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Saturday, March 12, 2005
Whee ^^ Hiyas. I went to the mall today with my friend and we bought all kind of stuffs. I got two necklaces, dragon inscent holder thinger, two books, two new bras and some underwear. ^^;;; Mehehehe. Yeah. That's pretty much all that happened today. I ate one slice of pizza and a cheese stick since yesterday at lunch. x_x There's no food in my house... I'm poor. Anyways. Bye for now! |
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Friday, March 11, 2005
I just took a five hour nap.. I fell asleep around 4 something and woke up at 9:30 at the sound of someone on Msn messenger IMing me. o.O; Oh well.. Now I'm going to be up late..
There is SO nothing to eat in my house.. I didn't eat anything after school yesterday except a half a bag of Chex Mix.. |
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Blecky! I'm at school right now but that's okay! I seems like a pretty good day so far. ^-^ Except I'm hungry..o.o.. Oh wells. I made a pregnant girl at my school very happy because I copied this one paper for her SIXTY times last night! ^^ It's for her baby shower, she's due soon. I wish her good luck.
I also did a big favor for my friend. She had this big Spanish project to do and needed pictures printed, so I did that for her. My printer was in high demand yesterday. Hehes. OH! And I also made a new CD of strictly instrumental music, like Celtic music and nature sounds and stuff. I'm listening to it now in the Library while typing this. It's really pretty but it's making me sleepy. z_z'' I feel asleep on the bus listening to it.. But yeah, this is my day so far and it's only 10:24!! I have no idea when the bell is going to ring so I'm going to sign out now. Talk to you all laters! |
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Ehehehehe I have a two hour delay!! ^^ -Dance, dance.- Oh yeahs, I got a new layout thinger going on, hope the few of you that actually view this place like it. Umph. Boooo... TWO HOUR DELAY!!! -Rolls over and goes back to sleep.- Probably not but I can dream.. Oooo I'm hungry.. -Goes off to get food!- |
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Wednesday, March 9, 2005
Mrow. o.O
 Cruel, beautiful, ominous and evil
You are a sprite of Darkness: Most shiver at the sound of your name, you are ominous and something to be feared. Humans are playthings to you, toys for your own horrid uses. Heartless and cruel you love the pain and hardships of others, sometimes you are the cause. You are very beautiful on the outside which will entrance any mortal into believing what you lead them to, but sooner or later they will understand the deadly ways of your true nature. Despite your dark side you are very talented, you have many gifts that you leave locked up in favor of whatever else your doing at the moment. The feeling of love is alien and unwanted, it frightens you. Perhaps the only thing that does, you are quite brave and things rarely surprise or startle you.
.::=What type of Mythical Sprite are you?=::. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
 Your element is Darkness: Self centered, strong willed, mischievous and mysterious. Your quite dark and often times frightening, although you may be good looking its just a costume hiding the darkness of your heart. You detest everyone but yourself, people are simply insects to be burned under the power of your magnifying glass. People are somewhat drawn to your mystery but find out to little to late how cruel you can be. But you have a passionate soul, that is unless you already sold it. Pursuing whatever you set your mind to, you look at life with a 'Shut up and leave me alone' attitude most often because people generally seem to annoy you. You may be the ruler of darkness but you can often times be generally lonely wishing for someone to share in your dance of darkness so long as they know who is the master.
.:-|What is your true element?|-:. -With Anime Pictures and detailed answers- brought to you by Quizilla
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Hi again. ^^
How is you all again? I'm goood, still a fidgeting hyper mood. I'm listening to Launch Cast at ^^ I'm in computer club. It's WEDNESDAY!! WhooHoo! Hehe. Sorry. My fingers are all like.. Whee I need to type something right now, ahahaha. So this is all coming from my fingers not my mouth because I'm soo not talking and I mustn't be thinking because I'm singing so I'm surprised I'm not typing what I'm singing in my head. O.O I wonder if you all understood that. Heh heh I didn't so if you did could you explain it to me? I'm reading over what I just typed so bear with me. o.o I have no idea what's going on! ^^; Heh. Yeah. I'm hyper so this is random shizzle coming out. I'm just like Duhhh -Drool. Stare. Blink.- Anyways. I'm gonna go now and stop rambbling X>. |
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Hellos everybody! How are you? I'm good. Just sitting here in english class. o.O; I'm on a laptop again and I'm 'supposed' to be writing an essay about a place I went to.. introducing it and what not to a person that has never been there. o.O Merr. I'll do it at home or summat. -Goes to her email to send what she has done home.- ^^ I'll probably do this again on Friday when we're suppose to be working on it again. Hehe. I'm so bad. Oh well. See yas for now! |
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Friday, March 4, 2005
Just checkin' up.
Hello everybody. ^^ How's it going? I'm sitting here in Study Hall, third period. It's about 9:52Am and I'm doing Spanish homework. ^-^; I also have to do Health homework. u_u This is the only bad part about missing days of school! AHHH!
Yes. I missed a day. I skipped Wednesday because of being sick, we had snow days on Monday and Tuesday! ^^ Hehes. I had fun those three days(Even though I was sick all of them), but oh well. Yeah. Today's Friday! That makes up for everything. I know, I know I'm rambling but who cares!! It's Friday! Damn You!
Errr. Heh, heh. ^^ Sorries. Well anyways. My weekend looks like it's going to be boring so far. I might to see a movie but I'm not sure yet. ^^ I'll keep you updated. I might post again later on in the day. If I come to the library in fifth period. >_>; If so, I'll talk to you all then. Hehe! Much Love! Peace out. |
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Monday, February 28, 2005
Sick x_x...
Blahh. I'm sick.. And tired.. And losing my mind. We didn't have school today which was good but now I don't want to go tomorrow either because I'm still sick.. BLAH and I'm also annoyed with people and their discriminating ways. Oh and my wrist hurts and I can't find my wrist wrap thinger..
OW!! I just sneezed and smacked my forehead off the desk. -Cries and curls up in her blankets, praying for a delay from school.- Bye everyone.. |
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Monday, February 21, 2005
My emotions seem to be playing tricks on me today. I've been in a confused mood for a while now but today is magnified for some reason. I have a friend over.. Which I don't mind, but I would have liked to be alone.. today on my day off of school.. I don't know.. I just.. And GAH songs keep coming on that I like and they're changing my mood. x_x; Doggonit.. Oh wells.. Type to ya'll tomorrow or something. Peace And Chicken Grease. |
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