26, 2006
Sorry I havn't been posting T3T.
Guess wut?? My BIRTHDAY IS IN ONE WEEK, YAY!!! I can't wait XD!! I'm turning 15 by the way.
Anyway, here's two more fan arts. The Fox one is sketched by a very good friend of mine, edited and color by me ^^ She's such a peach. She drew it for me when i was feeling a bit down. *hugs to her. I hope everyone else likes it too.
And the other one is a girl w/fox ears. <^^> heehee. It started out as a simple sketch, then i just loved it so i colored it. ^^ If you have time, please check out that one too. ^^

OOh, i'd just like everybody to know that i really appreciated the votes and comments on that 'Ed' fan art. *Hugs
Well, i'm outties -^__~-
here's a picture of Sakura from Naruto. This picture is so pretty ^^

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Saturday, January 14, 2006
Hey everyone!!! What's up? Yesss! I submitted a NEW fanart!!
Here's the link to it:

I'm gonna describe the picture a bit here on the post because there're weren't enough space in the 'description' part on the fanart thing.
Yeah, well, this picture took me FOREVER!!! But i am quite pleased with how this turned out. This is probably my best one yet (I always say that, I know). If you look at the old drawings, don't you think that i've improved? A little bit at least? The sketch took 4 hours, and the coloring and other stuff took around 5hours. I can't draw hands well, so i got more practicing to do. Sorry, for complaining so much. T3T
Anyway. Please go see it, i'd appreciate it. ^___^ *hugs and hands out sweets.
Mmm, for some strange reason, I can only draw when i'm under a lot of stress, isn't that odd? When I was doing that FMA one, I had a exam to study for, and homeworks that i had to do. o__O
hmmm. Yeah, that's all for today. I usualy tend to 'post' things once a week.
Sorry that this is such a long post.
P.S. Wow, i accually changed 'the picture of the week' heh, it's more like Picture of the YEAR now.
Here's a picture of Ed *He's KAWAII!!! (Kawaii means cute, just in case if you don't know it yet)

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Thursday, January 5, 2006
WheeWhoo~ ugh, i'm sooo BORED fanart today.
Ahh, guess wut? I got Fullmetal Alchemist!! The whole serie!!!! ^______^ I was watching it, and it was pretty good. Some parts were pretty messed up, like the part where the father merged his daughter and their dog into one? But after a while, i kinda got used to it. It's cool.
So how was you guys' new years? Mine was good.
I'm sooooooooo BORED! 'kay yesterday i did absolutely literally. I woke up around ..8:40-ish and then, i did...nothing..nothing at all...
T____T Somebody free me from this boredom..
Here's a picture of Ed and Al when they were little kids. *they are so-o-o adorable o^___^o

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