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• 1983-02-26
• Only Relentless Entry Gains One Nullification
Member Since
• 2005-09-07
• Finding my own truth in every situation, so I can enjoy what I want, when I want.
Real Name
• It was here once. Now if you look just over shining hills you may see what you seek.
• Finding this.... ... one day it will take me to the places I only dream about, but the scariest places are in my day dreams.
Anime Fan Since
• 1996
Favorite Anime
• Lupin III, makes me laugh, Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Vampire Hunter D-first one and Bloodlust, and Trigun
• Own my own woodshop business in 10 years.
• Gaming, Viewing Anime, Woodwork, Art, and Psychology
• I am quite meticulous and patient. Always devoted to my wife and friends, more than my blood family.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Wednesday, September 28, 2005
On the plus side.....
..... I started watching the entire Gundam Wing series again last night. I am stoked to no end.
I will be getting Samurai Champloo: Volume 5 in the next couple of days too. I will leave some comments after I finish it. I will do my best to do this in a spoiler free fashion, for those who have not yet made it there.
I think that I might pick up another volume of Lupin the Third as well. I only have half of the first 10 volumes, and in no particular order. I have watched 7 of them altogether though. My brother in law has two that I don't.
I think that next week I will also leave some comments about two manga I have. Scrapped Princess, and also Juvenile Orion. I plan to get more of the Juvenile Orion this weekend if I am not busy.
Well thanks for visiting and for reading. Feel free to sign my gb and pm's are always fine too. See you around. |
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Video: Again
I apologize to anyone that could see my vid, but until I can figure out why in the f*** I can't see it I am taking it down. It is pissing me off something f****** royal and I am seriously going to.......
I am also going to take down the link to their site for now. |
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Tuesday, September 27, 2005
No bogging....
Well at least the computer is not bogging down today. MyO loaded right up, fastest I have ever seen it. However my vid still is not showing up on my PC and everyone elses does. I am assuming everyone else is using the same HTML lines to have theirs up.........
...... so why in the f*** is my own vid going "errrrrrrruhhhh"? Well I will get it figured out sometime.
Thank you as always for stopping in if you did. Any new comers are always welcome to visit and sign for me. I love new people, and I promise I will get back to your site as well. Have a good day all. |
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Monday, September 26, 2005
My video....
.... is it showing up for all of you? It was working fine the other night and now it won't load for me, but when I go to other people's sites theirs are playing fine. Ahhhhhhh!!!!!!!! I am so mad at this f***n work computer right now!
On to a more positve note, I hope all of you had great weekends. I had two bbq's to go to, a movie, and I got to do some painting on a shedd, and another party at a friends house.
The only down side to having all of that going on is that the weekend flew by and I do not feel rested at all.
This is going to be a long week, I can tell. See you later, and thanks for stopping by. |
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Sunday, September 25, 2005
I finally found the vid I wanted to put up!!!!!!!! Yeah! I hope that you all enjoy. I love the Gorillaz. If you like them and want to see more, go to their site.
Sorry I can't get the link connection to work yet. I am still learning. But I will post it as well as others in the future. Thanks for visiting.
If you are new to my site, feel free to sign my gb and I will indeed return the favor when I get back on.
Thank you to those who visit me faithfully and on regular basis already. |
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Friday, September 23, 2005
Weekend time
Have a good weekend everyone. I will visit with you again next week. I hope that you all get to do something for yourselves this weekend.
Remember me and I will remember you, for we are all of a one shattered conscience. |
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Some days........
Some days I feel as though I am going to lose my mind. I wake up and everything I experience feels as though it is too real. I wish that everything I see, hear, touch, smell, and taste is not what it is. I simply cannot take my self seriously. Everything I want seems to be just beyond my grasp.
One of these days I will make my own visions visible to everyone, and there will be no stopping me. My time is worth the life I have and I will take every second with me. |
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Thursday, September 22, 2005
Jan Kurotaki or Seras Victoria
Jan is just so ............
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Jan Again
All of these are from Newtype in her section "Everybody Cosplay"
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Jan Kurotaki as Seras Victoria
I really like Jan as a cosplay artist. She does some amazing outfits. Like this one. She made the costume out of shark skin, and followed the colors from the manga rather than the anime.
Very nice!!!!! Jan Rocks | |
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