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myOtaku.com: StormofSerenity

Tuesday, March 15, 2005

   I'm soo sleepy
Blah I'm in english class right now, well, not the classroom but the library. People are typing up this english essay that is due tomorrow. It was suppose to be due yesterday but we didn't have class on Friday so she made it due tomorrow instead. o.O Yeah. I'm already done with it but I'm pretending to rewrite it so I can use the computer. o.O; Even thought I probably could anyways, but oh well. ^^; Heh. Hiyas. Umph. I might post again if my friend drags me to the library next period. Wait.. I don't think it'll be open, English 10 classes(my grade) are in here. O.O; Oh well. :P Imma go now and type this thinger and fix what I need to fix and yeah then print it maybe. o.o Bye byes for now!

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