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Real Name
Kira Yamato
Shinken Alliance, Obcenely Cool People, Legendary Super Saiyajin's
Anime Fan Since
Kimba the White Lion was just Blanko the White Paper
Favorite Anime
Gundam SEED(of course), Trigun, Kenshin, Coyboy Bebop, Love Hina, Detective Conan, Dai-Guard, Yu Yu Hakusho, Dragon Ball A(nything), Excel Saga, Eva, the list goes on for much longer
The Same As Yours, Just Better.
Sleeping, Gaming, Drawing, Something...
Using my insanely abundant intelligence in thoughtless ways.
| StrikeGundam
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Tuesday, January 22, 2008
Feelin Fine
Though looking neglected...
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Sunday, May 6, 2007
...You're Still Here?
"Just Stop" by Disturbed Current Anime Series: Bleach ep.124 Naruto Shippuuden ep. 11 One Piece ep.306 Heroic Age ep.05 Featured MyO Wallpaper
Well, since you've spent the time waiting here, enjoy.
*!*Kira's Pearl Of Wisdom*!*
Apparently magic pants do exist.
Kira Signing off.
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Thursday, March 16, 2006
How Horribly Uncharacteristic Of Me
"Honoo no Tobira" by Fiction Junction YUUKA Current Anime Series: Bleach ep.72 Naruto-no comment on filler_-_
Black Cat ep.20 Featured MyO Wallpaper
I didn't even see that update coming. i guess I was feeling pretty...meh. Much like this update... Oh well
The average four year-old child asks over four hundred questions a day.
Kira Signing off.
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Monday, February 20, 2006
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Thursday, October 13, 2005
Now, I may consider myself an intelligent person, but I can't seem to understand why after more than four years of friendship, two of my closest friends can be broken up over a girl that the two of them have known for less than four weeks. Ladies, maybe you can help me figure out what power this girl can hold over them. If it seems like I'm putting the blame solely on her, I'm sorry, but she's the ONLY thing that I can see that's chaged between two people that were nearly brothers a month ago. I can't seem to figure it out. YOu know what the worst part of it all is? Neither one of them has even met her in person, only phonecalls and aim. Absolute BS. You want a pearl of wisdom? Relationships suck.
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Thursday, August 18, 2005
What Can I Say
"Advice" by The Pillows Current Anime Series: Bleach ep.20 Naruto-somewhere in between ep.139 and ep.146 ep.19 Gundam Seed Destiny ep.41 DN Angel ep.23 Featured MyO Wallpaper
Shit happens. I wish I had a better reason for why this MyO had all but died as I never updated it, but all that I can offer is that I was really busy with the hend of high school-start of college transition. Now that it's all settled, now I can get back to all the internet related stuff that I've been neglecting... like The Legionnaireson OB. It looks like it will be an amazing event and I can't wait to start my signup.
Ready for a bombshell? Then read on...
Pokemon causes cancer. Don't Believe Me?
Kira Signing off.
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Monday, February 28, 2005
Listening To:

This Stupid Banner Buzz every Five Seconds
"Kaze wa Mirai ni Fuku" (Trigun Ending Theme) by: AKIMA & NEOS
Current Series:
Kino's Journey ep.10
Naruto ep.120
Gundam Seed Destiny ep.15
It still never fails, the less I post here, the more popular this MyO gets. Leave it to me to have my first post of the new year be on the day before March. I've been pretty busy with school, and I thought that Paranoia would be keeping me busy, but it's unfortunately slowed down to a standstill. Still though, what's there is pretty good so you should check it out. Also, don't forget to take a look at Domon's very cool Gundam Seed RPG in the Adventure Inn at OtakuBoards. Sign up if you want, go crazy.
I need to start archiving these Pearls
Dragonflies have six legs but cannot walk.
Kira Signing off.
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Monday, December 6, 2004
Where the Hell Was I?
"Seishun Kyousoukyoku" by Sambomaster Current Series: Bleach ep.5 Naruto ep.109 Azumanga Daioh ep.19 Gundam Seed Destiny ep.6 Featured MyO Wallpaper
For clarity's sake, let me just say that the Featured MyO Wallpaper is the one that I'm currently using. Between hanging out with friends, practicing for my license, homework, work work, Naruto: Gekitou Ninja Taisen! 3 for Gamecube, Dragon Ball Z Budokai 3, GTA San Andreas, and schoolwork, my computer has been getting throughly neglected, along with a few hours of sleep that I've caught myself catching up on during Precalc, Microbio, and Psychology... -_-;
My weekend was pretty fun, I got to go over to my friends house and insult at least 40 people that I don't know on Xbox Live. I'd like to take this time to appologize to anyone that I offended on saturday, and also tell Brian that he better get more that two kills in a ame of 50 next time, or else he is officially named Dead weight for the remainder of his video game playing career. Sunday, I just stayed home and played Naruto all day. I've only got the Third and Itachi left to unlock. All in all, a good week. My Psyc teacher regaled us with an anecdote which enden with him calling his cat a lesbian because she likes his girlfriend better that him now. I can see absolutely no way how this week could get any better, other than it suddenly ending.
This is one of the main reasons why I switched to Firefox for my primary browser. If you value your sanity, listen to me when I say don't click the Detect Network Settings or Back links. It's your own fault if you do...
Kira Signing off.
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Saturday, October 16, 2004
BS Player Pwnz Media Player 10
Listening to: #40."Insomnie" by Les Nubians Current Series: Bleach Ep.1
Azumanga Daioh Ep.2
Naruto Ep.103
Outlaw Star Ep.18
Recently Completed Series: Wild Arms: Twilight Venom Featured MyO Wallpaper
It's absolutely true. Does Media Player give you a floating window that you can resize however you want? Does it give you a function to take screen captures of whatever you're watching? Can you set an entire playlist as your computer's wallpaper? I didn't think so.
It's come to my attention that I don't update much anymore.(Shocked? I was too...) Because of that fact, I've decided that I'll just do one big update whenever I have some time that isn't being devoured by the insatiable monster that is Senior Year. Not that anything deemed "big" will be over two paragraphs anyway...
Without the added weight of the snow and ice piled on top of it, Mount Everest weighs approximately 357 trillion pounds.
Kira Signing off.
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Friday, October 1, 2004
We Are Not Amused
Listening to: Mambo Number 5 By Lou Bega playing at the party next door (what a weak ass party...) Current Series: Naruto episode 102, Samurai Champloo episode 15, Outlaw Star episode 18
Name: StrikeGundam
Class: His Own
Occupation: Engineer, Avenger
Grades: Potential For Mischief-A+ Revenge-A++ Memory of People That Screw With Him-∞
Comments:Appears harmless at first glance, Doesn't play well with others.
Just in case you didn't know. I usually understand stuff in the pursuit of science and stuff, but the most taxing thing that we've ever done in my Psyc class is take notes, and maybe pay attention during the movie we watched two weeks ago... To keep with today table theme, here's the pearl for today.
 Name: BGY-11 Alias: The Big Guy Affiliation: USA(depending on where you saw him) Series: Big Guy and Rusty the Boy Robot Verdict: Kickass
Kira signing off.
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