Well... Essentially, school started once more. -_-; On the 24th.. And as usual, it sucked. I have HARDLY any friends in ANY of my classes. T_T This is my schedule:
First - Applied English 11
Second - Desktop Publishing
Third - Earth & Space Science
Fourth - American Cultures II
Five A - LUNCH (Only good thing; though it still sucks cause my best friend isn't in it)
Five B - Applied Geometry
Sixth - Study hall
Seventh - Psychology (GREAT class ^^ Only 7 people in it and the teacher is awesome)
Eight - Study hall on Tuesday, Thursday, Friday. Gym (yuck) on Monday-Wednesday
School blows blows blows blows blows blows blows blows blows blows blows blows Times ( x ) three-hundred-fifty-eight billion, six-hundred-fourty-nine million, two-hundred-seventy-three thousand, one-hundred-sixty-six.
(358,649,273,166 For those of you who don't want to read)
Not to mention the "new" bus we got this year...broke..down..TWICEEEE and it's ONLY the SECOND day of school X_X; It was a GMC, no wonder. I want the nice old, but trusty Ford we had last year. -Sniffles, rubbing her eyes.- But! I'm off to bed now.. so I can wake up.. and suffer at my THRID day of school.. 177 to go!! The count down begins. <_< |