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Thursday, April 21, 2005
Ewww Tests
Blehcky. I have a crap load of tests today. Not really, only two but I'm going to fail both of them. I have an American Cultures test and a Spanish test. God, I hate those clases. Meh! o.o; Wish me luck. Ewww I also have gym today.. Which sucks. But!!
After I SUFFER through today... Bum bum bum bummmmm! I HAVE TOMORROW OFF!!! WHOOOOOOOooo -Break dances.- |
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Wednesday, April 20, 2005
Meh.. Is all I have to say.. This evening was meh meh meh meh meh.. Long story. Too tired to explain.. |
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Study Hall
Sitting here in study with nothing to do.
I wonder what will become of you.
I dream a dream that is so true.
But I fear I can't be near you.
This is my destraction.
And I cannot think.
I only know that I care for you.
And I do not know what I would do.
If I ever lost you.
{Sorries! ^^ Poetic moment. You know who you are} But yeah. I am in study hall and I'm bored. o.o So..I'll tell you wants for lunch today. TURKEY AND BISCUTS!! -Dances.- Such a great lunch.. It's going to be hell getting it though.. u_u Everyone runs because they love it. o.o' But yeah. I had a weird breakfast. A hotdog? WTF? ^^;; Hehes. I was in a hurry and hungry. So meh. I might be posting again later today. If I have anything to say. I have clubs again this week so I'll be able to get on a computer. |
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Whee scrolly thingies. -Watches them go by.- Okay so I can't really see them while typing this but I can picture them in my head so hush.
Yesterday was a weird day. At school, my study hall is right before lunch. It's in this room.. It's like a mini-auditorium. Bleh, anyways. If enough people go to the library the teacher will take us a little ways down the hall to his room. And everyone runs to get seats in the first two rows by the door. I don't know why, the other room is CLOSER to the lunch room, morons. But we went over and I was really fed up and irritated again with people and I said really loudly, "I wonder how many morons will try to plow through the door at one time today." And the teacher came up right be me, I thought he was going to yell but he said, "Lets find out." and counted out six or seven people that we standing right by the door and made them go in last. XD
But yeah. The evening hours weren't so great. I cried during most of it.. I did write a poem though ^^; But meh. That's not the important part.. It's a long story that I dun wanna get into right now. Maybe I'll explain later when I have more time. I'm too sleepy now.. -Yawns, rubbing her eyes.- |
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Tuesday, April 19, 2005
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I can't stop coughing. I hate being mildly sick, or having only parts of cold symtoms because then I can't stay home from school. Stupid mother. But anyways. Yesterday was alright, I s'ppose. I was really irritated all day though. I yelled at like seven kids and enjoy their dirty looks. -Shrugs some.- Mraw. I'm really tired this morning.. And I don't know why. I didn't go to bed that late. Oh well I guess. |
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Monday, April 18, 2005
Oh lord
Wow. I've been on the phone for a while now {You know who you are} and practically the whole time we talked about memories and the past {Her more so than me because I don't remember that much} But it did bring up the issue to me that my cousin {A male} is really really perverted towards.. me. o.O And if I think about all that he's done.. It's bad. Really bad. O.o';; But yeah.. Heh heh.. I won't.. get into that. ^^ |
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Sunday, April 17, 2005
New Theme!! ^^
Aeris Gainsborough Theme!! -Dances.- I love Aeris, she's my favorite Final Fantasy character. ^^ Hope you likeys. |
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Feeling Better..
I'm feeling better today. I realized that I have it a lot better than I should and that I should be thankful I wasn't harmed and the damage wasn't bad. I did learn that my friend and boyfriend broke up, possibly for good this time.. But I have faith in their love. Her, him, myself and one other are going to go to Kennywood with my school on May.. 7th I think. {Kennywood is an amusement park in my state for those of you that don't know.} I'm going to be buying the tickets on Tuesday I think, so he had to bring over money. I feel bad for them.. {Brianna and Josh are their names.} Josh is in college and it's hard for them to see each other. They had been fighting a lot lately and I understand why.. I wish I could help them better. I know they love each other, they just need to get through this rough time. Josh broke up with Brianna.. They agreed to stay friends.. and see how things work out. I hope it goes okay, I believe in them.
-Signing off
-Mistress of Darkness |
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Saturday, April 16, 2005
Amanda Marie Zier's Aliases
Your movie star name: Ice Cream Harry
Your fashion designer name is Amanda Paris
Your socialite name is Brink Wall Mrow?
Your fly girl / guy name is A Zie
Your detective name is Fox Freeport High School
Your barfly name is Chocolate Does Pop Count?
Your soap opera name is Marie Fleming
Your rock star name is Twizzlers Lightning
Your star wars name is Amasca Zierac
Your punk rock band name is The Crappy New Lower Prices Balloon
You May Be a Bit Borderline ... |

Your mood swings make a roller coaster look tame!
When you're up, you're a little bit crazy...
And when you're down, your whole world is crashing
Scary thing is, these moods can change by the minute! |
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