Okay, the last time I updated, I was still at my cousin's.
While I was still there, on one of the last days I was there, actually. We went to Lake Erie ^^. It was me, Darren, Arthur, Hanna, Nicole and Suzi. Kelly was going to go, but she wanted us to take two cars so it was safe(and legal). But Hanna didn't feel like driving, so her and Nicole crammed into the back of my Uncle's explorer. Kelly got pissed and stayed home. I think I was the only one upset about that.. Everyone just carried on with their business.. Well anyways, we drove up, blah blah, got there and swam, had lots of fun. I took crap loads of pictures. I'm going to try and get them all up on a website. I'll post it when I do so you all can see. ^_^v! While we were there, we didn't know the lifeguards left at like 7:30. u_u But it says the beachs are open till sundown so, PSSH, who's gonna stay there and just not swim? Not us, we're bad. So we made it look like we were leaving and then after the life guard left, we got back in. And if any of you have been to lake Erie, you know there are these.. rock barriers.. out there.. that you're not suppose to touch and what not. Well, we swam out there and touched them. o_O! It was so weird. The deepest spot was only a foot or so below my feet. It was cold out there, but fucking awesome! >>; I'm glad we didn't get in trouble. Anyways. yeah, we went home and what not. Did some more stuff I don't remember about. Then the next day I went home.
Thursday night, the 14th. That night I unpacked stuff and repacked more, different stuff before going to bed. I woke up around 11:30, I think and started on laundry that needed done for me to take with me. Then I did the dishes like my mom asked and played with my kitten after cleaning her litter. ^^ Then after my mom got home from work we went up to the bank to get me money for Ikasucon. We had to go to another back because the one's mac machine was broken. So we were further away than normal, so we got fast food. ^^ It's so bad for me. T_T' Anyways, then my mom took me to Emily's. When I got there, we ate and sat around for a bit. Then we made some plans and her dad took us down to meet Scooter in freeport. We walked around a bit then went up to his house. Emily and him played DDR while I watched. o_o; I know, I know, I'm lame. Then Emily somehow convinced Scooter to let us borrow the DDR for the night since we were going to see him in the morning of the next day anyways. ^_^ For IKASUCON!! -Dances- But anyways.. We did.. And her dad came n picked us up n then blah blah blah. Got to her house.. Went to hook up the Xbox.. Her dad flipped out, basically calling her stupid when she knows more about the stupid technology anyways. u_u There was yelling.. and swearing.. then he went to bed and we hooked it up anyways! ^_^! YAY! She played DDR until like.. 1:30-2 in the morning. (I almost typed moroning. wtf?) Then since her dad shut himself up in his room, she couldn't get the extra blankets that I usually sleep on so she let me have her bed. She's so nice. n_n She woke up before I did.. and got all ready and stuff then got me up, I got all ready and stuff and we had breakfast ^_^ (Her dad so spiked the saugages.. Lmao, Frankie knows what I'm talking about. >>) Then! We took all we wanted to take and set it outside with the DDR stuff. ^_^ And exactly at 8, according to my watch, Scooter and his mom came ^_^ Heather was there too. So we packed up the stuff and headed back to his house so they could get the rest of there stuff and Jeff. Lmao, Scooter's little brother. We hung out there for a while, then repacked the van so everything would fit. And we were off!! Long drive.. Sheesh. ^^ Well worth it though. It was funny, we all had music. Scooter's mom and Jeff and had the van music radio thinger. Emily and Heather had CD players, Scooter had his I-Pod (The lucky bastard) and I had my MP3 player (The lucky but less lucky bastard) o_O;!! Errrm... Anyways.. on the way up, while listening to music. I had my manga to read. Juvenile Orion, the fifth book. I'm kind of depressed about finishing the book because I'm honestly starting to think that was the last in the serious. T_T; Which means I have to find something new to obsess over. But anyways. I read that.. then gave it to Emily to read. After that I was bored.. and didn't want to sleep.. So I pulled out the huge map book they had with them and started to read that. Not really read read but you know what I mean. I found Ohio.. and looked at signs on the highway.. and basically followed our trail, pointing out where we were on the map every now and then. o_o; It was fun for me.. I was enjoying it. There was this one time were me and Emily both paused out music and she pointed out to me some ranch thinger on the side that had a fence.. and some stuff and then there was a huge cliff, that just dropped off with rocks all over it. And in the fence there was a RANDOM arch opening. So we named it the DOOM WAY! (lmmfao, yeah, we're crack heads.) At some point in the car ride we stopped for food at Arbys. And the conversation that we had there.. was.. oh boy, funny. It started out with me I guess. o_O I was like.. "My stomach has been craving food." (or something close) and Emily goes, "Isn't that what all stomachs crave?" And I replied(without even thinking about it), "Sometimes mine craves flesh." And there was a pause for laughter then Emily goes, "Human flesh?" And I replied with sarcasm, "No, weasel flesh." And then more laughter. (lmmfao)
We got back in the car and blah blah. We arrived at the hotel at about.. 3:30pm or so.. Registered for the rooms and then hauled all our stuff up. Two rooms, 583 & 585. Emily, Heather and I claimed 583, while Scooter, Jeff and their mom got 585. ^_^ We dorked around in there for the longest time, debating on registering. Because the line was mega ass long. o_o; But little mister and miss pre-regs got in easy. u_u While Heather and I had to stand in line for like two or three hours. But it was worth it. ^^ Again. The first thing we did was go to the dealer's room. The dealers room is there.. the.. Erm, stuff is sold. O_O Yeah.... that... I bought Bawls, an energy drink ^^.. After that we wandered around some and then went back to the rooms for a while.. Dorked around some more, did some random stuff that I can't remember and as the day went on, and it got later and later, more people started disappearing to their rooms, or leaving.. Whatever. In the ground floor. (floorG XD! Lmao..) We found our own little corner.. It was right by the food guy when he was out there and it was near the music that was playing.. The best part was we got to see a hott guy dance that me and Emily both spotted earlier. O_o; He was like.. break dancing.. It was uber hott.. >>;; I think we actually talked to him that night for a little. He was with this other guy and a girl and they were all dancing.. I don't remember what we talked about but we did, definately. -coughs heavily- Later on that night.. around like.. 3:30-4am? This guy was walking around with a sign in his mouth with kitten ears on and stuff. It said.. "Give this BishiKitty a home?" And we felt so bad for him.. because we couldn't.. T_T; But we did hang out with him for a while, then he found a home eventually, which was good.. The had to stop the music soon after that and that's when we got bored.. We went back to the rooms and decided to sleep. Emily didn't wanna share a bed with anyone so she slept on the floor between the two beds with some blankets and stuff.
Saturday morning.. I woke up around 10am. Emily was already up, I guess. And so was everyone else.. we all got ready and then went down to breakfast, then went back up to the rooms. Heather, Emily and I alternated and got showers that morning, (COMPLETELY POINTLESS) Then we went back downstairs. We scouted for Bishounen. (Emily, Tekkoshocon? That girl with the purple hair, remember how she said it? She was awesome.) Anyways.. We stalked the hott boy again some, actually like looking for him this time. A few times in the halls randomly I saw BishiKitty, didn't say hi or anything though, he seemed busy. We played on the elevators and stairs all day. Lmao. The one time.. It was just me and Emily in the elevator and we got off at the 4th floor I think? And there he was.. standing there... And as we walked out Emily goes, "Why are you everywhere I go?" (she had apparently met up with him in the halls or elevators/stairs before o_O) And he goes "Why are you everywhere I go?" And that started the whole thing. Somehow we ended up following him around. Emily got to wear his trench coat. cause he was all wearing it and she goes "It makes me wish I had my trench coat" And he goes "You wanna wear it?" or something like that. And she did. (the lucky bastard -_-; ) We hung with him the rest of the time, chasing and running on elevators.. It was fun as HELL ^_^! At some point we figured out that he was in the room directly below Scooter's room. XD! 485 But anyways.. He was the stupid one that told us the universal way of opening his door without the key card.. (By pulling down the handle and kicking it.) So I guess Emily ended up going in there three or four times (give or take a few) to get colladeral (Sp?) for when "The Dude" (they guy we stalked) ran off. XD! But his roommates got mad about it I guess and called the service dude to get the door fixed. During this time somewhere Emily lost her badge to get in and the price for a new one was 20 bucks. So I searched the WHOLE building for it. Before I finally went to The Dude's room(later found out his name is A.J. Christmas. So we call him X-mas) went there to see if she lost it in there and found out from the guy fixing their door (el oh el) that he turned her badge into the front desk. So I went and got it, then found Emily (And she still owes me for that. O.o; ) By this time it was the dance time ^^ The dance started at 9pm. We didnt actually go till later, we were hanging out with X-mas and I think BishiKitty too, we met up with him at some point durning the day ^_^; We all packed it in and shipped it off to the dance!! ^_^ It was SMOKING AWESOME! At first I didn't wanna dance.. Neither did Emily.. Heather was in her own world dancing and what not. Emily was forced to dance first. They made her chug a Bawls drink and then X-mas and BishiKitty sandwiched her in a dance thinger.. >>;; She was dancing after that.. And eventually, they got me dancing too. I didn't wanna stop after that. o_O;;; Everyone loved my.. errm.. fantasy wand thinger.. It was like a salior moon thing. It had a plastic ball on the top with like a heart in side and when you turned it on, it made like a fairy noise and the heart would spin and the lights came on in cool patterns and stuff. I got so many compliments from it.. (I'm kind of sad that it's broken now.. I miss it. T_T;; but we still had fun with it. hehehe -evil grin- ) Some Kyle dude.. He was the Inuyasha poet at Ikasucon.. He like and like three or four other guys complimented me on it. I was like: o_O;;; Yay?
Some stuff happened and what not, then Scooter's mom ordered pizza and we all packed it up to the room to eat pizza. It was great. The dance eventually got shut down by the cops. o_o; Damn them.... I could've gone all night all long. >>; Maybe. -Coughs.-
At somepoint in this madness.. Bishikitty got depressed or something and X-mas and this drunk were trying to get him to sit up from between the wall and the bed so X-mas could "see his beautiful face" or whatever... and the Mikey guy was hardly making sense and he was like... "Blah blah blah...yadda yadda, something.. Go...blow....a hand job.." And BishiKitty goes "How the hell do you blow a hand job?! Can you.. draw me a diagram or something!? How do you do that!?" And it was so funny. XD! We all burst into laughter.. But Bishikitty eventually got up and left, only to return to us later.
But yeah. We hung out in the rooms or in the hallway in front of the room the rest of the night. Lol.. It was so much.. X-mas and this other girl passed out in the hallway and got yelled at by the staff cleaning ladies. So we went inside the room and had more fun. Lmao. Emily discovered that if you shook the wand thinger fast enough when it was on, the lights would cut out for a second or two. Then BishiKitty took and it was doing it and somehow.. he snapped the top off of it. So we broke it into tiny pieces with X-mas' boot. (lmmfao...mouth wash...in da boot...XD! ) Then we picked up all the large pieces, put'em in a bag and went to EVERY fucking floor of the place cept the ground floor and tossed pieces on the hotel floor. XD! X-mas did the honors. Occasionally there were people around, he just smiled at them as he tossed it on the floor. After that.. Some how.. it came to X-mas either, hiding from the light, trying to sleep, or both under the blankets of the one bed.. And Bishikitty and Emily had gotten into a pizza fight. (XD, yes I said it.. A pizza fight.. With WHOLE slices of Pizza.) Emily got smacked with on on the---(What the fuck was I typing there? -corrects it-) Emily got smacked in the face and got it smirred on her shoulders and stuff. Then she went over to X-mas, yanked the blankets back and slapped him with a pizza on the face and chest. (That was fun.. the poor lamp shade, Emily.. the poor lamp shade..)
Now it's sunday.. o_o; Time to pack up stuff and say goodbyes. We had to be out of the hotel rooms by 11 or it cost more money to Scooter's mom. X-mas didn't wanna leave the room, lol. We almost had to drag him out... (Heather needs to get those pictures developed and send them to me and Emily. XD!) But anyways.. We sat around for a while on the ground floor. (floorgy...heh heh.. Inside elevator joke?) X-mas got yelled at by his girlfriend for something.. (she's a bitch.. he said so himself..) and had to leave. We waited some more for Jeff and his mom to get back from getting gas. And when they did, we said goodbye to Bishikitty and started to leave. When we got close to the front entrance, X-mas showed up and we hugged him goodbye and stuff. (>> It was so sad. -Sniffles, blowing her nose on the nearest person's shirt.-) Err, anyways. We filed into the car and left. Since we all stayed up the whole night, but for Jeff and Mom, we all (I think, I know I did) slept on the way home. I woke up once and lucky me, right when we were going to get food. ^_^! We ate, got back in the car and had about another hour and a half, I think, of driving yet. I woke up again when we were in an area that I reconized. FINALLY, going home. -tear-
That was.. the 17th. We got back.. I don't even remember.. We left around.. 1.. so probably got back around.. 4:30-5pm-ish. the rest of my night was spent relaxing and remenishing.
The 18th? Didn't do anything that I can remember.. I went to Brianna's.I went on the 18th. Stayed the night there, did some stuff, stayed again on the 19th. Came home.. on the 20th. Did nothing the rest of the night. Went to Hot Topic that night and bought a pair of pants. ^_^!! w00t w00t. On the 21st I saw Emily and Josh. 22nd, 23rd, 24th, 25th and the 26th, I've been home sick. u_u; I refuse to see a doctor. It'll clear up soon, it's just a cold.. Omg! It's the... the... 27th.. Tripping The Rift season two premieres at 10pm on the SCFI channel. w00t w00t!! -does the happy dance-
And that's what I've done for the past few days. Bitches, hope you had fun reading that. Love you all. (u_u Eww I said the l word.. -washes her mouth out now-)
OH! And I got a new theme. Juvenile Orion ^_^ |