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Finding my own truth in every situation, so I can enjoy what I want, when I want.
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It was here once. Now if you look just over shining hills you may see what you seek.
Finding this.... ... one day it will take me to the places I only dream about, but the scariest places are in my day dreams.
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Lupin III, makes me laugh, Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Vampire Hunter D-first one and Bloodlust, and Trigun
Own my own woodshop business in 10 years.
Gaming, Viewing Anime, Woodwork, Art, and Psychology
I am quite meticulous and patient. Always devoted to my wife and friends, more than my blood family.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Tuesday, August 22, 2006
Sittin' round the fire..
Hey folkeses! I have come back from my camping trip Sunday and I need a vacation from my weekend. Oh it was a lot of fun. Lots of food, drink, frisbee, and of course swimming at the most stellar hole I have seen here in my area.
The only thing that wasn't good about the trip is that on Thursday our friends went up to claim our sites and then went riding on some dirt bikes, well one of them slid out because of some gravel that was kicked up onto the pavement by dumb people, and got some nasty road rash from his elbow up his forearm, almost to his wrist. He had to go to the hospital two towns away to get it cleaned up. There was embedded pieces in his arm. He told us about it when we got there late Friday night. And one of our other friends that went up there slid off the road on the other bike later on Friday and went back first down and hill. He said he was lucky that there was another road further down the hill, because where he slid off was to steep to pull the bike back up after crashing like that. He only got some bruising. We all still had an awesome time tho.
Well other than that I just went back to work today(Monday). Came home and then went to the laundry mat. Well I will catch you laters.
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Thursday, August 17, 2006
Life is what it is, and this is mine..
Hi everyone. Well I found out that we are going camping for sure. Both of us. I am excited, but at the same time I want a break from hanging with the crew. I just want one weekend where it is just my wife and I. I just may get it the weekend of the 26th. See we were supposed to go camping again that weekend too, with her dad and his fiance, but she realized the Art and Air festival the we have gone to every year since we have been together, will be that same weekend. So she is going to ask her dad if he would be willing to push it back one more weekend. Also she may get to do some stuff at the festival for her school. Like perhaps be around helicopters for demo flights.... she is really hoping that she can talk her dad into waiting. So am I, cause if so then I get my weekend. One of our favorite things to do for the festival is get up before the hot air balloons launch and watch them set up. You have to be there between 4 and 5 am. It is really neat to watch them roll out the balloons and prep their burners. Plus you are getting to see not just one but about 50 Hot air balloons up close and personal. The flames off the burners shoot so high! Well I should try to go to sleep. I have to be up for work in about 4 and a half hours.
Love you folkeses, catch you laters. |
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Tuesday, August 15, 2006
So thanks you folkses for understanding why I couldn't be on this weekend. My brother and I had a really good time. We played a bunch of games and watched movies. He had never played any of the Mario Party games, so when I finally talked him into it that was all he wanted to play the rest of the weekend. I am really glad that I got to spend another weekend with him before he heads off home.
Next weekend I may be going camping. But I am not sure. It will depend on my wifes school. She said even if she has to study this weekend, that I can go up with the crew, but I don't want to leave her here by herself all weekend. Well that is the jist of things right now. I will be on again later this week, probably Wednesday. Though, it will be at night, so you folkses most likely won't see it till thursday. Well I will catch you laters. You people rock! |
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Friday, August 11, 2006
Morning everyone!
Sorry I couldn't visit you yesterday. That is why I just posted the Numa Numa video(watch it if you can, I find any Numa Numa vid makes me happy, cause they are silly). I only had that much time before I had to go play ultimate frisbee last night. I would visit now, but here it is just after 5:30 am, and I have to go to work. I have to pick up my brother tonight after I get off of work. It is my last chance to have him this summer before he goes back home, which is two states away. My brother is ten years younger than I am. He lives with my dad(technically, by law he isn't any more, but he is way better than my father.) I get to keep him for the weekend, so I don't know how much I can get on and see you this weekend, if at all. So incase I don't I hope that you all have a great day doing whatever you guys do when I am at work. And if I don't make it to see you this weekend, I hope that you also have really wonderful weekends. I love you guys, cause you all rock!
Catch you laters.
This is my bro!
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Thursday, August 10, 2006
When I need to laugh...
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Life and death
Hey folkeses! Things have been good for me the last couple of days. Went and did some more golfing practice yesterday. Oh and the reason I was sore was cause I wasn't swinging entirely properly. My arms and wrists were in the right positions, but my body was rigid and my knees weren't bent enough. Much better yesterday while we practiced chip shots. Well that is all for me.
But I have some bad news. Bloodmire's best friend has passed away from an accident. He was only 22. That is why the title for this post.
Catch you laters. |
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Monday, August 7, 2006
I am so sore from golf. It will take a few times of going out for muscle memory to take effect, but I really enjoyed my time out.
To PG(and anyone else that doesn't know):
My current theme is from Blood+. It is an awesome off shoot series from the movie, Blood: The Last Vampire.
To Hinaru(and anyone....)
The FLCL series is really short. But I really enjoyed it none the less. It is only six episodes long. If you are interested, I suggest trying to find it. If you are a torrent user(guessing that is how you DL your vids) you can find them at the site that is linked down below, Anime Yume. You have to join to use it but it is free. There are a couple things I don't like about using them. Such as cookies upon initial load of the page, but I can stand it since, even though it says that all the torrents are in english, the torrents I have gotten are all subbed(yay subbed). I have downloaded and watched 5 or 6 series just from there.
Well, that is all for now. I may post more later today. I have to go to the laundry mat. Catch you laters. |
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Sunday, August 6, 2006
Here you can have this one too!
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Furi Kuri
Well I just watched all of Fooly Cooly. That is one of the most bizarre, yet interesting, fresh and cool shows I have seen to date. So much happens in such a short time period. I really enjoyed it.
I wish I had seen it before now, when I first heard of it. Ah well... I got to watch it now.
Catch you laters.
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It is only a ....................................
quarter to 11 at night where I am and not a sole is on. It's not even the end of Saturday night for me. Not even Sunday morning. I am quite bored. My wife is still at work and I don't like it. Well I guess I will look at the NewType I picked up today. At least I get to go golfing on Sunday. Hope all of your days were good. Catch you laters. |
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