Yeah I realize this'll be the third entry today but I hadta put this down. I went to my friend's house, Brianna.. And we were gonna like.. burn stuff and maybe cook marshmellows and stuff Smores, ya know. But.. apparently no one told that to Brianna. Her dad just randomly bursts out at her that she should go start the fire. And she was like "Fire? What fire?" or something. Then consulted her mom and she told her about their plans. So she was going to go back to her room to finish putting on the last fake nail (>.<...Bleh) and her dad got a bitchy and told her to do the fire now and she's like "it can wait let me finish what I was doing. It'll take like two seconds!" all loud and stuff. So we went out to start the fire.. And it got huge.. and started catching the dead grass around it on fire. So Brianna went to get the hose and I randomly started stomping out the smaller parts of the fire (it was fun ^^) and the next thing I know, her dad comes out with two rakes and is all pissed off and stuff and was yelling at her, she was pissed off.
So.. we got the fire down to a minimun and her dad went back inside. She went back into the basement and came up through the house to come out the back door again. She must've slammed the door or something because all I heard was her mumble 'shut up' to her mom. Then.. She got her stuff and said she was going back inside. I waited outside. I could feel something bad about to happen..
I heard yelling from outside for a bit then it ended.. (Later, I found out that Brianna and her mom got into a hitting fight or something.. Meh.)
I stayed outside for a bit more, petting the dogs and watching the fire. I just wanted to jump into at that point.. After I went in, I ate a hot dog and went back to Brianna's room to sit with her and talk some and watch tv. Then later, I left. o.o It was weird.. |