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Friday, April 8, 2005
TEKKOSHOCON!! (<--Anime convention thinger) Whee!! Tekkoshocon started today at 10:00! I'm going to be going to it tomorrow with my friend Emily and her friend and mother, etc. ^-^!! I'm Soooooooooo Happeh!! This was a good day! I A'ced mah tests with flying colors and got a lollipop o.O; WHEE! I have such a JAM-PACKED WEEKEND! -Giggles and bounces.- Yeah, that's pretteh much all that went on today! See ya'll on Sunday when I return from the bottomless pits of ANIME! *Dun, dun dun!* |
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Thursday, April 7, 2005
Today was decent. I keep finding more and more information about my friend. Today my one friend, Heather told me that she saw my other friend(Her name is Markie. I keep confusing myself by saying friend so much.), Markie, at my schools Art show.. x_x.. And Heather asked Markie how she was and she replied, "Still alive." So.. I'm.. thinking.. that I if I don't see her online sometime today, that I'm going to try calling again. That's all that really happen. |
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Wednesday, April 6, 2005
-Blinks some.-
Bleh. I'm kind of in a.. not carish-not-unhappy-but-not-pissed-off-mood. I'm sort of calm, but only because I know if I get mad,that'll only make things worse. So here I am.. I'm at school, obviously, sitting here in the library with some people.. We're not talking, the one kid I'm not friends with and don't like, another kid rides my bus, he seems nice, another kid is friends with my friend, he seems funny and then my friend is here.
My one friend.. The one the 'rumor' is about.. hasn't been at school in... like.. six days or something, there was this big long story, and it's just all mixed up. She was ONLINE last NIGHT! u_u Stupid.. Meh. She posted messages at a MSN community and everything! Grr It makes me so mad that she can lie to everyone like that, and BE that WAY. Meh. I'm really really starting to not care anymore, I just want the fucking truth. I HATE being lied to.. I hate feeling used... And more importantly I hate being.. hated.. by anyone.. -Frowns some, shifting.- It's a weakness...that I loathe.. There I go again, getting mad, saying hate.. and actually meaning it. Sometimes I don't know what to do in life. I was thinking of calling my friend and if no one answers, leaving another message on the answering machine. Nobody responded to the last message, so I gave up.. I thought she would come back after the weekend, but that was crap.. I think I will call again.. but what I'll say? I don't know.. I want to tell more people about it.. I've only told three the whole story, but I don't know who I can trust. I don't want people saying anything untill *I* know the truth. But that seems far off in the distance, god, this makes me want to write another poem but I don't have any good ideas.. My creative energy is flowing but I don't know how to channel it into a project.. I get so bored so easily with, well, everything. But I guess that's normal, maybe not though. I feel so blank minded right now, I'm not even looking at the screen while I type this.. I'm staring around the room, looking at, nothing, basically. I wish I could say more. On one part, my life is happy, on another part, it's depressing, on another part, it's evil, mean.. Disruptive. And all the sides seem to be combining together to create one mixed up, crazy me. I kind of want to seek help, if there is any help for me, but I don't like talking to people.. I can barely call my dad to set up times to see him. That's depressing. I can't talk to my friends about things that are wrong. That's disruptive. I can't talk to my mom without sarcasim. That's mean. I can talk to friends that understand me. That's happiness.. And that's not even the half of it.. I got from emotion to emotion so quickly, I Even get confused.. I don't know what to do anymore. The other night when my computer almost died on me, I cried over it.. I really did, I feel asleep listening to my own sobs and I enjoyed it.. I don't know why I felt it, I just did..
Well.. If I have anything else to add, it'll be later in the day. I have to go now, the bell will ring soon. Now that, I've spent the time rambling... |
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Tuesday, April 5, 2005
Quiz thinger
 dark cat. You are a dark cat! You love the color black and are quite mysterious. You can be moody and are often quite mean and sarcastic. Pranks are one of the things you do best! Sometimes you can be just plain evil! Keep up the good work!
What type of cat demon are you? (great anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 dark angel! You are a dark angel and most likely knew it. You are evil and can be a horrible prankster. You love to wear black and other such colors. Also it is one of your favorite past times to take out your anger on inanimate objects! Well just for the record... I love evil ppl like you! We could probably be friends.
What type of Angel are you? (anime pics) brought to you by Quizilla
 You are from the darkness. You are mean and evil sometimes. You tend to have a select few friends who understand you and most ppl that dont understand you should just leave you alone and screw them! You can be a very sarcastic person and moody but hey you wouldn't have it any other way!
Where did your soul come from? brought to you by Quizilla
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o.O; Two more things
I've finally gotten more than 100 visits! And I wrote a poem yesterday.. It doesn't make sense but.. Meh. READ IT
Why Decide
Why can't I do anything right.
Why can't I just live my life.
Why can't I be a queen.
Why do I have to be so mean.
Why can't I be a star.
Why won't I go very far.
Why can't I leave things be.
Why can't I live as me.
Why does all I touch break
Why does my heart peal and flake.
Why must I pester and bug.
Why can't I receive a hug.
Why must I deserve this fate.
Why can't I decide the rate.
Why can't time just stay put.
Why was I the chosen soot.
Why will I never survive.
Why will I always die.
Why will I remin in the shallow.
Why do I feel so hollow. |
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Son of a Bitch....
GRAWRRRRR! Today WAS going good up till about lunchtime... I found out a disturbing rumor going around my school about a friend of mine and myself. u_u' And I have an idea of who fuckin' started it too. That really pisses me off... Stupid bitchy seniors. -.-' That's all that sucked the fun out of my day.. |
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Monday, April 4, 2005
Erm..Hiyas. Today was alright. I was in a really weird mood. I keep switching from depressed to outraged to happy blah blah, whatever. o_O; But yeah.. My one friend still isn't in school... This'll be day five.. I don't know if I went through the story or not but OIY! it's a shit on a stick story if I ever heard one! Meh. I'm really starting to not care anymore. If she wants to go ahead and lie then FINE! I don't care.. Stupid whore. u_u I MEAN.. -Coughs, erases that and continues.- Erm. So.. That's.. really.. all.. that happened... today.. Yeah... so.. BYE |
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Sunday, April 3, 2005
This weekend was fun! My friend rode the bus home with me and we hung out all afternoon, and she ended up STAYING THE NIGHT! O_O';! Because my mom R4W|($!!! {Leet kicks ass} -Break dances, straightens and then coughs.- Yeah, we stayed up till like... 2a.m.-ish. And had to get up at 7-8ish because my friend had to go home so she could get ready to go to 'work'. XD' Anyways. Yeah.. I was BORED out my MIND all of Saturday..Err.. Yesterday.. Er.. whatever! But yeah. I was bored. I was about to fall asleep.. and BOOM the phone rings and it's my Other friend {One I've known, literally, all *my* life -Twitch.-} And she asks if I want to go bowling with her, her boyfriend and a few other people. o_o; I'm like.. "Errr! If I can get money." So I borrowed money offa my bro and my mom will pay him back. Lmfao. Kinda funneh how my family works.. BUT! I shall't go there now. Anydangfuckingway, I got back from bowling {WHICH SUCKED by the way. We got stuck by a bunch of ass-whip-hole-licking-drunk-off-there-ass-bitches that bugged us the whole time.} around three-ish {I had *ish* to about everything so ISH the FUCK off If you DON'T like ish. >_>; } Then I went to sleep, and when I woke up, THE POWER WENT THE FUCK OFF IN THE NIGHT AGAIN FOR NO REASON. {O_O......Errr....} And the internet wouldn't connect. And I have FUCKIN' CABLE! o.O; So.. I unplugged it.. and plugged it back in and it worked. -Dance.- But yeah, that was my weekend in a nut shell. {I coulda gone inta more detail but I'm lazy and still waking up!} Bye for now! |
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Friday, April 1, 2005
Hehes. ^^ Yeah. It's April 1st everybody! o.O Me and my friend dressed up all weird today(her most so than me, I'm only wearing a glove on my left hand. It's covering the vine thingers that didn't come off. o.o). Umph. Yeah! I told my one friend on the bus, that I was getting married and she believed it. XD! It was sooo funny.Well the bell is going to ring soon so I have to go. ^^ HAVE A WONDERFUL TRICKY DAY! |
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Thursday, March 31, 2005
Yeah. Today was good!!! ^^ I drew vine thingers on my hand with a marker and freaked people out all day. If I think of it. I'll take a picture and try to post it on here somehow. -Will ask her smart friends.- ^^ It's really nice outside too. So yeah! That's all I have to say. |
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