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Jacksonville, FL
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Well I really never did anything good, I did it half assed adnd as long as it was done I didn't care.
Anime Fan Since
To long
Favorite Anime
1:Cowboy Bebop 2: Trigun 3: X/ Movie 4: FLCL 5:Inu Yasha(I guess)
sleeping, art, music
I can sell twenty christmas trees in one day. ::sighs:: Man I loved that job.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, August 8, 2004
In the last 48 hours
Ok in the past 48 hours I have been watching new anime, I don't know how, but they started playing anime on diffrent channels, So the first one I saw, and spare me if you like it, I just found it, Betterman... I am still confused about this one, I only saw one episode and my braind caved in. the second was Last Exile.. This was really good I liked it alot and another episodes on tonight at midnight so I'ma watch it. and the thrid was Beyblades... Hell I can't even explain this one, I watched two episodes and found out two things, theres a really fat kid named gary, and the leader looks like a cat. through the rest of the times I watched normal anime I seen all so many times before, last night it was trigun, cowboy bebop. This morning, I was up all night, I watched that beyblades VF? or something like that, pokemon...shut up it's cartoons. haha and I really can't remeber much. Well I'm outta here peaces.
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Friday, August 6, 2004
Give me hatred or ph33r me!
Well nothing new so far, I go out for my linsence in 8 days, freaked out a bit since I learned without ten and two, so now for the rest of the time I have to get use to driving with ten and two. Well ladies and gentlemen, peaces for now.
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We're in America?
Yes! now sit down, shut the hell up, and get ready.... Ok that was blantly retarded. Ok I have not been doing anything latly but playing on gaia, It seems kinda gayish and girlie but I apparently have fun, I guess it's because my mind is very easy presauded. Shut up.. But here's a picture I ::coughs:: stole, and modified myself to become a sig on Gaia. Hate!
And yes for those of you who remember that is 'Comix Zone' for the genesis.
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Tuesday, August 3, 2004
Myself In life style hell.
Well I give a round of applause to Adam for doing that interview, and now that I know I have to play our of the RPG genre to become a tester, my dreams crashed. ::sighs:: What a bummer, But I'm willing to give it a shot, I believe I will give my sister's friend a call, he's one of the artist for a some computer games, ::he sighs again:: Still never got back to me about getting me into E3, but I don't blame him.
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Sunday, August 1, 2004
::he waves his fist at dothakker:: Well I saw this game on here page and started playing myself, if you have spare time join up it's pretty fun.

If this does not work it's, Referral: Scave
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Friday, July 30, 2004
Old image
An old logo with a little twist.
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Would I lie to you?
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Thursday, July 29, 2004
Halo 2
I just finished watchign the 'demo trailer' for Halo 2 the one they showed at E3, I still have goosebumps, and I want it more, I think I'll go to the local gaming store before the weeks up and put a couple bucks on reservation.
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Tuesday, July 27, 2004
Yet another day
FLCL.... man I wish I brang my dvd's with me, atleast I could watch some Anime while I was down here. I'ma have to get them sent down.
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Sunday, July 25, 2004
The day ends so soon.
Well I went driving for about an hour, it kinda sucked since I hadda drive one of the smallest cars on the road, and everytime a bigger car drove by it felt like the car was a paper bag and get pushed everywhere. But other then that my life's going some what fun, I just found an old journal I kept and if you guys wanna check it out heres the the link.
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