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myOtaku.com: stego160

Tuesday, August 23, 2005

   dam i hate this day
this day really sucked i cant believe it was these bad i mean this morning i got up and and had to dig though my clothes to find something cause i didnt pick put my clothes last night,and then when i get a ride to school i got to listen to rap all the way up there and oh my god i hate rap.and i had to hear this stupid song called suck on the dick.WHAT THE HELL ARE THESE PEOPLE THINKING my god then when i get to school i about the mid of the day about lunch time i got to play hacky sack(which was fun)i love playing it.but i stink at it though but the good thing is that i enjoy what i do.but any way then aboutaaafter 4th block(which is the end of school)i go and wate for my gf to get out of class and it took her a while cause i think the teacher held them up i guess then as soon as i see her she starts poutin about something cause she had a bad day and shes aggervated at everone and even me(the least)?and she starts walk and slams her dam locker?whatever thenwe go out to the bus loop and i try to calm her down and i did i hope.and then she gets bus leftlol(thats not funny though)really its not and then i till her i love her and i went on with my busness and then i try and help a few friends with something trying to pop a locker and so i do but i coudnt get it though.it really hurt my hands,then i went home then the driver was curseing up a storm it was like f this and f that oh my god grow up.he was mad cause i burned him yesterday?anyway as soon as i get home i go and playrunescape some and try to relax some then my sis she was abused by my mom and i was like what the hell and she told me what the deal was and that was not right for my mom to hit my sis.my mom is a skank and im not afraid to say it.ccause she got like 5 guys in the bed with her like ever month.anyway after she told me that i got off the game and took a nap and then i talked to my bro(which is really cool to be around)and then i call my gf at about 8:30pm and shes all niosy and ever thing which is good cause shes in a better mood and im glad for that.oh and she did have a cell to call someone to pick her up.and then she start whistleing and oh my god i got a headache good lord but she was happy and thats what i wont for her.and so she had to go cause she wonted to go spend time with her famliy?....and we only talked for about 5 mintintes and ya i was kind of pissed so i just hold it in and i let her go and my bro goes back to the north to his home with his gf.and i go outside and play with some fireworks and that really was no fun really.and then i go back inside to try to play my gutair and that really was not at my best interest at that time.and so i got two gutairs now cause my bro never has time to play his and hes got to do his studys(sucks for him)but edcation comes first though.and now im here tpying this stupid post and being bored?and im waiting for my gf to call back(if she will) im sure she will.well thats my day for today...god give me a good daytomorrow i had a good one yesterday.
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