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Kira Yamato
Shinken Alliance, Obcenely Cool People, Legendary Super Saiyajin's
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Kimba the White Lion was just Blanko the White Paper
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Gundam SEED(of course), Trigun, Kenshin, Coyboy Bebop, Love Hina, Detective Conan, Dai-Guard, Yu Yu Hakusho, Dragon Ball A(nything), Excel Saga, Eva, the list goes on for much longer
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| StrikeGundam
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Saturday, January 3, 2004
Pure Genius...
I feel that it is my duty to re-print this rant of Devidramon's(he's on the boards) on the evils of Pokemon versus the goodness of digimon. I know that it's long, but it's just great.
"Something about Pokemon trainers: Ash and company shouldn't be compared to Takato, but to Ken back in his Kaiser/Emperor days. Think of it. A Pokemon is sitting there minding is own business. Say a Pidgeot is looking for a nice, juicy Caterpie to feed to her hatchlings. Then, she hears something in the bushes. It's a human. Of course, she doesn't know that. To her, it's just another Pokemon. It's neither predator nor prey, and therefore irrelevant. Back to searching for food.
Or so she thinks. The creature takes out a red-and-white sphere, and tosses it on the ground. And suddenly, in a flash of red light, in the place of a sphere stands a Pokemon. Maybe it's the firey dragon Charizard, or the powerful Rhydon, a rhino made of solid granite. Maybe the telepathic, telekinetic Alakazam. Maybe the deceptively small, cute Pikachu.
The human gives the word, and the new Pokemon proceeds to beat the Pidgeot to within an inch of her life. The assailant will crush, shock, or burn the Pidgeot, until she is so weak, or injured, or simply in too much agony to move, and is lying on the ground, moaning. Once the beating ends, the human gleefully tosses a Pokeball, and the Pidgeot is struck by it, and the bands of red light wrap around it, sealing it in a sphere barely larger than a baseball. It then shrinks from baseball size to marble size to go into the human's pocket (hence Pocket Monsters.) Then, she's enslaved, and endure anything the captor wants. The rest of her life will consist of being caged inside the ball except for the few seconds the trainer lets her out to similarly crush other Pokemon, so that they will share her fate. She doesn't know or care what she's doing, she just does what her trainer tells her to do. Why? For the same reason she does everything, the only reason for which she'll do anything from now on: Her trainer told her to. And what of her children? Since their mother doesn't come back that night, or any night ever again, where does their food come from? Perhaps it doesn't, and they starve to death. Perhaps they are beaten bloody and, when sufficiently pounded, face the Pokeball and their mother's fate. The trainer doesn't stop to think about what he's done. It's just a game to him. Because, as the song said back in the first season, "there are a hundred and fifty or more to see, to be a Pokemon master is my destiny." So he's off to 'catch 'em all,' whistling as he enjoys the sound of Pidgeys singing. Little does he know why they're "singing:" They're calling for their mother, who left and never returned. And never will.
And if a Pokemon doesn't have any children, friends, or family (extremely unlikely) and the trainer is very nice, still, that doesn't change the score: he/she/it was most likely obtained in the same manner, stored in the same cage, and brought out for the same reasons. Brock's cool, but Onix spends his days in the Pokeball, not in the quarry with his brethren. Pidgeotto's story may very well be the one I described above. Ash sure didn't stop to find out. Nope, he's on his great Pokemon Journey, off to the next adventure!
The only person in Digimon to do that was the Digimon Emperor. Early in the season we see him on what he called a 'hunting expedition' and Ash calls a Pokemon journey. He tossed Dark Rings onto a couple of Gotsumon, and made them fight each other in the arena. The arena was one of his favorite forms of entertainment. Though he talks more nicely, Ash has Pokemon attack other Pokemon so he can capture them and make them fight. Yet Ash is considered the hero of Pokemon, while Ken was the sick, sadistic Digimon Emperor who makes a game of the suffering of others. What's the difference? Inquiring minds want to know.
So far, the difference I see is this: Ken was actually under the influence of the Dark Spore he got from his encounter with Millenniumon in the game. So the evil, sadistic Digimon Emperor was more Millenniumon than Ken, and when Ken finally overcame it, he practically went insane at the realization of what he's done and is still pretty fragile. His every action since making that realization has been to atone for his crimes. Ash, on the other hand, is doing it all under his own free will and it's still a game to him. Ken thought Digimon was all data in a computer, not actually alive, more like the most interactive video game ever. Simply realizing that Digimon were alive after all made him snap out of it. Ash knows full well that Pokemon are alive. Hasn't stopped him yet."
While I remember to tell you, if you guys want me to bring back my Pearls Of Wisdom(for examples, check my Archives), just leave a comment on this post. If enough people want it, back it goes!
Kira signing off.
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Thursday, January 1, 2004
Not Much to Say, Its New Years Day
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Wednesday, December 31, 2003
Its kind of funny; My total visits are 121, and my popularity rating is 444... Not to take away from Flava's site, but who do you think would win in a catfight between Polno Dianno and Morrigan Aenslan? If you've been to Flava's site, you know the drill.
You can find a pic of Morrigan here, and a pic of Polno here
 You are...theOtaku itself!
You're no newbie to the online anime scene, and everyone respects you. After all, a long time (and a name change or two ago!) you're the one who started everything off. You evolve slowly, but everyone knows each change is worth the wait. You've stuck around through thick and thin, and everyone can depend on you to be there.
Which theOtaku site are you? brought to you by Quizilla
Kira signing off.
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Tuesday, December 30, 2003
Strike Is On The Boards
I am now on the boards under the same name. Also, I would like to take the time to show everyone this site. It has everything that you would ever need to know about Gundam, among other things. Don't forget to sign my guestbook.
Kira signing off.
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Saturday, December 27, 2003
Random Member
Its really dismal how many people started a Myotaku account and just gave up early on. I want to take this time to thank everyone who stuck with it and riddle you this: does Adam check Every Myotaku site?
Look for me on the boards, and don't sign my guestbook.
Kira signing off.
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Friday, December 26, 2003


Aren't they beautiful?!?!?!
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Wednesday, December 24, 2003
Always Leave Them Wanting More...
I really sorry people, its just that I bought Mobile Suit Gundam: Encounters in Space and its really really good. I'm glad that I didn't get screwed over like somebody in a certain EXAM system... Anyway Merry Christmas and remember: at least I update more than Altron Gundam...
Kira signing off.
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Monday, December 1, 2003
You people know...
...That I wasn't playing when I proposed a coalition of sites. There may or may not be some backstabbing going on. we need a little more trust.
These are the translated verses on The Sun God Ra's(or the Winged Dragon Of Ra to you dubbies) Card(thanks to ExPeRiMeNt_JON’s YuGiOh CoSmOs over at
Verse One:
Great beast of the sky
Please hear my cry
Transform thy self from orb of light
And bring me victory in this fight
Verse Two:
Envelop the desert with your glow
And cast your rage upon my foe
Unlock your powers from deep within
So that together, we may win
Verse Three:
Appear in this Shadow Game
As I call your name,
Winged Dragon of Ra!
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Thursday, November 27, 2003
Tryptothan Overload
Not much to say, Happy Turkey Day!
There are no successful anime or manga series that feature turkeys (Probably because turkeys are so idiodic that on a rainy day, a turkey will look up at the sky until it drowns...{dumber than Captain Gundam...})
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Tuesday, November 25, 2003
Adrift In A Sea Of Loneliness...
...With only my Strike, and a few friends for company. I'm sick of it? How much longer will we be disunified bunch of Otakuites? From this moment, I propose an alliance, a coalition, call it what you will, where we faithfully support each other, and elevate each other to a position of awe and admiration, instead of expending useless excess energy trying to "be better than the next guy, even if there will always be someone better. Rarely is there some better coalition. No longer will we be disunified like so many grains of sand scattered to the wind, but instead be a sentry standing in defiance to the storm! WHO IS WITH ME?!...Anyone?
{May Contain Spoilers If You Havn't Seen All Of DBZ, DBGT, And the DBZ Movies}
Krillin is a very pivotal and arguably the MOST important character in DBZ AND DBGT. Why you ask? Because:
1.)Without Krillin, Goku wouldn't have felt enough rage to turn Super Saiyan and defeat Frieza(at that point, he didn't feel much for Vegeta, and c'mon, you've seen the DBZ movies, no matter how strong, no one EVER kills Gohan while Piccolo is around.)
2.)Krillin held Vegeta's and(through his patriarch) Trunks' lives in his hands. If he had followed through with what he intended, the androids would have destroyed the planet, or if we lived long enough Killed by Buu because of the absence of Vegetto, or, if the surviving people of the planet were really lucky killed Janemba or the evil One Star Dragon because of the absence of Gogeta.
3.)Krillin single-handedly saved Gohan's life in Movie 10(the one where Brolly returns)
4.)The loss of Krillin sealed the end of Super Android 17.
Kira signing off.
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