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myOtaku.com: Statiquen

Monday, July 4, 2005

   HAPPY 4TH!!!

so its not even close to the best i got but i didnt have to upload it...
yea this is what u get...
i got another 1 i might put on in afew days...
but i figured id give u this funny 1 befor the other thats just a typical AMV...

its the 4th of july, w00t!
im gona drink some corona's...
eat me a burger...
pig out on cips and dip (i made the dip, IT ROCKS!)...
watch the firewors show from my front lawn...
take some shots of Jack D...
get the hose rdy to take to the school across the street (tradition)...
wait for the little shit heads to light there fire works off...
and finaly befor bed...
pray that the idiots dont set the damn school on fire again...
im tired of being old...
watching things burn kicks @$$ but i know im not gona be the @$$ hole that lets the little kids school burn down...
anyway im kinda rambling now...
i DL'd afew more AMV's today...
i have a grand total of 140 now...
my fam will be here soon so i gota finish getting stuff rdy...


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