Well... I'm here, been at my cousin's since Tuesday, I believe. Tuesday night when I got here my cousin Hanna, had her 13 hour blah blah Fright Fest going on. They watched Hell Raiser? or something while I wasn't here and were eating pizza on trampoline when I arrived(Is that spelled right?) Okay, anyways. I sat with them for a bit and ate some, then we all (all being, Hanna, Nicole, Jessica, Raychel, Suzi, Josh and myself) came inside to watch...ermm...OH 28 Days Later or summat with CILLIAN MURPHY. Mmm.. Yum, yum. >_> He's completely naked in a scene within the first five minutes of the movie. Very nice.. Anywho. We dorked around a bit before that movie,dancing and what not then dorked around more after it, pigging out on snacks and stuff. Then we watched the uncut version of the Exorsist. (Is that spelled right?O_O) Anyways.. That was GREAT! Some cheesy effects and what not but what you can you expect from an older movie. >_> I freak out a bunch of the girls by doing stuff during parts of the movie where I knew something scary or creepy was going to show. Fun fun. Then, Suzi and Josh had to leave, I forget what time that was but it was past midnight, lol. Raychel, Nicole, Jessica, Hanna and I were left and watched a wieeeeeeeerrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrrddddddddd cheeeeeeeeeeeessssssssssyyyyyyyyyy movie called "Blood Gnomes". God, it SUCKED. -Shuddes at the suckyness- Jessica passed out during it and was pretty much gone the rest of the night. But, yeah, we pretty much stayed up all night. Hanna and I passed out on the couch for like an hour during blood gnomes, then I was up and about, Hanna slept again,...errmm Nicole left at like... EIGHT in the morning... =\ Her.. parents are weird.. Heh. Then me and Raychel were on the computers, doing random stuff and Jessica and Hanna still slept. Eventually, later in the day, Jessica went home and Hanna woke and the three of us did something. I can't remember. Lmao. Just a bunch of random stuff went on the next day. Cassie came over the one day and we did a tag team of playing with Arthur... We were jumping on the trampoline late that night and basically scared the crap out of him and then made up with him, then scared him and so on. XD! It was great... god.. that was so much fun. Most amount of exercise I've done in months. XDDD!! Yeah.. Friday.. ermm.. didn't do much, went to get ice cream at a place with Hanna, Nicole and Raychel... and today I went with them to Ohio to visit Kelly's friend Patti. She's like.. really awesome.. she's in a motorized wheelchair because she can only move her head and her right hand.. She's fun though, I feel bad for her. =( We went shopping! ^-^ I bought a pair of chocolate colored ankle high boots and some other random stuff and still have like... 35 some dollars left. ^_^v!! Well yeah, that's all that's happened. I might be going to my other cousin's Cassie and Evan's house. Probably around noonish and staying till like.. 6'o clockish because we have to leave for the Clay---A--something concet at like... 6:30pm, so. ^^ I'll try and update after that sometime. |