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Irvine, CA
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Head Dispatcher @ Consolidated Reprographics Laguna Shop
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Anime Fan Since
befor I can remember, even went to japan in 6th grade to buy the real thing from the source.
Favorite Anime
R.O.D The TV (FLCL falls in a close second)
Travel all over the place (already have a great start), marry some1 that loves me and have a kid (or 2 if shes up for it), get a job as a computer programer, and stay in touch with the only friend i have left from when i was a small child.
Being too serious for my own good in the most retarded and playful way possible...if that makes any sence at all...
Gifted with programing though I always need alot of resources do to a short memory
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Tuesday, May 31, 2005
I'M BACK!!!!!!!
sorry i was gone sooooo long :*(
i spent alot more time in Redlands for my buddys graduation then I had origonaly planned...
but i had fun if thats any concilcation ;P
i leave for europe in a week and a day w00t!
so as of the 8th im gone for 2 weeks
were not even sure where were staying...
but we got hotel reservations for the first 2 nights and the last night in london so we know where we'll start and end...
just not sure about where we'll be staying in the middle
if any of u live in England, Ireland, or Scottland and know of ceap places to stay drop me a PM cause i could use the info
now today is a great day!
i hope...
today i start my new promotion
only thing is...
i dont get my raise for another 3 months...
that means i'm a boss that gets paid less than every single person thats under them...
them bastards are such... ... ...BASTARDS!!!
i swear i'll raise hell...
anyway they are just lucky i leave for europe in a week other wise there would be hell to pay... this is probally long enough that i should stop...
i'm gona try to post everyday till i go on my trip...
but my buddy john is back in town so i'm sure we'll be at the bars alot so it all depends on how sober i am
till next time...
oh and also send me info on where i can sleep plx 8D
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Friday, May 20, 2005
quick psot cause i gota get movin to my bud's house...
ok, got a C on my final and 100% on my project...
that leaves me with a B in the class, TOTALY STOKED!
i did work in the office all day...
time moves totaly slow in the office :*(
but hey its a promotion so i cant bitch...
anyway i gota go sorry its been afew days since my last post
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Tuesday, May 17, 2005
well i got my big final today, yea...i didnt study >.< i usyally atleast look the stuff over...nut im not even sure what to look over i payed soo little attention last time i was in class. also my third and final project for the same class is supposed to be due today...but the date on his site says thursday so im crossing my fingers cause im stuck and need his help >.< but oh well im used to this kinda crap it still agrivating though...
on a happier note its less than 2 weeks till i get my promotion and i think ill be able to post right from work :D
oh and my europe trip is in within 3 weeks :D too bad im short on the money i need for it and my other buddys to busy cause hes graduating to help me plan the trip -.-' but whatever right? we still gota figure out where were gona sleep in Ireland and Scottland...
oops its getting close to work time, i gota go get rdy.
Later guys ttyl (i'll find out today if i can post from work)
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Saturday, May 14, 2005
remember kids Tequila hurts the next morning :D
as u probally figured out i was drinking tequila last night...well margaritas to be precise (i just had them add 2 extra shots for me :D) soo, yea, head hurst so this will be short.
i get papa johns pizza for dinner :D
i have a final on tuesday >.< ouch that not gona study...i should but i wont, the coors light in my hand thats healing my hangover agrees with me :D soo yea thats pretty much it...
OH YEA! i bought to Lupin the 3rd movies and Inuyasha the movie 1 & 2 soo im gona go watch them right now :D
haha i have movies to watch ;P
later guys have fun and dont do anything that i would :D unless its something like hug a puppy, u can hug the little guy :D
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Friday, May 13, 2005
Oh well I'll post the images later (i stole them from the site anyway ;P)
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LOL I can hear them singing Happy Birthday over the PA at the elementry school across the street from my house (sounded soooo forced) XD comedy
neway the ppl at bestbuy are way stupid and I love them for it. Well first off I have been waiting for the Burst Angel relaese (5/10) and the gunslinger girl release (5/17) yea...5/17 hasnt come and gone yet but the fools put it on the shelf on the 12th...yea needless to say I bought the dvd and didnt tell them they were morons, they might have tried to take it from me and I was in a fighting mood (yea I know...I need anger management -.-') soo anyway I have it now :D if u didnt notice the vid above is new, sorry i didnt change it for soo long, now its got the GSG trailor. for thoese of u who have no idea what GSG is, its pretty much animes answer to "the Profesionl" wich I also love...neway theres some GSG and Burst Angel Pics at the bottom though u probally already saw that.
So I was gona ask the cute blond at the bank out today...oh wait...I got a big, sore, red dot on my nose >.< (no its not a zit) soo yea...guess that wont be happening (way pissed) probally a good thing though cause Im still not sure if shes close enough to my age for it not to be weired...but then again shouldnt she have to be to work at the bank? I'm probally just finding things wrong with the situation so i can avoid it, too bad though I was gona go with a rose and everything :*( but whateve, lifes a bitch then u die.
So its 2 weeks till my buddy john gets his degree and less than a month till I go to Europe for 2 weeks :D I wasnt sure if I ever went into detail on it so I'll leave u this about the trip...
I'm going with my buddy john, we've known each other since befor either of us can remember. we'll be there 2 weeks and were visiting Britin, Scottland, and Ireland. Were going on our own dime (his graduation money and my hard earned money from work, lucky SOB) so were going pretty low budget and we can only go to thoese 3 places cause there soo close to each other...
oops just realized this post was getting long soo I'll just leave u with the images ;P

Burst Angel (sorry I have to go to work so this is the only 1 u get -.-'
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Tuesday, May 10, 2005
well i have tried to post 3 times now and i thought i was doing something wrong to make it glitch out but instead i think its a banner load problem...anyway thats boring just gona keep copying what i type so i can fill it in again fast if it closes on me again...wait...that was boring too -.-'
ok so anyway, i went to the angels game last night with my mom for mothers day :D oh wait...they lost :*( but we did have alot of fun and she was glad she got to go to a game and see what the stadium looks like now soo my gift ruled and all other drool ;P we even got to see the indians manager get thrown out of the game XD and we booed the crap out of an indians fan when he caught a foul ball XD was great!
ok soo enough of that since the last baseball post i made got no response :P
anyway im buying burst angel volume 1 today w00t! been waiting over a month for this stupid release think ill buy another volume of chrono crusade while im there too...but then i wont have money for lunch at work...dilemas -.- oh well i get paid on friday...oh and gunslinger comes out next tuesday w00t! though i heard u can get it already online i'll just wait and get it while im at work, anime shoping is soo fun when u do it on company time XD
oh yea!
also (not that any of u actually care) i got 100% on my last 2 programming projects :D that makes me 5/5 on 100%'s and the sadest part is im usually surfing myO in class XD im tooo good at this shiznit XD as a matter of fact i hope more of u post today so i have something to do in class, its the last class meeting befor the final -.- so i wont be able to view all your sites every tuesday anymore, not that i was supposed to be checking myO while i was in class but...
anyway i'll stop that train befor i start rambaling -.-'
ok well befor i go i just wanted to say that once school is out i should be on more anyway :P though last time i disapeared for like 3 weeks, oops.
well im running late cause i stoped to post this so im gona go make some toast finish my coffee and head to work soo i can go drive on the gun filled freeways of socal (yes ppl have been shot in my delivery area -.-' so its kinda nerve racking these days >.< anyway ill be sure to ride low in my seat and not cut any1 off so i can come back and post more ;P
ok i gota go
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Monday, May 9, 2005
oops sorry i hit enter on accident -.-'
wow i posted that night i was really drunk? damn i didnt even know...
oh well...
anyway not much to report...
my europe trips gettting close and my buddy john graduates from Redlands University in like 2 weeks...
oh yea and im taking my mom to the angels game tonight :D thats what i gave her for mothersday (yesterday ;P)
anyway ill KIT
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Thursday, May 5, 2005
If u didnt figure ity out im reallly fuvucking drunk...i have noc idea what i am tyypinmg/.....nmaybe...wopw m,yu buddy just had his 21st bdayt and i zam sooooo fuckjing drunk i cantread the screen so if trhis doexsntr make sencve FUCKL U I CAQNT BVEVEN SEE THE KEYUBOartrd soooooneway u know swhere i am sooooooooo sdoooooooodrunk i goptas throw up "P
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Tuesday, May 3, 2005
my bad...
i totally flaked out on posting cause i've been playing a whole ass load ov video games...
mainly wow (world of warcraft)...
im a jerk...
i guess...
well whatever im gona try to get back in the swing of things and post alot again...
like i said i would last time i did :*(
things are pretty good here on my end...
im reading Pattern Recognition by Willium Gibson
i highly recomend u check it or any of his other books out...
i have all of them and have read all but 2 :D
i just bought Otogi Zoshi and Peace Maker and Burn Up W
all kick ass...
and other than that...
im in class...
i dont wana be in class i wana go play more wow...
but yea...
i think i was helping 2 or 3 of u out and i totaly blew u off :*(
my bad...
im back and am more than willing to continue helping
if i did everything u asked me then i guess i didnt blow u off so ;P
anyway i gota pay atention cause this shits on the final
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