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Finding my own truth in every situation, so I can enjoy what I want, when I want.
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It was here once. Now if you look just over shining hills you may see what you seek.
Finding this.... ... one day it will take me to the places I only dream about, but the scariest places are in my day dreams.
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Lupin III, makes me laugh, Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Vampire Hunter D-first one and Bloodlust, and Trigun
Own my own woodshop business in 10 years.
Gaming, Viewing Anime, Woodwork, Art, and Psychology
I am quite meticulous and patient. Always devoted to my wife and friends, more than my blood family.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Saturday, August 5, 2006
So decided that I like them all too much and I am going to go with all of them like luicifers wife suggested. So if anyone wants to link I will let the person decide which they want to use.
On another note.....
.... I got to watch Nausicca of the Valley of the Wind last night. I liked it. Hayao Miyazaki is an excellent visionary. I have seen most of his films and like them all. I didn't, however, know that this one is from before Princess Mononoke. I was very surprised at the level of animation, considering it is only one year younger than I am. If you are someone who likes his films and haven't seen this one, I suggest. Well I will catch you laters.
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Friday, August 4, 2006
luicifers wife is fricken sweet.
I don't know which to choose so I am posting them to see them. I will add the one that I pick to my profile. Thank you so much luicifers wife for being so awesome.

Do you guys like the choices? I think that they are all sweet. Catch you laters. |
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I finally found the image I wanted to use for my BG from Blood+. I was watching an episode and said "that is it". So grabbed the still and here it is. What do you folks think? It isn't an intimate scene, but I really liked how gentle Hagi was when he was helping Saya. For anyone who hasn't seen any of Blood+, I suggest you check it out. It is far better than the movie that the series came from(Blood: The Last Vampire). Well I will catch you folkeses later. |
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Pretty picture for me...........
Yay! Luicifer's Wife is making me a button. I am really stoked. I can't wait to see it and have it available. If anyone other than her wants to link me. I am in and out so I can see why some might not. Well, I am really stoked anyways. Catch you all laters. |
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Sunday, July 30, 2006
Hey there people...
Hey I haven't checked, so I am gonna ask. Is the PM function fixed yet? I have some questions for a couple people that I don't want to post. Just ask them. Well catch you laters. |
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Friday, July 28, 2006
Ultimate Frisbee!!!!!!!!
Well we got to go play our game tonight and it was fricken sweet as usual. We changed it up a little this time. We shortened the field so it was ultra quick and aggressive. Oh and boy was it. Hey Luicifer's Wife, normally you would be correct about that game falling into PE. But most of my friends and I have been out of school for years and don't have that kind of thing, so for us it is of our own will and desire to go and play the way we like. One of my best friend's (and brother in law) younger brothers plays on a team and he is in college.
Well you are all super awesome and I will catch you laters.
Oh, I almost forgot my wife, her sister(my sister in law), my best friend(brother in law) and I get to go mini golfing this weekend. I am so totally excited. Well really I have to get to the shower and get all the sweat off before bed, so ....
.. Catch you laters. |
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Wednesday, July 26, 2006
Busy bee............
Hey folkses. Sorry to have kept you waiting for such an extended period of time once again. Things are always getting crazy around here. Just when I think I have time to sit down and post I find out that something is going on and I am out the door again. With all of this summer weather around where I live, my friends and I have traded our Thursday night at our favourite watering hole for going to one of our local parks and having our drink down there while we play either football or ultimate frisbee. Slowly we have been adding people to play and the games get really intense. I am not usually one to play sports because of the competetive nature, however playing with my friends and talking trash and in general having a blast is something I can do.
I have also been doing alot of camping on the weekends. We have this area that doesn't cost to camp and it is far from civilization. It is really nice to be away from the cities for awhile. Eating lots, drinking lots(but not stupid lots), playing, swimming, fire, all the good things about camping but in a group of about 6 to 11 of us. It is absolutely spectacular.
My wife and I have also been planning our anniversary for this year. It is coming up in September. I can't wait. We are going back to the place that we went for our Honeymoon three years ago. She called them and got our reservations today. OH! And she managed to get our same room that we had. Normally that is hard to do where we stayed, because if you don't reserve about 6 months ahead there, you can only get what is left or has been cancelled on.
Well I hope that you are all doing wonderful and enjoying your summer as best you can. Love to you tremendous individuals. Thanks for letting me run on. Catch you laters. |
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Wednesday, July 5, 2006
Just a quickie
Hope you all had a great Fourth of July. I had a good one. This was the first year I bought fireworks. It was fun. Had an awesome bbq for dinner. Well catch you all laters. Have to go to bed. Back to work tomorrow. |
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Tuesday, June 27, 2006
I went camping this weekend. It was a blast. We were 28 miles from the nearest town. I was so glad to get away from the city for awhile. We left Friday afternoon and came back Sunday night. We (there were 8 of us all together) went swimming, played music(the jimbay, and acoustic guitar, specifically), did a little fishing, some hiking, and had plenty of liquid courage(alcohol, to those who have not heard that phrase before). Don't worry though, we were responsible about it. Nobody got beligerant or out of hand. We kept a comfortable level the whole time. OH and the food! Oh my goodness did we have food, alot of good food. brauts, burgers, beer brauts, turkey sandwiches, eggs and hash browns, canteloupe, watermelon(I am not really a big fan of it, but it was really hot out so it was refreshing),and bagels. We brought so much food and we all ate alot, but we still ended up with a bunch of leftover camp food to bring home.
There was this really awesome swimming whole about a quarter mile from our site. We walked there so many times and went jumping in and my wife and sister in law were the only ones who swam in it for an extended period of time. Us guys just kept jumping from the rocks around the whole. Even on our way home we stopped and went one last time before actually leaving. It was really cold water, cause it was way up in the mountains, but it was so nice. I love going into the mountains to swim versus, lakes and rivers that are near towns. There is something more comforting about water that I can actually see the bottom of the area I am swimming in. I am not talking about too deep to see the bottom, but clarity of the water. When the water looks clearer than your tap water something is good about that and bad about your tap water.
Well I have rambled on long enough about my camping trip. I hope you are all enjoying your summer time, no matter what else you maybe doing, school, work or whatever. Thanks to those who stop in when I have been gone for long periods of time.
Oh, and C. or (PG to others) belated happy birthday!
Well catch you laters! |
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Monday, June 19, 2006
It has been awhile....
... since I updated. Sorry. Please forgive me. I have been working long weeks still. And when I have had "spare time" I have been catching up with friends or watching a whole load of stuff. Plus my Dad came down from two states away to visit for a couple of days. That was really great. I haven't seen my Dad in 8 or 9 months. (maybe more, can't fully remember) But now my second youngest brother is here to visit for the summer. I look forward to spending some time with him when I can. Last summer I got to take him camping for a weekend (just him and I) we had a blast being dorks and fishing and sitting around the fire talking about how his advanced schooling has been. (He is going to be 13 on the 22nd of this month. He is 10 years younger than I am.) He has been taking college courses, for certain areas that he excels in, for the last three years. He is a very bright kid. But he still has a long way to go in terms of maturity.
Well on to the things that I have watched. I got to see......
Underworld: Evolution (finally)
The DaVinci Code
and some new(or at least new to me) anime! YAY for ANIME!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! (Just in case you are wondering I have had a huge jones for some stuff I haven't seen yet.) Even though I have gotten tons of stuff via Bit Torrent, I still have not been able to sate my appetite for fresh to me anime. I have watched....
One Piece
Eureka 7 
Witchblade(which is way better than the F****n tv series that was out)
Elfen Lied 
Elemental Gelade
Samurai Champloo(Again)
Cowboy Bebop
and Inuyasha
I have also been reading....
Scrapped Princess
Midori Days
and more Juvenile Orion
After all that I still can't satisfy my THIRST!
Well, I am off to watch more. I hope you have all been really well and able to enjoy anime and for most of you the beginning of your summer breaks! Love to you all. I have missed you. Catch you laters. |
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