I actually have the time and will power to possibly finish this little scene. Just to clue those of you who didn't see it. I'll repost it.
{Raising his sword by the end of the blade with the sharpened side away from the palm of the male's hands. He flung it upwards with little might from his hand and into the air. His golden gaze jerked to the mass of zombies staggering towards him. He counted out in his head about fifteen to twenty.
Just as one lurched forward, he flipped up backwards with little or even no momentum and snatched within his palm the handle of the sword he just threw, landing again a few yards back. He landed flat footed with his knees bend and the sword in his right hand, tucked back under the left arm. Leaning forward and swinging out his arm with brute force just as the zombie made it up to him again. The blade of the sword, sliced with lightspeed across the neck where the jugular vein would be.
The zombie crashed to the dusty ground in a hurry, and sprawled there for a few moments before oozing out a gaseous liquid with a tremendous smell to it. The male pushed his blood sleeve to his nose to impede the stench from gagging him.
He had no time to waste as the rest of the zombies, angered and enraged beyond levels of reason, charged at him with flawling limbs and goozing flem dripping from their grotesque mouths. He lowered his arm from his face and slashed the sword forward, releasing it from his hand and sending it flying through three zombies, knocking them down.}
Now to continue..
The zombies oozed and moaned with cries of anguish as they charged forward blindly to avenge their fallen comrads. The male jumped backwards with his hands free to allow him further distruction.
He raised both arms out to his sides, his hands even with his hips. His fingers were curled as if he was holding something round; they pulsed and within one instant ignited in blueish-red flames. He flicked his wrists downwards, shaking off the fire in little pelets like it was water. It hit the ground and shizzled in the dirt, speading and creating a large cirle of fire around his feet. It launched up like a water fall on rewind and engulfed his body. Shadowing him from view. He flung in random directions with his hands, lines of fire, plowing down zombies and leaving them steaming on the ground. When the fire disipated, one left stood standing in front of him. I thrust a fist forward, claws extended as it slashed across the face of the male.
The male's eyes narrowed and he licked his lips of his own blood and spat it out on the zombie's forehead then rammed his fire engulfed fist through his chest. The zombie cried out fierce and shrilly as he erupted into flames. The male jerked his arm back, shaking off the intestinal juices from the zombie with a satisfied smirk stretched across his facial features.
There! It sucks but IIIII Like It! So there, enjoy and whatnot.
Oh, oh! Also, I did that play thinger.. in English, and it wasn't that bad. ^^ I think we did really good. But yeah, that's all for now.
Later today: Eeehh Math class.. Good old math class. u_u That Matt kid was doing it again.. He was touching and poking me.. Mrrh. I'm not sure what to do anymore. -Shrugs.- |