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Saturday, April 16, 2005
Full Story? -Shrugs..-
Well.. last night, I went to the circus.. with Emily.. and she stayed the night here.. We got up at like... 7 something.. and decided to go to the BP for some food... She conviniced me to ride bikes.. -Sniffs, blowing her nose.- So we did.. We got there, ate.. and yadda yadda.. We started to leave and the road was pretty clear.. being so early.. so we were riding on the side, the white line thing.. And the.. erm.. plastic chain cover on the bike came off and was flopping around on the petal's bar, so I was looking down some and trying to move it and the handle bars jerked to the left side and the bike... -Takes a deep breath, quivering.- The bike slid into the middle of the lane and the lady on the motorcycle must've been right behind me because she swirved to miss me and slide on her side.. It was so horrible... The medics came.. the fire department was there.. a police man.. and everything. By the time we got back to the house it was.. 10 something...
Oh god.. The lady seemed so nice too.. She kept saying "It'll be fine.. I'm alright.. I've always wondered what would happen if I crashed.." And I just felt.. I felt so horrible.. I still do...
{There ya go.. -Goes to curl up in a little ball.-} |
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Well.. the circus was fun.. and Emily stayed the night here.. she left not too long ago.. That was all fun and games.. besides the fact that I almost killed someone.. (On accident.. Literally.. -Sniffs.-) |
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 congratulations. you are the "you smell like butt" bunny. your brutally honest and always say whats on your mind.
which happy bunny are you? brought to you by Quizilla
 You are Marijuana (aka: weed, dope, skunk, chronic...). You are the most commonly used drug in the world. You are powerful, stubborn, moody, have a strong attitude. You are classified as class (A and B) illegal drugs.
What kind of Drugs are you? and how that reflect your personality? brought to you by Quizilla
girl you are smart. you know what you want and how to get are cautious when it comes to love cuz you don't want to get hurt, just relax and enjoy being yourself cuz you are really a UNIQUE person.
What is hot in you (your body, brain or soul) ? (girls only) brought to you by Quizilla
Your revenge is motivated by don't forget when some one hurts you, and your motto is "eye for eye". but you don't let this blind you from the fact that some times you can't get to your aim that easy, when this happen you wait and don't let this person get away with it no matter what the consequences are.
What is your revenge (how will you payback)? (3 questions for guys & girls) brought to you by Quizilla
Your mind is motivated by normal desires, you are not a big risk taker but you are not a couch potato, some people like you, some don't, just like every body but that doesn't mean you are not special cuz every one has a talented area, now your job is to find it, work on it and improve it.
How do you think (What motivates your mind)? girls & guys brought to you by Quizilla
 You hide behind The Cold Mask. you like to show people that you don't care about any thing and that people don't concern you but you only do this because you are afraid that when you love someone or get close to them, you might loose them in the end, cuz loosing is your worst nightmare, so you always tend to keep a distance between you and the others, this way you think you are safe.
What kind of masks you hide behind? (i added pix) brought to you by Quizilla
You fall for outside, you tend to show your emotions smartly, you like to voice your opinion, some times people say you are irrational, some times emotional, others might say you are extrovert, people like to be around you cuz you are well-spoken when you want to, you fall in love easily or at least you like people quick, you have a big heart but some times you don't use it.
What side would you fall for? brought to you by Quizilla
Autophobia or Eremophobia is to fear Loneliness, you don't like to take decisions on your own, you always seek support from others, you like to be outside with your friends, you get eaisly bored, loneliness is not your only fear.
What kind of phobias you have? and how this reflect your personality? brought to you by Quizilla
Coulrophobia is to fear Clowns, sometimes you tend to be irrational and some times you tend to be like a chicken, you like challenges, you get bored easily, you don't show to the people you love that you do, but when they are gone you regret it badly and ready to do anything to get them back.probably something bad happened to you when you were young.
What kind of phobias you have? and how this reflect your personality? brought to you by Quizilla
Coulrophobia is to fear Clowns, sometimes you tend to be irrational and some times you tend to be like a chicken, you like challenges, you get bored easily, you don't show to the people you love that you do, but when they are gone you regret it badly and ready to do anything to get them back.probably something bad happened to you when you were young.
What kind of phobias you have? and how this reflect your personality? brought to you by Quizilla
 You connect with pain mentally, your mind analyizes every thing around you, your brain never stops even when you are sleeping, that is why you usually have headaches, another problem you have which is insomnia, you can't sleep easily, you have to think at least one hour before you sleep, you are responsible and creative, you don't trust people easily that is why you like to do every thing by yourself, the best cure for you is to calm down and slow down things in your life, you don't have to carry the whole world on your shoulders.
How do you connect with Pain? (updated) brought to you by Quizilla
 Your dark side is centered around Fear. There is too many feelings are burning inside your chest making your heart beats so hard, you feel fear crawling under your skin, running with your blood, possesing your soul. All you want is a warm shoulder to lean on, a quite voice tells you everything is going to be ok, so you finally feel secure, safe and loved like you always wanted to be. You will find what you want when your feelings start to see the light.
What is the center of your dark core? (updated) brought to you by Quizilla
 You fit in the third reality that exists. World number 3. The liberal home. You could survive in the most exciting world. You are bold, confident, moody, you like to explore, you don't like to stay in the same place for too long cuz you get bored easily, you like to break habits and expectations, you are outrageous comparing to others, you like to be different, you like challenges. You value excitment, adventures and oddity. Your power lies in {Body}. You live in the left side extreme area. Your representing colour is {Red}. Your strongest feeling is {Instability}. Your soul reflects the word {Dangerously Exceptional}.
(This world represented The Most Confusing Truth Of All).
Which Ultimate Reality Could You Survive In? Which Stage Of Humans' Life Fit you? (Details w/ pics) brought to you by Quizilla
Amanda means (Worthy of love) in Latin. You are a charismatic individual with a dynamic and attractive personality. Probably not known for your caution or patience you are a risk taker who hates to be restricted in any way. Freedom is very important to you. Your thinking and intuition is strong and you have a talent for communication. You enjoy the sensual and material pleasures of life and with the application of care and wisdom you can achieve wonderful worldly success.
What does your name means? how it reflects your personality? (Details/girls version) brought to you by Quizilla
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Thursday, April 14, 2005
Your Brain is 60.00% Female, 40.00% Male |
Your brain is a healthy mix of male and female
You are both sensitive and savvy
Rational and reasonable, you tend to keep level headed
But you also tend to wear your heart on your sleeve |
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My goodness
I've been so spaced out all day. I don't know why either. I just keep falling in and out of a daze. It's been a long day too. I was in pain all day AND THE SCHOOL WEEK ISN'T OVER YET! >.<; But.. erm.. Yeah. I'm beyond bored. No one is talking to me so I'm just kinda spacing out and trying to not die.. |
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Wednesday, April 13, 2005
Yeah I realize this'll be the third entry today but I hadta put this down. I went to my friend's house, Brianna.. And we were gonna like.. burn stuff and maybe cook marshmellows and stuff Smores, ya know. But.. apparently no one told that to Brianna. Her dad just randomly bursts out at her that she should go start the fire. And she was like "Fire? What fire?" or something. Then consulted her mom and she told her about their plans. So she was going to go back to her room to finish putting on the last fake nail (>.<...Bleh) and her dad got a bitchy and told her to do the fire now and she's like "it can wait let me finish what I was doing. It'll take like two seconds!" all loud and stuff. So we went out to start the fire.. And it got huge.. and started catching the dead grass around it on fire. So Brianna went to get the hose and I randomly started stomping out the smaller parts of the fire (it was fun ^^) and the next thing I know, her dad comes out with two rakes and is all pissed off and stuff and was yelling at her, she was pissed off.
So.. we got the fire down to a minimun and her dad went back inside. She went back into the basement and came up through the house to come out the back door again. She must've slammed the door or something because all I heard was her mumble 'shut up' to her mom. Then.. She got her stuff and said she was going back inside. I waited outside. I could feel something bad about to happen..
I heard yelling from outside for a bit then it ended.. (Later, I found out that Brianna and her mom got into a hitting fight or something.. Meh.)
I stayed outside for a bit more, petting the dogs and watching the fire. I just wanted to jump into at that point.. After I went in, I ate a hot dog and went back to Brianna's room to sit with her and talk some and watch tv. Then later, I left. o.o It was weird.. |
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Ooo And the Potato song!!
Go to that too! ^^ -Dances off.- |
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Bleh. I'm sitting here in study hall in the library doing.. nothing really XD I don't have anything to do on the computer besides update this thinger. My mom has me looking on the Pennsylvania Child Support website thinger because SHE lost the information about this card thinger that we're suppose to have or get so that we can withdraw the money that my dad pays every month for child support. I'm not having much luck finding out about it, so meh. I don't really know what to look for. I'm basically reading the whole site. x_x; I hope I find it. I need that money to by more pants. Mine are all ripping and stuff. But yeah. We have clubs today! Finally! After like three weeks with ouit it, it's about time. Yeah, anyways. I finished reading the fourth book of Juvenile Orion. I need to find the fifth book. It's out already. I'll probably update again in clubs so I'll inform you then! Wheee. |
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Monday, April 11, 2005
DUDE! After school Emily came over and stayed a bit till I could get these permission slips signed and stuff by my mom saying that I could watch the Passion of the Christ and go to a carnival or whatever on Friday. Then we got dropped off by my mom at Emily's house for a bit, she got yelled at by her dad right in front of me (I find that really really rude and awkward.. but meh...-Shrugs.-) then we left and went to her youth group thinger to watch the movie. We prayed blah blah, ate some pizza and started the movie. =/ I feel asleep through most of it, waking up occasionally to moaning sounds and crying or to scratch my nose. O_o; -Shrugs again.- But yeah.. I was all.. hyped out on Mountain Dew and still am wired.. I don't know how I'll sleep. But Yeah! That was my day. -Scratches that out.- Evening. |
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Sunday, April 10, 2005
Tekkoshocon Was Sooo Awesomely Awesome!!
My jam-packed-weekend to you in a nut shell. Friday, I came home from school, got money from my mom, then at about 5-6 something Emily and her dad came to pick me up, with my stuff and a pizza from my mom for us to share. I got to Emily's house, we ate and goofed off, litterally, till Saturday. We went outside at some point in time and stared up at the stars comeplaining about all the human disruptions we could see impeding us from seeing the stars as clear as we would've liked. We stayed up till like.. 2 or 3 in the morning just ranting about people in our school that we didn't like. Lmao It was so funny! By the time we got to sleep, it seemed like morning already! Emily got up before me at like 6 something and did a few things around the house. I soon followed in waking but not till 7:30 something. It was freezing in her house. x_x; But anyways. Around 8-ish (which was the time we intended on waking) we ate ceral, Honey Nut Cheerios(sp?) and Cheetos(Sp?). Then, I helped her get ready, we were going to be picked up around 10:30. She had to put on make up and her dress. Emily and her friend were dressing up as Chii and Dark Chii from Chobits! They looked awesome. Makes me have wanted to dress up but.. Merh, I'm too, yeah. Blah. ANYWAYS! I got dress and we stood outside waiting for our ride. It showed up and we drove to the place, laughing and junk on the car ride there. I forget what time we got there but we registered(and got cool tag thingers with our names in them)
We split up, it was Emily, her friend Heather and then myself and Heather's mom and her younger sister went off somewhere. We walked around for a while, the first place we went was Dealer's room, the store, basically. Now give me a break, I don't remember exactly everything we did because there was soo much stuff, not to mention the most we did was walk around mindlessly. But after a while we met up with a few of Heather's friends or something, they were dressed up as, Sora and the guy from Full Metal Al(I'm not going to even try spelling it. I know I would buther it but I think you get picture) The male was Sora, female the other. o.o; We all talked for a bit then split again. A little later on we met up with another friend of Emily and Heather's at registration, Scott. We did some more stuff, yadda yadda (Can remember exactly) At first we were all shy to go up and ask to take pictures of people. A lot of people wanted pictures of the Chii's ^^ But after a while I took up the courage and started taking pictures of people in awesome cosumes (That I could reconize who they were) Oh lord.. I got a picture of Shiva, a magic thinger from the Final Fantasy games. Mana, from Malice Mizer, a Japanese kinda gothic band. CLOUD STRIFE AND AERIS GAINSBOROUGH! Together!! From Final Fantasy VII, My Personal Favorite. -Dies.- I also got a picture of San from Princess Mononoke.
We saw a lot of others there like.. Riku from Kingdom Hearts, Yuna from Final Fantasy X, Auron from Final Fantasy X, Vash The Stampede and um.. The one priest dude with the big old cross thing from Vash also. We saw other Chi's, we saw Inu Yasha obviously from Inu Yasha, we saw Sesshomaru from Inu Yasha. Oh lord, there were So Many Others too. Umph.
We did a ton of stuff. I bought the fourth book to Juvenile Orion that I needed. ^_^ -Dances.- And then around.. 5-6 we went and stood in line to see the main event, The Cosplay! Whee! While we were in line this lady came walking around with a box yelling, "Who wants some of my balls! Just two dollars and you can have some balls." Or something relatively close to that. And it was a drink, spelled Bawls, which was good by the way. But it was so funny. She was talking to some guy in front of us and all I heard from the conversation that I remember was her saying before she left, "I guess I have more balls than you" And she was refering to the drink. XD We laughed for a good while over that. (I still have the Bawls bottle.) ^^v! But'um, when we finally got into the Cosplay, we had to wait a bit for them to finish getting set up and stuff. Everything was so delayed. They were playing techno music and Emily , Heather and I were dancing in our seats for a while. Then Emily and I started to chat with some people behind us. This one girl was a really awesome gothic chick. She was dressed a Zombie I think? Or something, I don't know what from but it was cool looking. She had purple hair.
When the Cosplay started, they went through TWENTY sketches. They were all funny, some were kinda, short and not much point, but I had a blast!! Tee hee hee. Lots of jokes and screaming, I'm surprised I still have a voice today! That lasted till like 9 something. When we waited around till 11 for the dance. That was delayed too. (OUCH I just sneezed and it hurt my throat, now I'm making left over pizza^^) The dance didn't actually start till like.. 11:30 or so. x_x So we only had an hour in there because our ride was coming at 12:30. Boo. At the dance, I froze up.. It was combination of being tired and shy. More so tired, I think, I hope.. But meh, it was fun either way. I got to play with glow sticks! But one broke on my hand x_x But it was still awesome. There were some other parts that I can't remember. But yeah!!! I CAN'T WAIT TILL NEXT YEAR! -Starts saving.- |
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