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Friday, February 18, 2005
HEY! I'm going to redlands this weekend if the rain isnt that bad when I get off work...wich unfortunatley means I wont be able to post till sunday night or monday morning so...yea i know im a jerk but hey i gota have fun sometime and its not like u ppl are lining up at my door to go to the movies or something...but then again why would u be o.0 anyway enjoy this quiz while i'm gone
OH YEA! and if u want me to have a shot for u while im there just leave a comment as a request I'll try to check them befor i go XD
oh and the construction on my site might make my posts a little less frequent but I'll do my best to leave u alittle something new every day so anyway enjoy ^.^
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Thursday, February 17, 2005
I Have A New Fav Shot!
Well date didnt happen -.-
So I got drunk XD and while I was at the bar I tried a new shot...I KICKS ASS! I GOT WAY FADED! It's called a "Green Demon" its equal parts Smirnof Vodka, Bacardi Rum (151 if you like), Midori Melon Liquor, and Lemonde then shake with ice and strain then drink. To all of u that are 21 and over (or thoese who know some1 that can buy them the ingrediants) I highly recomend trying it :D
anyways heres the quiz I did this morning wich weireds me out cause it was such a wise result...
 ...a shadow within the heart
Who Are You From Within? (Anime Images used) brought to you by Quizilla
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Wednesday, February 16, 2005
Heres a quiz result for now..
I'll update u on my date...if she doesnt blow me off again *sigh*, ltonight or tommarow but heres a quiz for now anyway :D
You should wield the Shikon no Tama!
Find out Which
weapon from Inu Yasha should you wield.
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Tuesday, February 15, 2005
I'm in class again...
Well I just missed the first 1/2 hour of class catching up on all your sites wich though very entertaining got me totally lost in class...i have no idea wtf hes talking about -.- oh well. Since I dont know whats going on I figgure I'll make a quick post :D man am I a terrible student or what! I dont even care that I dont know what this guy is talking about HAHAHA *sigh*. neway I'm gona make a new theme for the site whenever I get off my lazy ass (probaly wont be for a long time since I just ordered 8 different dvds (all anime of course) soo...yea...that leaves me back where I started -.- I decided to keep using this acct and not make a new 1 (sounds like way too much effort). OH HEY! I got me a date! unfortunatly I dont think shes gona be too into anime but hey she cant be perfect right? well im gona try to fix that problem (but im gona fail -.-) anyway I'll tell u how it goes tommarow night after the date.
HEY PM if u wana join the MYO online gaming screen name data base (i just started it and im the only 1 on the list so PM asap!) im gona contact the admin and c if they will let me make a site with the list on it that i can add to the net work...oh crap i gota go teach is starting to get pisseed im not paing atentiong hear he comesds!!!!!
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Monday, February 14, 2005
Holy crap I can finaly get on my site again! I haven't been able to log on for atleast a week, dont know if u all had the same problem or not but looks like im back in action now :D anyway i'm waiting for the mail man to show up...hopefuly befor i go to work, hes bringing me X the series and X the movie, and in 5-9 days Spriggan! Thank god for bootlegers or i'd never be able to afford this stuff XD but yea i gota go get ready for work now...damn it all...but i just wanted u guys to know i havent been ignoring or avoiding u i have just been having technical dificulties but it looks like im in the clear so expect more from me soon...just dont expect it today i have way too much shit todo...damn u school...1 day i'll get u back u bastard establishment
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Friday, February 4, 2005
I found me a new lady :D
gota ask her out still...but should go fine she just bolted from school befor i got the chance -.- but whateve...
anyway sorry i havent posted for a while. I just saw a preview for Sprrigand, looks totaly sicky, I keep trying to find it in all my local haunts but its nowhere to be seen -.- bastards try to hide daddys medicine, daddy done gona get pissed...anyway other than that i'm trying to avoid getting stoned by being stoned all freaking day long...probally sonds bad but its a whole nother story if u see me :) its funny too i smoke all day at work and no1 even notices...i have goten wayyyyyyyy too good at this game...sadly its gona end soon...or atleast i'm trying to make it stop but...well...its still here with me, drugs truly do make humans an interesting beast...ok i'll stop now this might get alittle too weired...but your used to that if u check my site so anyway, CHEERS!!! to Dark Sephy the 1 person i know of that would rather ignore me than spite me...anyway later
(gota love my jumbled thoughts...i just reread what i wrote...HAHAHA...soo sad)
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Wednesday, January 26, 2005
I have to give a lady what she wants, don't I?
Well it has come to my attention that I acomplished making at least one NME by simply trying to make friends and help people. The one girl inparticualr (u know who u are and i hope u see this) has proceeded to change her myO page 3 times all with an ever increasing hostility towards me though she doesn't mention my name I know shes talking about me. Aparently I'm just an ass hole that cant take a hint, XD how goofy I'm just alone and felt like I could relate with her posts but aprently I'm the ass hole...well whatever, I'm toying with the idea of creating a new myO handel since the 1 person that really enjoyed my site has left me to deal with the after math of her leaving wich deeply sadend me since I was finding such happiness in our conversations...listen to me get all sad and seriouis :*( anyway if u check my site every now and then leave me a comment or something so I know I'm not just posting in a wasted effort of hope that she'll return...if i do scrap this handel I will still post on it like once a week for the ppl who know the honest side of me like u if ur reading this.
and as for the new handel (ur gona hate yourself for calling me an ass hole that cant take a hint) i took a hint from some1 thats got issues with me and will become the embodiment of a cyberpunk left in an information overload unit XD
--if u have any idea what that means u know it just means fuck all I'll just do whatever the hell i want :D oh and did I mention I'm gona start doing some poetry? well i am, and its all inspired by my favorite NME. If only she would have sent something back to me...if u ever read this (u know who u are) i would have left u alone if u would have just responded and told me to piss off, though i can understand her initial fiestyness due to the fact that i attempted to comment on a post she made about personal issues and...oh nm it doesnt really matter cause I always get the role of the bad guy...stupid ppl like u are the reason i ruined my life with drugs once. and on that note i'll leave u feeling as bitter as i do :D anyway PM me or Comment my posts if u read this cause I'm getting tired of this with no readers :P
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Tuesday, January 25, 2005
oh f*kin wow...
holy crap this shiznit is boring...i mean like seriously...this blows. i cant wait for a project so i know what i need to be working on in this class but whateve i guess. hey if u havent seen the bebop ipod wallpaers i recomend it ^^ they are on page 8 og the bebop wallpapers hub...anyway i think its almost break so this is all i will post for now...wish me luck :P
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Sorry I have been missing my chances to update lately. If its any consolation its cause school just started again and I already got behind -.- its gona be a long symester...I'll try to post more when I'm in class tonight.
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Sunday, January 16, 2005
the usual...
well...todays post...well the Steelers won so thats cool, but...i dont know...for a long time i have been plauged with a problem that i actually forgot about for a short period of time recently...and now that i remember it again its worse than ever. I had a sister once or atleast we considered ourselves brother and sister even called each others parents mom & dad...it was when life really felt real for me. but as im sure alot of u know or have atleast realized, all good things have to end. when she fell away from my life i was left with such anger i felt as though she had traded me in for some1 cooler...i was wrong...but in my anger i seperated myself from her and started hanging out with my child hood friends and from that i started smoking among other things and slowly choose to hang with them then go where my heart wanted to go, cause where my hearted wanted to go i thought i would find nothing but pain...eventually it became what it is now...a seemingly eternity of sorrow seperated from the 1 i gave all my happiness too until she agreed that i found some1 that truely deserved it and would be my wife...but now that will never happen and the happiness i thought would slowly return to my life reguardless of her presence seems farther away than ever...anyway this is getting too sad for me to type...hopefuly i wont be soo sad for my next post and wont bother u ppl with such trivial matters as my lost heart...i know how to find her and know i can, but i am more afraid of finding her and being denied a return to her life than i am of losing my very soul. . . .
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