Tekkoshocon Was Sooo Awesomely Awesome!!
My jam-packed-weekend to you in a nut shell. Friday, I came home from school, got money from my mom, then at about 5-6 something Emily and her dad came to pick me up, with my stuff and a pizza from my mom for us to share. I got to Emily's house, we ate and goofed off, litterally, till Saturday. We went outside at some point in time and stared up at the stars comeplaining about all the human disruptions we could see impeding us from seeing the stars as clear as we would've liked. We stayed up till like.. 2 or 3 in the morning just ranting about people in our school that we didn't like. Lmao It was so funny! By the time we got to sleep, it seemed like morning already! Emily got up before me at like 6 something and did a few things around the house. I soon followed in waking but not till 7:30 something. It was freezing in her house. x_x; But anyways. Around 8-ish (which was the time we intended on waking) we ate ceral, Honey Nut Cheerios(sp?) and Cheetos(Sp?). Then, I helped her get ready, we were going to be picked up around 10:30. She had to put on make up and her dress. Emily and her friend were dressing up as Chii and Dark Chii from Chobits! They looked awesome. Makes me have wanted to dress up but.. Merh, I'm too, yeah. Blah. ANYWAYS! I got dress and we stood outside waiting for our ride. It showed up and we drove to the place, laughing and junk on the car ride there. I forget what time we got there but we registered(and got cool tag thingers with our names in them)
We split up, it was Emily, her friend Heather and then myself and Heather's mom and her younger sister went off somewhere. We walked around for a while, the first place we went was Dealer's room, the store, basically. Now give me a break, I don't remember exactly everything we did because there was soo much stuff, not to mention the most we did was walk around mindlessly. But after a while we met up with a few of Heather's friends or something, they were dressed up as, Sora and the guy from Full Metal Al(I'm not going to even try spelling it. I know I would buther it but I think you get picture) The male was Sora, female the other. o.o; We all talked for a bit then split again. A little later on we met up with another friend of Emily and Heather's at registration, Scott. We did some more stuff, yadda yadda (Can remember exactly) At first we were all shy to go up and ask to take pictures of people. A lot of people wanted pictures of the Chii's ^^ But after a while I took up the courage and started taking pictures of people in awesome cosumes (That I could reconize who they were) Oh lord.. I got a picture of Shiva, a magic thinger from the Final Fantasy games. Mana, from Malice Mizer, a Japanese kinda gothic band. CLOUD STRIFE AND AERIS GAINSBOROUGH! Together!! From Final Fantasy VII, My Personal Favorite. -Dies.- I also got a picture of San from Princess Mononoke.
We saw a lot of others there like.. Riku from Kingdom Hearts, Yuna from Final Fantasy X, Auron from Final Fantasy X, Vash The Stampede and um.. The one priest dude with the big old cross thing from Vash also. We saw other Chi's, we saw Inu Yasha obviously from Inu Yasha, we saw Sesshomaru from Inu Yasha. Oh lord, there were So Many Others too. Umph.
We did a ton of stuff. I bought the fourth book to Juvenile Orion that I needed. ^_^ -Dances.- And then around.. 5-6 we went and stood in line to see the main event, The Cosplay! Whee! While we were in line this lady came walking around with a box yelling, "Who wants some of my balls! Just two dollars and you can have some balls." Or something relatively close to that. And it was a drink, spelled Bawls, which was good by the way. But it was so funny. She was talking to some guy in front of us and all I heard from the conversation that I remember was her saying before she left, "I guess I have more balls than you" And she was refering to the drink. XD We laughed for a good while over that. (I still have the Bawls bottle.) ^^v! But'um, when we finally got into the Cosplay, we had to wait a bit for them to finish getting set up and stuff. Everything was so delayed. They were playing techno music and Emily , Heather and I were dancing in our seats for a while. Then Emily and I started to chat with some people behind us. This one girl was a really awesome gothic chick. She was dressed a Zombie I think? Or something, I don't know what from but it was cool looking. She had purple hair.
When the Cosplay started, they went through TWENTY sketches. They were all funny, some were kinda, short and not much point, but I had a blast!! Tee hee hee. Lots of jokes and screaming, I'm surprised I still have a voice today! That lasted till like 9 something. When we waited around till 11 for the dance. That was delayed too. (OUCH I just sneezed and it hurt my throat, now I'm making left over pizza^^) The dance didn't actually start till like.. 11:30 or so. x_x So we only had an hour in there because our ride was coming at 12:30. Boo. At the dance, I froze up.. It was combination of being tired and shy. More so tired, I think, I hope.. But meh, it was fun either way. I got to play with glow sticks! But one broke on my hand x_x But it was still awesome. There were some other parts that I can't remember. But yeah!!! I CAN'T WAIT TILL NEXT YEAR! -Starts saving.- |