I should probably post more, though nothing much has really happened. =O I've been hanging out and mass roleplaying with some awesome people on a new chat server I found. It's hella awesome. Yesterday was a MESSED UP DAY. >_>; Bad caps lock! -Smacks it.- Anydangway... I was SUPPOSE to go up to my cousin's again. I'm going to a Clay a--blahblahblowmeblahblah--concert with them on the 21st. And I was gonna visit for a while and stuff. Oh and get back my video games from my cousin Evan. I'm going to sell one of them to a kid in Canada =O! -Shrugs some.- It's not like I play it anyways, lol! But yeah.. So plans were made BY KIDS -_- which I was TRYING TO AVOID TO BEGIN WITH! But nooooooooooooooo Miss PERSISTANT BITCH just had to got that EXTRA step and push me into helping.. instead of doing it the SMART way and letting the ADULTS TALK IT OVER. Moron.. -mutters random curse words in a forgien language.- But so.. I was already pretty pissed off, okay? So what happens next.. My cousin, Hanna, calls me up and totally blames it on me.. u_u; She's said.. and I quote.. "It's your own fault you're not up here right now" or something close. XD! (kindof defeats the purpose of saying 'I quote' huh? Good, live with it.) So.. now.. I'm really angry.. I don't know if I wanna go up anymore.. My mom's given me the option of going well...today? Or having her take me up on Tuesday... I don't ...know..what I wanna do.. =\ Heh.. well, anyways. I'll update sometime.. laterish, telling you what happened. XD!
Wanna know somethin' spiffy that I'm gonna try and do? Sure ya do! ^_^ So I shall tell thee... Imma try to get my lazy butt moving and make a Msn group to post up all the pictures I take with my digital camera. =O Isn't that amazing? Lemme know what you think of the idea, though I have a feeling I'll only get one responce... u_u; |