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myOtaku.com: StormofSerenity

Saturday, March 26, 2005

Today's been a good day. Yesterday around.. dinner-ish time I went to my other cousisn's house(still my mom's side of the family though) And I unexpectedly stayed the night there. o.O; But yeah, anyways. It was great. I had a blast there. I hardly ever see my cousin's so we caught up on some stuff in our lives.. and stuff.. I think I scared them. Heh. ^^;; I came back here around noon, ate some fruit wrestled with my four year old cousin. Then Hanna, went to do her play thinger. I'm going to see her in it later tonight. ^^ She's also trying out for another play, The Little Mermaid. She wants to be Ursula(however you spell it) Right now I'm kinda sitting here with Arthur(the 4yr old) and he's play games on one computer and I'm on the other. x_x; Lmfao. But yeah! Today we're just kinda cleaning. My mom is 'suppose' to come up today and stay the night and tomorrow my grandparents are coming up and everybody is going out to eat together for Easter. (I don't know if my brother is coming up. He doesnt like people) And by everybody I mean... Lets see.. -Counts.- THIRTEEN people total. It's MAD CHAOS when this happens. Lmao. Usually everyone up here drives down to where I live and we go to Red Lobster. (I live at least two or so hours away from them) ^^ It's going to be great and horrible at the same time..

There's a long story behind that but bleh. It's going to be good because I get to see everyone and it's going to be bad because some of those people don't get along. And they're dumb so.^^! But it's sad because after that, I'll probably have to go home. My mom won't want to have to come back up on Monday to get me but it will also be good because I'll get to talk to a very special someone all day! ^-^!! That's pretty much all that has been going on now. Love ya'll! I'll check in tomorrow sometime.

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