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myOtaku.com: StormofSerenity

Friday, April 29, 2005

Everybody's sites are so interesting. Post stories and stuch on there, poems and what not. x.x.. I want to do something interesting.. Any ideas? -Blinks some, scratching her head lightly.-

I wrote this poem, like.. just now in study hall-library-laptop-boredness. It's untitled as usual, any suggestions?

The castle in my sky,
Is there to be unseen.
It hides me among the clouds,
And allows me to always dream.

What it is I cannot say,
For my castle would evaporate.
As the moisture in the air,
Turns the clouds to a dark hate.

Why it flies I will never tell,
For my imagination in it dwells.
It's resting place begins to stir,
As the creativity spins my carousel.

A rainy storm of this secretion,
Drains my thoughts of humanity.
It brings my inner child to the light,
And allows me to forget the insanity.

As my day dream begins to end,
I'll light the fire soon again.
I'll promise to shed the night,
And share with you my loving friend.

This friend in my castle,
Is none other than me.
But it is still not simple,
To see how creative I can be.

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