Whee scrolly thingies. -Watches them go by.- Okay so I can't really see them while typing this but I can picture them in my head so hush.
Yesterday was a weird day. At school, my study hall is right before lunch. It's in this room.. It's like a mini-auditorium. Bleh, anyways. If enough people go to the library the teacher will take us a little ways down the hall to his room. And everyone runs to get seats in the first two rows by the door. I don't know why, the other room is CLOSER to the lunch room, morons. But we went over and I was really fed up and irritated again with people and I said really loudly, "I wonder how many morons will try to plow through the door at one time today." And the teacher came up right be me, I thought he was going to yell but he said, "Lets find out." and counted out six or seven people that we standing right by the door and made them go in last. XD
But yeah. The evening hours weren't so great. I cried during most of it.. I did write a poem though ^^; But meh. That's not the important part.. It's a long story that I dun wanna get into right now. Maybe I'll explain later when I have more time. I'm too sleepy now.. -Yawns, rubbing her eyes.- |