Birthday 1983-02-26 Gender
Male Location Only Relentless Entry Gains One Nullification Member Since 2005-09-07 Occupation Finding my own truth in every situation, so I can enjoy what I want, when I want. Real Name It was here once. Now if you look just over shining hills you may see what you seek.
Achievements Finding this.... ... one day it will take me to the places I only dream about, but the scariest places are in my day dreams. Anime Fan Since 1996 Favorite Anime Lupin III, makes me laugh, Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Vampire Hunter D-first one and Bloodlust, and Trigun Goals Own my own woodshop business in 10 years. Hobbies Gaming, Viewing Anime, Woodwork, Art, and Psychology Talents I am quite meticulous and patient. Always devoted to my wife and friends, more than my blood family. stratuus
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
Things just keep getting crazier and crazier. Don't you worry I still think about you all. Hence, why I am dropping this line to you now, so you all know that I am alive. As I have said during my other absences, I will get on when I can. I barely even have time to check my email, but maybe once a month. Well, I still have made some time to find some new anime and watch it.
So..... I have two series for you all to check out if you haven't already. They are still currently being released, but they are good.
The first is Naruto Shippuuden. I am quite pleased with the series, except how far it is between releases.
The second, is (Hinaru, you may really want to check this one out, if you haven't already. But knowing you, you have.)called Claymore. It is a very exceptional series. The end of every episode leaves you fiending for more, like a bad habit.
Also for those that like romance series, one for you is Suzuka.
There are 26 episodes and I have finished the series already. I really was pleased with it since it fit my mood lately.
Oh and another thing, if you haven't discovered this alternative to traditional torrents, check out a site called Veoh. You can watch things on there via streaming or download them, via their program. It is really a neat way to get ahold of shows and watch them if you don't have any room left on your hard drive, external hard drive, and all of you memory sticks.
Anyway, love to you guys. I will do what I can to get on again soon. Sorry I won't be able to get to you all right now. I will try next time. Catch you laters.
This is one of the best movies I have seen in a really long time. If you have not seen this foreign film, DO IT NOW!!!!
This is Oldboy. It is subtitiled only so be prepared to read. It is a Korean film and there are others in the set and the one other I have watched is also very good.
I was curious if any of you keep up a MySpace page as well as MyO? If so I will post my page and if any of you want to get ahold of me that way you can. I have my setting on private so you will have to leave me a message that you want an invite. Anyway, nothing new to report from me about the anime world. Just wanted to ask you about the MySpace thing. Hope you all have great weekends. Catch you laters.
P.S. My handle is Gradient Cloud and you know you got the right site if you see this pic.
Things are still crazy with the family, but life is moving right along. Since it waits for nothing.... My wife and I are dealing with everything as best we can.
Thanks to those that responded.
I finally have something for you to check out if you haven't already. I have downloaded and watched the entire series and I really enjoyed it. The soundtrack is, in my opinion, fricken spectacular. I have it too. The show is called Air Gear. I haven't been able to get ahold of the manga it is based off unfortunately. I really wish I could cause I think that goes beyond where the series leaves off. It kind of leaves a lot to be imagined at the end of the last episode.
For the girls, what I think you might find an attractive young guy or two, and for us guys plenty of complete "eye-candy females". Not a ton of cg integration which I was happy about, cause all to many anime now incorporate that heavily.
There is a really good pace. Not too fast and not too slow. Pretty easy to keep track of the storyline. Like I said though, it kind of leaves you hanging at the end. There are a total of 25 episodes.
The series is a cross between a harem show and punk cult. If you haven't seen it, check it out.And If you find a place to get the manga, please let me know.
Live the life you love and Love the life you live!
It would seem that many people have much trouble with this.....
I am terribly sorry for being absent throught the holidays and not returning your messages. I am alive and well. Well.... sort of. Once again I have been dealing with my basket-case sister in law. She deciced to try it out again with my bro and their marriage. Then one week after telling him they should put their rings back on decided to ditch out again. I am terribly frusturated with her and have been hanging out with my bro to help console him. Which is the biggest reason I have not been on to keep up with all of you.
I hope that all of you have had a wonderful holiday and that the beginning of your year has been exceptional. Believe me, you folkses are not forgotten. It is just that life happens.
See you all when next I see you. Enjoy the life you make and make it a great one. Only you can do that for yourself. It won't be easy and it isn't always fun, but everything works out in the end. Catch you laters.
Howdy all! I hope you are all doing wonderful. My wife and I are fine. I feel sad about what is happening with my best friend and my sister in law, but that is not keeping me down. For today is a great day, simply because I have the ones I love and that is all I need.
Well I haven't been able to get to any new anime with the way things have been for the last few months, so I have nothing exciting to report. No tasty tidbits, no awesome suggestions, no anything in the realm of new or upcoming stuff. I am sorry. I hope that maybe you all can throw me a bone this time. Well anyway, hope you are all well. I will be on again when next I can. Shouldn't be too long this time. Catch you laters.
Things are still being worked out, but it would seem not the way we had all hoped for. It is an unfortunate event in our lives, but we are all doing the best we can to keep some sort of normalcy. It is really hard, our group of friends has changed so much and now a very drastic change once again.
On a far more positive note, my wifes school for helicopters is going pretty well. she is almost done with her first licence. She took her written exam for it already and passed with a 92%. The FAA only requires a 70% to get your licence.
I myself have been doing ok with exception of being sick for the last two weeks and still working overtime. I don't mind, but my body is tired.
Well I am getting ready to go to the coast for the day, but I was thinking of you all and thought that I would drop in a line. Love to you all and remember to smile. Catch you laters.
As the ages pass, chapters are written in the book of our lives
To everybody. I am very sorry I have not been on. It may still be yet awhile before I get back into a regular time frame of getting on. I already told P.G. I can't really lay it all down right now and explain. I hope you will all forgive me.
Things have been in big turmoil around here. Alot having to do with family. I still think of you all, and want you to know that I have not forgotten about you. Nor have I left the group. I am just currently absent. I will try to get on again in the next couple of weeks.
To those that read the previous post. The book to which I was referring to is called "Maniac Magee".
It is one of my favorite books from childhood.
Well, please, all of you have a great time living your lives. Do your best to take nothing for granted, and understand others as well as you can. You never know when things will all of a sudden change. When you see someone you care about suffering in any fashion, try to support them. They will appreciate it more than you can know, even if they don't say it. I hope you all have a reason to smile today and for the rest of your days. If you don't, make an effort to smile at someone else, it might make their day, then you have a reason to smile yourself.
Again, I will see you all when next I possibly can. Please understand, thank you. Catch you laters.
I wonder if any of you know where the title for this post and the first line come from. I would be quite surprised if anyone could tell me. It is from one of my favorite books growing up. It is a wonderful story.
Anyway, I wanted to let you know that I am alive and well. I haven't been on lately for two reasons. Overtime is open this week so I am taking advantage of it while I can. I can always use more than my check normally provides. And the other reason is there is a game I have been playing and I have spent any time I can playing it. If I could find it to buy I would not push other things off to the side burner, but it is rented. I have looked at every store in my immediate area that sells games new and used and it is NOWHERE! I looked online and I can only find reliable copies from people who are selling it for rediculous values. So, I keep renting the game. This weekend I am going up to one of the big cities near me to see if I can get it there.
Well that is about it right now. I hope that all of you are doing well with school, or work, or moving. Whatever the story may be for you at the moment. I never forget about you guys, so I am not leaving anytime soon. Just never know how often I am going to be on. Well, catch you laters.
I had a great first day back at work. I am still feeling quite relaxed after our trip.
Well, my wife has changed over to part-time work now. This way she can focus better on school. Which is good for her stress level, especially since she is on medication for a blood pressure problem. Only thing that makes it a little difficult is we are losing about $600 a month in our bring home finances. It will be tight, but ok. I told her not to worry because it was for her school and when she is done she will not have to worry about that ever again. Well not much else to say today. Hope you all have a great time until next I hear from you. Catch you laters.