I've been, strickingly in constant motion since Thursday (minus sleeping of course, the little amount it was). Thursday night I went to my friend, Emily's house (Yes, on a school night) and stayed the night, whoo! We were goofing off all night, burning candles in her yard and catching stuff on fire, lol. Went to school the next day, of course I have to move around then. Then, after school.. Emily was SUPPOSE to ride my bus home, but she got a ride with her boyfriend. She hung out at his house till he had to go to work.. and then walked to my house. (He doesn't live far from me) We hung out till my mom got home, got Emily's stuff from the car and she drove us to Leah's house. She was having a party, camp out type thinger, for no apparent reason. -Nod- But anydangway, we went, the first to arrive, 'cept for Brittany who lives a few houses away up the road. Hung out in Leah's room a bit, talking about weird stuff that's been going on 'n what not. More people arrived and some more stuff happened. I'm not gonna go through every detail, because, lets face the facts, you don't wanna hear it and I don't wanna type it. XD But basically, we did random stupid stuff at night and then Brittany, Emily and I walked up the road to meet Tim and Josh. (Josh is Emily's boyfriend) We kept getting freaked out and ended up diving into the weeds on the side of the road to hide from a car because it was after curfew. o_O -coughcough- We almost got caught by one old guy.. XD We got back to Leah's without any trouble and yadda yadda. OH!! X_X! I forgot to mention ealier, the most fun part of the time being there that I had.. Was when Brittany, Emily and myself found these HUGE ass branches to put on the fire and we were trying to break them.. and we ended up laying it over the top of another branch on a tree and trying to pull down on it. But it was so huge that when it was just me and Brittany we, litterally made a human see-saw. When I would pull down, Brittany would go up and vise versa. The same happened with Emily and Brittany on one side, me on the other. But we did eventually, sucessfully break all three branches! ^_^ Wh00t. But yeah, Josh and Tim left around.. 2:30-3 am.. and then everyone chickened out but me and Brittany and Emily and went inside to sleep cause it was.. "too cold" The sissys. >< We all ended up staying inside... So I started calling it the "Sissy sleep over" Instead of the "cool camp out". But yeah. We packed into the living room and didn't get up till like 8-ish. LMAO! It was Sooooooooooo funny.. That show.. "Date My Mom" We watched, first a LESBIAN version of it.. then.. two normal.. then a GAY version.. I was like: O_O""" OHEMGEE!! It was fuckin' funny (Lmmfao.. Emily...XD)
Well anyways, they brought Emily and I to my house to hang out for a bit, then her dad came to pick her up at noon. I hopped into the shower and got ready then left with my dad and his new wife ( My "step mom" I guess..-twitch-). My brother came too. We went to a family pig roast thinger. Lmao. It was soo much fun. All I did all day, was play volleyball, tennis, run around, chasing little kids and playing capture the flag and drink pop and eat food. XDDD! I'm in soo much pain from that. I had a blast though and met a cousin I never knew I had and made a new friend. =O! ^_^" Got home from that at like...11:30-12pm..
Went to bed and stuff around... 1:30, I think.. maybe 2am. Slept in till like... 2 PM. And alittle later, I got a call from Emily. And we made plans to "camp out" in my back yard.. It was Suppose to be just me and her... but... -coughcough- Her boyfriend, Tim and Tom came over too. -Cough- Some Brian kid was there too for a while but he had to leave. My mom didn't get home till.. 12:30 and the three guys ran to hide in the woods while I stalled my mom and talked to her a bit before she went inside to go to sleep. Lmao. We were good till morning then. Tim, Tom and I hung around the fire a bit telling stories and Emily and Josh had "alone time" -Shudder- Hope they didnt' do anything in my tent. =O!!! Lol. Yeah. Then we all slept a bit, Emily, Tim and Tom the most. I was in and out of sleep, going back and forth between the tent and the house; sneaking onto the computer and what not. Morning came pretty fast.. I woke up cause I was cold and the next I knew the sun was coming up and Emily and Josh were awake talking. I got in on it a bit before running outside out of boredom and being cold and stole some more fire wood from the neighbor's pile to put on the still living fire. =P We let some time pass and so on, then the guys went to hide in the woods till my mom left for work. We went inside afterwards, though Tom had to leave. We had pizza for breakfast, LMAO, and chicken nuggets for lunch. Emily left around.. 12:30-1. And then Josh and Tim helped me put everything away and then left. And then.. I was ehh, alone and had to clean stuff. I had to do the dishes, clean the cat litter and try and start my homework... That's pretty much all..
The weekend started out pretty well.. but towards the end.. maybe.. it wasn't that... much fun... for me.. I learned a lot about paintball guns that I can't remember.. I froze.. got burnt by fire more than once, laughed; few times.. and was too paranoid to sleep. I hope everyone else enjoyed their weekend.. though.. Mrrh. |