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Thursday, March 31, 2005
Sorry I haven't posted in a while peeps, I've been terribly busy(not really but it sounded cool). I've actually been kind of busy.. I got back from my cousin's on Sunday.. Found out some horrible and not so true news(in other words a LIE), hung out with my friend on Monday, went to school tuesday.. nothing happened.., I went to a friends house to help her burn garbage, wednesday nothing happened... Cept in the afternoon/evening. My friend came over again. We were walking.. got called some bad names but four unknown(to us) teenage assholes and got a metal piece of something chucked at us. I punched a sign and bruised my middle knuckle... Um.. The power went off sometime last night so I didn't get up in time to get a shower and get ready for school so my mom has to drive me.. That's pretty much catching you guys up. x_x... I'll let you know how the *uck my day goes after this.. |
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Saturday, March 26, 2005
Today's been a good day. Yesterday around.. dinner-ish time I went to my other cousisn's house(still my mom's side of the family though) And I unexpectedly stayed the night there. o.O; But yeah, anyways. It was great. I had a blast there. I hardly ever see my cousin's so we caught up on some stuff in our lives.. and stuff.. I think I scared them. Heh. ^^;; I came back here around noon, ate some fruit wrestled with my four year old cousin. Then Hanna, went to do her play thinger. I'm going to see her in it later tonight. ^^ She's also trying out for another play, The Little Mermaid. She wants to be Ursula(however you spell it) Right now I'm kinda sitting here with Arthur(the 4yr old) and he's play games on one computer and I'm on the other. x_x; Lmfao. But yeah! Today we're just kinda cleaning. My mom is 'suppose' to come up today and stay the night and tomorrow my grandparents are coming up and everybody is going out to eat together for Easter. (I don't know if my brother is coming up. He doesnt like people) And by everybody I mean... Lets see.. -Counts.- THIRTEEN people total. It's MAD CHAOS when this happens. Lmao. Usually everyone up here drives down to where I live and we go to Red Lobster. (I live at least two or so hours away from them) ^^ It's going to be great and horrible at the same time..
There's a long story behind that but bleh. It's going to be good because I get to see everyone and it's going to be bad because some of those people don't get along. And they're dumb so.^^! But it's sad because after that, I'll probably have to go home. My mom won't want to have to come back up on Monday to get me but it will also be good because I'll get to talk to a very special someone all day! ^-^!! That's pretty much all that has been going on now. Love ya'll! I'll check in tomorrow sometime. |
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Tuesday, March 22, 2005
I'm just.. kinda here.. I'm mostly pissed off because of the ignorant people on my bus, but I hit the one girl in the head with the thing she threw at me so I'm a little better. Today was alright.. I had mood swings out the A-hole though. o.O' But for the most part it was good. ^^!! -Giggles lightly.- Welp.. that's all really that happened today. o.o |
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Monday, March 21, 2005
Tomorrow is a special day.. Today's been.. okay.. I guess. The morning was crappy but that's life.. -Frowns, shifting some.- Welp, nothing really to say here just wanted to get in a post before the battery ont his laptop died and one because I didn't post all weekend. I had a friend over, she had to use my internet to do a big project thinger for one of her classes. -Shrugs.- Oh!! And I had to do a height and weight thinger at school(It got me out of running in gym ^^) Eek dying battery... I lost 15 pounds and I'm 5'10!! ^^ -Dances.- Welp seriously, I have to go!! Hehehehe. I just sqeezed a few more minutes out of it. x.x; BYES! |
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Friday, March 18, 2005
Blah. Today started out good, and I'm in a good mood but I'm really confused. >.< All thanks to Musiconlyme. She's mean. >_>; She's planning something and won't tell me what it is. x_x' She gave me a few clues and information about where I'd get it.. but nothing about exactly what it is. Baka.. -Is straining her mind to find the answer.- o.O; Eww, I think I just gave myself a headache. Oh well. I'll get over it. ^^; It's probably just because my neck is stiff... Hmmh.. But yeah.. |
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Tuesday, March 15, 2005
Hi again. Heh. I'm in Health class. x.x The teacher keeps walking around so I'm making this brief, but yeah it's almost the end of the day! Whoo!
I don't want to go to Spanish class and Math class. I wish I could get out of them but oh well. Life sucks. ^^ Today wasn't bad, I didn't have any money for lunch because I'm poor but my friend gave me the rest of her Chicken stuff. o.o Yeah. She's nice. But yeah. I have to go the bell is going to ring in about five minutes and the teacher is coming this way. Love ya! |
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I'm soo sleepy
Blah I'm in english class right now, well, not the classroom but the library. People are typing up this english essay that is due tomorrow. It was suppose to be due yesterday but we didn't have class on Friday so she made it due tomorrow instead. o.O Yeah. I'm already done with it but I'm pretending to rewrite it so I can use the computer. o.O; Even thought I probably could anyways, but oh well. ^^; Heh. Hiyas. Umph. I might post again if my friend drags me to the library next period. Wait.. I don't think it'll be open, English 10 classes(my grade) are in here. O.O; Oh well. :P Imma go now and type this thinger and fix what I need to fix and yeah then print it maybe. o.o Bye byes for now! |
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Monday, March 14, 2005
Quiz thinger
Take the quiz: "What does your birth month reveal about you?"
June Thinks far with vision. Easily influenced by kindness. Polite andsoft-spoken. Having lots of ideas. Sensitive. Active mind. Hesitating, tends to delay. Choosy and always wants the best. Temperamental. Funny and humorous. Loves to joke. Good debating skills. Talkative. Daydreamer. Friendly. Knows how to make friends. Abiding. Able to show character. Easilyhurt. Prone to getting colds. Loves to dress up. Easily bored. Fussy. Seldom shows emotions. Takes time to recover when hurt. Brand conscious. Executive. Stubborn. |
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I'm up to a total of TEN--COUNT'em--TEN GuestBook Entries!! Whooo! Cause to celebrate!! -Breaks out the wine(not really) and some party balloons(not really either but I can dream!! Don't shoot down my dreams Dammit!!)- Err.. ^^;; Heh--heh.. Anyways. Yeah. Hiya. I had a friend over till like.. eight minutes ago and now I'm all hyper and shizzle and I.. Just.. Want.. To.. Dance.. DAMN! Is that such a problem! Don't look at me like that! There are *NO* people in my basement all tied up! NOO!! NEVER! WHAT ARE YOU TALKING ABOUT!! Pfft! Lies I say! -Glances around all suspiciously, eyeing every corner with a corner fake laugh.- Heh..heh..heh.. -Snakes off quietly, waving.- |
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Sunday, March 13, 2005
Mroow. -Shrug.-
 the studious student. You are definitely pressured and suffer from side effects from built up stress. You are constantly occupying yourself with books, studies, or some other hobby. You feel squeezed in place and have litte movement. Most of the time you are busy with work and family, and would love to spread your wings and relax. One like you needs to find a certain time of the day to just sit and release the tension. However, you are doing fairly well in school, but that does not mean that you can continue stressing yourself out. Take a breather and head out with some friends. You can consider going into a field like librarian, polotician, journalist, Archeologist, scientist, or lawyer. You have a brain...NOW USE IT....but please...spare yourself the pressure and create some down time for yourself. Or develop a hobby that releases tension, such as knitting (it worked wonders for me)
What type of teenager are you? brought to you by Quizilla
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