Birthday • 1983-02-26 Gender •
Male Location • Only Relentless Entry Gains One Nullification Member Since • 2005-09-07 Occupation • Finding my own truth in every situation, so I can enjoy what I want, when I want. Real Name • It was here once. Now if you look just over shining hills you may see what you seek.
Achievements • Finding this.... ... one day it will take me to the places I only dream about, but the scariest places are in my day dreams. Anime Fan Since • 1996 Favorite Anime • Lupin III, makes me laugh, Evangelion, Cowboy Bebop, Vampire Hunter D-first one and Bloodlust, and Trigun Goals • Own my own woodshop business in 10 years. Hobbies • Gaming, Viewing Anime, Woodwork, Art, and Psychology Talents • I am quite meticulous and patient. Always devoted to my wife and friends, more than my blood family. stratuus
Saturday, July 21, 2007
Sorry all.
Things just keep getting crazier and crazier. Don't you worry I still think about you all. Hence, why I am dropping this line to you now, so you all know that I am alive. As I have said during my other absences, I will get on when I can. I barely even have time to check my email, but maybe once a month. Well, I still have made some time to find some new anime and watch it.
So..... I have two series for you all to check out if you haven't already. They are still currently being released, but they are good.
The first is Naruto Shippuuden. I am quite pleased with the series, except how far it is between releases.
The second, is (Hinaru, you may really want to check this one out, if you haven't already. But knowing you, you have.)called Claymore. It is a very exceptional series. The end of every episode leaves you fiending for more, like a bad habit.
Also for those that like romance series, one for you is Suzuka.
There are 26 episodes and I have finished the series already. I really was pleased with it since it fit my mood lately.
Oh and another thing, if you haven't discovered this alternative to traditional torrents, check out a site called Veoh. You can watch things on there via streaming or download them, via their program. It is really a neat way to get ahold of shows and watch them if you don't have any room left on your hard drive, external hard drive, and all of you memory sticks.
Anyway, love to you guys. I will do what I can to get on again soon. Sorry I won't be able to get to you all right now. I will try next time. Catch you laters.