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Friday, January 11, 2008
It's now the weekend everyone hope you're enjoying it as much as I am. I don't know about other countries but the younger generation's lives in the U.K revolves around alcohol, party's and sex *angel face* I'll admit that I am no exception but hey..I still have the rest of my life to settle down and mature..been to my friends tonight and had a good time after yesterday (which I refuse to talk about so don't ask about it) and now I'm sitting in the house bored waiting for what tomorrow will bring :) I've been sacked from my garage because the place has gone into more debt than I'm currently in which ain't good so I'm looking for a job in another garage somewhere or in a fashion shop so hopefully that will go well. Apart from that my week so far has been pretty blank what about you guys?
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Tuesday, January 8, 2008
Steph has a week off work...FUCK YEAH! XD
wo0o0o0o0o0o0o0o0o! no idea how I'm gonna spend my time though since I'm sorta in debt at 16..O.o but meh it's still a week off..wo0o0o0o0o0o0o0o! =D
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Saturday, January 5, 2008
Pics :D
Here's some pics of me and friends, and also some pics of finished engines I've worked on.
Myself (Taken last year)

Jessiiica :D Grew up with this girl she is amazing (professional photo)

James Grew up with this dude as well, best-est person evvvvverrr :D People always laugh at this picture (he ain't really passed out it was a joke)

James as a chav :P (took this pic with webcam lol)

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Howdy ya'l
I've worked on a Saturday...omg :P twas still good though, I cleaned the engine of a BMW M3 (for those of you who don't know, the M3 is one of the best selling performance cars ever) and it's possibly one of my fave cars ever apart from supercars :) I've just started getting guitar lessons too, my first lesson is in about quarter of an hour so it should be fun :) (I'm gonna be better than any boyband evvvvveeer :D) In a couple of days the garage is meant to be getting modification job on a Toyota Supra as well which I'm looking forward too, there are a huuuuge range of body and performance parts available for it and a Supra just looks soooooo good when it's been customised :D I get to pick the paint colour and vinyl as well so I'm definately gonna get a picture of it when it's finished.
My best friend James (I grew up with him when I was living in Middlesbourgh) had a look at this site and said I didn't include enough about my personal life in here so I'll just include it in this post:
I'm 16 years old
Live in a luxury flat (oooh yeah :D)
Mother is a teacher and Father used to do modifying jobs on cars (where I got my interest in cars from)
Weekends are spent either at work, a party, or shopping.
Material girl.
I admit that I do smoke (biggest mistake you will ever make in your life trust me) but I have evvvvvvverrrything I need to quit so wooooh!
I'm described as open, hyper, horny (O.o), pasrty animal, trance head.
I will talk about literally anything so anything at all you wanna know about me don't be shy to ask I'll tell you straight away.
Have a boyfriend named Dan who I love with all my heart.
I go to an all girl's school (dunno why but meh.)not a charv/townie though) which I use to dj at some parties I go to :)
Want a career in modification of cars lik my dad or to make my own music
Have never touched drugs
I am bi-sexual (people love it :P)
I am completely obsessed with myself :D
Kudos to anyone who has managed to read all this
xoxo Steph oxox
I have decks (
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Friday, January 4, 2008
On the computer at work at the moment I'm on my break :)
I'm gonna start working on this site thingy tomorrow so I might not post for a while...again...but meh I'm sure you can cope :-)
Nothing much has happened recently my life's been borng which is part of the reason why I havn't posted recently so I got nout to talk about.
Howa you guys anyway? P.S: If you know anything I can put on my site thingy or any way to improve it please tell me and I shall be forever thankful :D
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Friday, December 28, 2007
soz for not posting for...forever
lol im still here :D works been a bit stupid atm I'm working 8 hour shifts for a bit O.o still good though I got to fix a Porsche engine :D you guys have a good xmas?
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Sunday, December 16, 2007
Found out more about the Donkin-duo x-mas bash
Right here's what I found out :)
Donkin-duo's holding a x-mas bash on x-mas where dj's from all around the country will play their genre of music through the site, they're currently looking for people to listen to their radio's or for dj's to play at x-mas or in any of the radio slots that are open, please advertise the site in any way possible if it isn't too much trouble, I think it's a site for UK dj's and listeners so anyone you know who is from the UK who likes trance, hardcore, dance all that kinda stuff please tell them :D
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party was disaster !! Afterparty thingy wasn't :D
girl who has lesbian crush on me tried to get me drunk :-| so I spent the whole night trying to get away from her and it worked :) she ended up getting so drunk she fell asleep in a bath so once that happened I was able to relax and enjoy myself :D but like...5 mins after that the girl who threw the party called Laura's parents came......not good lol so as soon as that happened everyone just broke out, there were some people who jumped out the window :S..but we just walked around the town looking for somewhere to hang out and we found this field surrounded by tree's so we just stayed there all night talking to eachother and acting like complete boobs again...made some new friends as well so that was good :D
Got my xmas pressies sorted out for everyone but I ran outta money when it came to buying something for my niece so I had to break into my bank account and get her something, she's into fancy dress costumes and all that stuff so I got her a spider-man costume :D not sure if it fits but meh
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Saturday, December 15, 2007
advertising a site for ya'l
Heya people, James' friend Jamie is wanting to get a site advertised because they're having a huge dj bash on christmas day and they want as many people listening as possible, not sure what genre of music they will be playing but I'm guessing it will be muy bouncy :D just go on the site and register and I have no idea what to do after that but it should be easy enough
Got mah x-mas pressies for people so yey :D so much congestion and it's so crowded here it's practically impossible to move...so I now know why most guys buy presents on x-mas eve from a petrol station and get you a bbq set or something cheesy like that :P
gotta party to go to today apparently...the girl who has a lesbian crush on me invited me and friends to come and apparently theres gonna be loads of people there...like a Skins party if you think about it (Skins is a teenage drama on tv for those who have never heard of it...not too sure if it shows anywhere apart from the U.K but look it up on youtube it should be there) What you guys got planned for the weekend?
Don't forget to sign up to Donkin-Duo and if it's not too much trouble try and advertise it in any way possible. Cheers *huggles*
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Friday, December 14, 2007
London's starting to bore me :( I dunno why though, might be a little homesick but I don't know but meh life goes on ^ ^
not much happened today just went out shopping for christmas presents. What you guys been up to?
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