o.o Friday, was fine. School was alright, we watched some of Star Trek in Science. I fell asleep XD! Then, in study hall, I was bad. I listened to my NEW MP3 Player all period. ^^ Oh yeah, I got an MP3player on Thursday. Whee, and new headphones cause mine died. I need to give them a proper burial. I had them for FIVE years. ^^; I'll miss them dearly.
Friday night was boring. I got kind of pissed off at my mom because she was willy to GO out with her friends and PICK up another friend from somewhere but she couldn't take ME and MY friend's swimming. u_u; But yeah.. So I stayed home and blasted angry music, blah blah. It was alright.. And now here I am, Saturday. I'm suppose to go to a party later on today. I still have some details to work out though. o.o; It's from 7-11. I have to see if I can get a ride and ride home, so, yeah. That's my day. |