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Finding my own truth in every situation, so I can enjoy what I want, when I want.
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It was here once. Now if you look just over shining hills you may see what you seek.
Finding this.... ... one day it will take me to the places I only dream about, but the scariest places are in my day dreams.
Anime Fan Since
Favorite Anime
Lupin III, makes me laugh, Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Vampire Hunter D-first one and Bloodlust, and Trigun
Own my own woodshop business in 10 years.
Gaming, Viewing Anime, Woodwork, Art, and Psychology
I am quite meticulous and patient. Always devoted to my wife and friends, more than my blood family.
Welcome to my site archives. 10 posts are listed per page.
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Sunday, November 27, 2005
.... the new house and almost all set up! Oh it is so nice to have the net at home. And cable tv. I have not had cable in over three years. I can finally watch Adult Swim. Well just saying hi to everyone on a weekend. Got more things to finish so .....
Catch you laters. |
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Wednesday, November 23, 2005
I won't be back on till sometime on Saturday or Sunday. Wait! I just said I was going to be on during the weekend! Yep! That is right. Since I am moving, our new place will have the internet, via cable connection. So I can finally get on at home. Yay! *claps and cheers* But the reason I may not be on till Sunday is, of course, since it is a moving process, we have arranging and unpacking to do. But none the less I am super excited. This new house is so cool. And we have two of our friends rooming with us so we will always have some preferred company. Well, till this weekend, see ya and have a great holiday everyone. Catch you laters. |
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Another Gorgeous Piece

I just wanted to put this up cause I think that it is a very cool piece. This was done by Hard Luck Woman or Zero Tolerance as she likes to be called. Hopefully she won't kill me for putting this up. I have not asked yet. But I don't think she will mind, since I am not taking any of the credit for it. I just think it is beautiful, and more people should see it. Please visit her site. She is in my friends list. Thanks and catch you laters. |
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Game ooooooff
I took the game off of the bottom of my site, cause The dripping was driving me nuts. I may put another one up later. I don't know right now. We shall see.
As the shadows swirl around you and grip you in and caress you in their cold touch, they will show you your fears. Things you never imagined the world knew about you. Your fears will be your undoing. So fear nothing, else it consumes you. |
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Tuesday, November 22, 2005
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Down sizing again.
I don't really know on what basis I am going through here, but I am taking people off of my friends list again. It is really on a case by case basis. Some of you are not going anywhere, cause you come in all the time, some of you are staying even if you don't come in all the time. It really is just who I feel has been most agressive in keeping in touch. The more I see someones name come up or if you have something on your site that I check all the time, the more likely it is that you will still see your name on my friends list. Also I have decided that if someone basically comes in and signs my GB, then says "sign mine, I'll add you", all they get is the GB signing. I don't know, maybe I am just annoyed with those people that do that. I always try to leave some sort of good comment and then give the option to visit me in return. And many do stop in, but some never come, which is ok cause I told them so. But when people demand that I sign and be their "friend" I am less compelled to visit them again in the future. I started checking some of the people on my friends list that I had not heard from since the initial GB sign and saw alot of them are "friend list freaks that auto add every site they visit, and you know there is no way they catch up with all of those people everyday. Well I am done gripping now. If you are one who got deleted, sorry about your luck. Visit more and I may re-add you. Love and respect to those who have been loyal and great to me though. Thank you guys for being great. |
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I am pretty sure this is accurate. At first when I started to take the quiz, I thought to myself, " I am aggressive, like Alucard."
But as I read the lines I found, before the results part, that I more identified with qualities that I saw in Walter. So I have to say this was accurate. |
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Just another reason to hate........
..... WAR!
I can't get this off of my mind. I hate war. I hate the fact we are in one that I disagree with. I hate that people are dying on any side of it. I hate that people can't live peacfully. I hate that sons and daughters, mothers and fathers, aunts and uncles, brothers and sisters, cousins and friends have to go into fighting with people that they don't know because a handful of the higher powers to be say it is necessary. I am not just ragging on the states here, I am also ragging on those of the other countries.
I am so (if you don't like swearing, please quit reading) MOTHER FUCKING mad about the war. And even more so after what I learned last night. One of my friends from high school was killed last week in the war. The messed up part is I don't know who to be more mad at. Those powers to be....
... or him. He had so much life ahead of him. He was one class behind me for graduation and was a great athlete. He could have gone to college on sports or even acedemics*sp?*. But instead he joined the army right after graduation. I know his family is proud of him, they are total patriots, and I am not saying I am not. I just wish that no one had to die in war.
I guess that is my pacifist nature, to wish that things like greed and power could always be overcome by human nature, that people were alturistic and could always understand another point with constructive critizicm.
Well, he was a good person and will be remembered. Hope you all have a great day! |
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Monday, November 21, 2005
WHO LIKES KASUMI????? (and others)

I posted these from Jan's site, which is linked to mine by the way. It is the one with her on it, silly people.
For those of you who have not seen me post her pics before, this is Jan Kurotaki. She is a cosplay artist who I like alot. I am not really a fan of cosplay, but I like her.(Yes I find her attractive, yes I am married, and yes my wife makes fun of me for it!) She not only has the site which is very randomly updated, but she has a section every month in New Type Magazine, called "Everybody Cosplay!" For those of you who don't know New Type, it is and an anime magazine. Though I am sure you already knew that right? Well anyways for those of you who have liked the pics in the past, enjoy! For those of you that wish to poke me with sticks, enjoy! Well catch you laters. |
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Site revision
Hey folkses! As you may have noticed I did a little layout change. I like it, but what about you? Tell me if you guys like the new layout or not. Thanks all! Catch you laters. |
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