This weekend was fun! My friend rode the bus home with me and we hung out all afternoon, and she ended up STAYING THE NIGHT! O_O';! Because my mom R4W|($!!! {Leet kicks ass} -Break dances, straightens and then coughs.- Yeah, we stayed up till like... 2a.m.-ish. And had to get up at 7-8ish because my friend had to go home so she could get ready to go to 'work'. XD' Anyways. Yeah.. I was BORED out my MIND all of Saturday..Err.. Yesterday.. Er.. whatever! But yeah. I was bored. I was about to fall asleep.. and BOOM the phone rings and it's my Other friend {One I've known, literally, all *my* life -Twitch.-} And she asks if I want to go bowling with her, her boyfriend and a few other people. o_o; I'm like.. "Errr! If I can get money." So I borrowed money offa my bro and my mom will pay him back. Lmfao. Kinda funneh how my family works.. BUT! I shall't go there now. Anydangfuckingway, I got back from bowling {WHICH SUCKED by the way. We got stuck by a bunch of ass-whip-hole-licking-drunk-off-there-ass-bitches that bugged us the whole time.} around three-ish {I had *ish* to about everything so ISH the FUCK off If you DON'T like ish. >_>; } Then I went to sleep, and when I woke up, THE POWER WENT THE FUCK OFF IN THE NIGHT AGAIN FOR NO REASON. {O_O......Errr....} And the internet wouldn't connect. And I have FUCKIN' CABLE! o.O; So.. I unplugged it.. and plugged it back in and it worked. -Dance.- But yeah, that was my weekend in a nut shell. {I coulda gone inta more detail but I'm lazy and still waking up!} Bye for now! |