stupid person
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Sunday, September 24, 2006
Hey I am really bored as usual. Well I have nothing at all to do right now. When I am bored i always feel like making myself bleed or I feel like cutting myself. There is like nothing on tv. I hate when that happens. Well I got to go see ya.
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Saturday, September 23, 2006
Hey I am probably going to hate today because my aunt is making me go shopping with her. I HATE shopping with her. She is a huge PREP. I hate preps there way to happy and annoying. Well I have to go. See ya. Oh yeah and supprisingly I havent made myself bleed today. I usually do it every day. Well see ya.
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Friday, September 22, 2006
Hey sorry I havent updated in a while I guess Ive been to depressed. One of my friends at school today kept on calling me emo because I was making myself bleed. I am really bored. There is never anything I can do. Oh today at school was picture day. I HATED it. Whats worse is my mom bought the pictures. Which that sucks ass. I dont really have much to say so I might update tomarro if I have the time.
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Saturday, September 16, 2006
Hey I am really bored I kinda feel depressed right now ..... actually all this week and last. i guess I havent wanted to be happy. There is also something that is bothering but I dont want to say what. Everyone at my school is in love with myspace. Two of my friends hated myspace but now there like adicted to it and almost never come on myotaku. There has been an up to my week because my friend taught me more japanese she knows alot cause she is from japan. Well sorry I havent updated in a while I just havent felt like it well Im gonna go. See ya.
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Wednesday, September 6, 2006
Hey was up I am so bored. Right now I am at school and we were allowed to go on the computers. The computers here suck ass. They are so slow and some sites it wont go to but I am glad it will come here. Well school is boring as usual. I am so glad I didnt have to dress out today in gym. I hate doing that. I really hate everything about gym. Well got to go see ya.
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Thursday, August 31, 2006
Hey i am sooooo bored today at school we had to take a reading benchmark test. It was the STUPIDIST thing I have ever done I have to take the math one on like september 15. I hate taking tests they are so boring. School is so boring even though I am usually texting my sister on my phone. The teachers never see it. Well my mom is yelling at me to get off the computer so see ya.
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Thursday, August 17, 2006
Hey I am so tired and bored right now. It was so boring at school all I did was read articles and read my history book in that class and I HATE gym. They are making us run around cones and it makes me feel like a retard a lot. In gym they also make us jog around the track once every day and it is hot here in jacksonville, Florida. It is way too hot here. well my mom is making me get off the computer see ya.
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Wednesday, August 16, 2006
Hey today at school was so much fun. I have an imaginary purple ferret and its name is Sam. It likes to eat space chocolate.Oh and also today....I got a lot of hugs... wanna guess how many............................................................................................................................................................I GOT FIFTY SEVEN HUGS !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! I have never ever gotten that many hugs in one day and I beat my friend by about twenty five. I am sooooooooooo...happy. Well I am very very very very very very very very very...bored. Well my aunt and dad are yelling at me to get off the computer. So well see ya.
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Tuesday, August 15, 2006
Hey I am bored I just got back from my schools stupid open house. There are a lot of people in my school. Today I did something sooooo special.... and it is awesome..... wanna know what it is?..... I GOT TWENTY TWO HUGS TODAY AT SCHOOL. I have never gotten that many hugs before at school... but my friend got thirty one hugs but tomarow I am going to get more than her. Well got to go. See ya.

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Monday, August 14, 2006
Hey sorry I havent been updated in a while I started school last monday and have been busy. I am so tired. Its the second week of school and my history teacher gave me two reports one is due tomaro and the other is due on friday But the good thing is we work on it in a group. I just finished my part of the report and it didnt take too long and I am glad. I have been bored too. There is like nothing to do when I get home from school. I hate our new buses here they are ugly and have no radio or air conditioning and its hot outside because I live in Florida. Well got to go. See ya.
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