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myOtaku.com: StrikeGundam

Tuesday, July 13, 2004

   Ah The Innocence(Lack Of Sense?)Of Youth

Listening To: Realize Tamaki Nami
Current Series: Tenjou Tenge
Episode 3

I'm watching my nine year old nephew play my copy of The Legend of Zelda the Windwaker as I type this, and he's up to the Part where you get up to the Foresaken Fortress for first time. Around the ninth or tenth time that I watched poor Link's face hit the cold stone floor of his jail cell, I said to my frustrated nephew, "Dude, the barrel. Just pick up the barrel..."

"Why?" He replied like I had just calmly asked him to sprout wings and fly to Guam to get me a soda. I just shook my head and continued to watch him roll into the Moblin Guards in an attempt to incapacitate them, and listen to him muse about Link being able to scale walls...

The last time that I tried to update here, I composed a magnificent piece of material for all of you to read. However, as I pressed the add post button, that dreaded SOB of the Cannot Find Server page came up. On an unrelated note, I changed my browser to Mozilla, and I'm quite happy with its lack of that damn page features. Needless to say, I was pissed off. So pissed off that I left my MyO to fester for a while.

Today's Pearl is gonna be a combination of that last post's Pearl (courtesy of www.gamewinners.com) and the normal Pearl that I always include(courtesy of a bottle of Snapple). Now if you'll excuse me, I hear the now familiar sound of an alarm going off, coupled with the loud cries of "But I got so far!" from my nephew.

(Part 1)
In the Donkey Kong arcade game, the Mario character's actual name was Jumpman.

(Part 2)
The fastest served ball in tennis was clocked at 154 mph in 1963.

Kira Signing Off.

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